Planting trees is the one and only way to save the white race

planting trees is the one and only way to save the white race

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But trees can reproduce naturally.

burning blastic will increase levels of CO2 and water in the atmosphere, primary foodsource of plants.

And fertilize them with (((ashes)))

most of the planet's oxygen comes from the ocean
you just need a dozen simultaneously spilled tankers for a total and immediate armageddon

stop saying this in my threads you shill

Not that I am against planting trees, but how will that convince whites to stop jacking off to anime and getting abortions so we can have more children? Babies don't grow on trees.

But I'll be damned if I'm going to pay some greedy whites to plant all those trees! Let's lobby the government so I can import an honest hard-working blown underclass who understands the value of a hard day's work at $2.50 an hour and all the dirt you can sleep on

I've successfully scared white people in my neigboorhood and gym into having more children

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I have not convinced any so far, they seem to be terrified of having kids it is very frustrating. Even showing them I live well with my children does not convince them.


stop putting trash on my politics board. I already have dozens of trees on my property. when the sun comes up in 3 hours I will put a video on this board where I chop down a tree and mention your post.

negative motivation is more powerful than positive
I said that they were going to go extinct thats literally all for non whites i say that blonde chics are gonna go extinct if you fuck them all


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Nothing seems to work, negative or positive they won't put the damn phone down for 5 minutes to give a shit. I am thinking we need to bring in South African refugees and maybe slavs to reestablish the border here, we need some hardier whites who are not such creatures of comfort.

are you white and having kids yourself?

Yes, I have 2 with more on the way.

>just two


Reminder that Jews hate trees and nature. Which is why they all live in the desert or in cities.

The increased foliage will awaken the inner spirit of the white man, who is one with nature.

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Wife had to give birth by emergency c-section the first time, we have to space them by two years between each pregnancy.

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I agree 100% on that. Whites are the masters of botany and agriculture, I collect odd plants, my house is full of them, my neighbors have begun to do the same after seeing our's. I live in a mostly white area walled off area.

Do they absorb EMF radiation?

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yes obviously