>'Russia can't be trusted' >'The kids they send to study here have no class' >'New money' >'Extremely rude and unfriendly' >'No manners' >'AIDS-riddled'
This was what people said during our company dinner last night (it's a massive multinational).
So what do Russians think of Britain, America and the EU? Are the feelings mutual?
Everyone seems to actively dislike Russia here since Salisbury.
Im glad you west cucks are gonna die soon you are more focused on russians and other nations that are no harm to you than niggers and muslims destroying your country.
Russians don't really think about Britain, when they think about other countries, 70% of the time they obsess about their immediate neighbors and the former USSR bloc, 10% of the time each they think about the EU as a whole, the USA and China Not much else really
Jack Myers
Sometimes I think I live in a totalitarian police state but then I remember that Britain exists and I don't feel that bad.
Asher Walker
Replace “Russians” with Arabs and I agree 100%.
Jack Myers
Sissy hooligans.
Nolan Collins
isnt you nation basically dead as you are turk rapebabies and nothing more?
Carter Bailey
Replace Russia with Africa.
Are you free to say any of that without repercussions?
Those same people who hate Russia today, they will hate someone else tomorrow. Lying gives them the feeling of being in control.