Lifting, getting strong and fit feels nice

>Lifting, getting strong and fit feels nice
>having a hobby or doings you enjoy on your own is nice too
As a man i have a desire for a qt. Where did you find you gf Jow Forums?

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>As a man i have a desire for a qt
focus on removing that desire

I have no opportunity to meet women anymore. Shit sucks. I always hope it'll be like a movie and I'll meet a girl in a shop or something, but that's a pipe dream desu

Do you know where you are? This is Jow Forums, none of us have gfs. No homo.

So you have no desire to procreate in the future?

Same since i dont want a club slut and you cant hit on chicks where you eat... what else is there?
The library only has school kids... honestly user the market sounds like the only place now fuck. But my mom does the grocerry shopping kek
Not true. Theres a bunch of normies here with gfs now..

>So you have no desire to procreate in the future?
nope. i suppress the fuck out of it. family life is mediocrity

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lol, you think you're gonna be able to kill jews while you have a family to feed? i like being expendable

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So you dont want to pass on a legacy?

>your children are your legacy
i seriously don't understand this meme. just think, do you know your great-great-grandpas name? i doubt it. do you know the name of alexander the great's father? your legacy is your actions. i want to be remembered for not cucking out. for having the balls to die fighting like a man. i want god to be proud of me, thats my dream

Omegle, not even kidding.
My first and only, she's my ex now tho.

Alexanders father was phillip lol

>i want god to be proud of me, that is my dream

Stopped reading right there.

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>i want god to be proud of me
God demands us to be fruitful and multiply. Getting married/having kids makes God proud. Rebelling against his wishes does not.

I knew Alexander the Great's father was Phillip without even having to google, faggot.

Women weaken legs. Girlfriends long term lower your testosterone, especially if you live together.

As for later, hit up east asia. You won't even have to try. qts will want you for your white genes.

revelation 14:2-5
>And I heard a voice from heaven, as the noise of many waters, and as the voice of great thunder; and the voice which I heard, was as the voice of harpers, harping on their harps. [3] And they sung as it were a new canticle, before the throne, and before the four living creatures, and the ancients; and no man could say the canticle, but those hundred forty-four thousand, who were purchased from the earth. [4] These are they who were not defiled with women: for they are virgins. These follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were purchased from among men, the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb: [5] And in their mouth there was found no lie; for they are without spot before the throne of God.
nothing wrong with dying a virgin

Agreed but I assume anyone that doesn't want a wife/kid is planning on just doing their own thing/fucking whores till their death bed.

Nothing wrong with being a virgin at all.

lol whatever, you get the point i was making

you can thank me for making this image brah

>Stopped reading at the end of the post

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At church
>tfw all of your friends married virgins

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Unironically tinder. You can shame me if you’d like

Is 18 too young for a 23 yr?


Girls think I'm good looking I guess but I have no idea how to talk to them in a sexual manner. Girls have told me I look good before and stuff. However I cannot progress beyond small talk or friendly conversation, I am incapable of escalating even if a girl explicitly tells me she wants me to fuck her before a date (happened once, the most I did was put my arm around her at a park). My tinder matches think I'm boring I guess because they dont reply back half the time.

Basically what Im saying is looks are only part of the equation, they might get your foot in the door but you have to be able to close the deal. If you're a sperg like me, you can be fit, but if you dont know what to do or when to do it you'll fuck up.

>But my mom does the grocery shopping
Either you're young enough that you don't need to worry about having a gf yet, or you need to move the fuck out of your parents' house.

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>still left on read today
>even though I saw her last just over a week ago
Surely this means she’s into me and is just being shy, right lads? She did this last time too, taking so long to reply back and then agreeing to going out. Fuck it’s just so unnerving...

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Expand your culture, read books. Try new things. Play a teamsport.

This will help you

>Get heart broken in 2014
>tfw ever since then, I haven't fallen in love with a girl
>Become incredibly cynical on romance and love
>Sometimes want a gf, but always decide against it
>Go back to playing vidya and lifting

What do?

>tfw have a few girls mirin
>only girl I'm attracted to is 8 years older and in a committed relationship

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>meet a girl through my new job i just started
>we make eye contact as we're walking in on the first day
>i sit next to her during orientation and then again during the next week of training
>she's nerdy looking and kind of weird
>she has some weird tic where she'll randomly shiver and make a hiccup-like noise
>it's cute as fuck
>she sits in the classroom by herself during lunch and i sit with her and strike up conversation repeatedly over the next week
>put together the pieces that she's the sister of a girl i knew in high school/college. we literally live like 5 min away from each other
>over the next two weeks she really seems into me. we sit together at lunch and she gives me a bunch of roundabout compliments
>we make eye contact around a hundred times a day since we sit on opposite sides of class now for this next portion of training
>she looks at me whenever she laughs and shares random food with me without me even asking and has offered to bake shit to bring to me
>today, said fuck it
>messaged her on instagram and asked her if she wanted to get some food with me today
>she replies two hours later saying that her notifications were off but she has to go clean her grandparent's place and drive them home or something but also says "raincheck?"
>i figured this was an easy let-down and get kinda bummed
>respond with some gay shit like "yeah haha it was kind of sudden notice but it would be nice to hang out not in a work setting"
>ten seconds later she says "i'm free all next week if you wanna do something then"
>give her my number to "hit me up not on ig sometime" and she then gives me hers
>still havent texted her because im just gonna wait to see her on monday to see if anything has changed in the way she acts around me

not sure how to play this one, fellas. hopefully i'm not reading into things too much. wish me luck out there.

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looks good to me dude, she definitely seems interested

my only apprehension is that maybe she's just a nice person and i'm misinterpreting that as romantic interest since i tried to be friends with her the past couple of weeks. who knows, i guess i'll see. the only real evidence i have that she might be attracted to me is that we look at each other a lot randomly during class and one day she dropped a line about "everybody looking cute in glasses" (i wear them obviously)

Don’t overthink it my man. Don’t get attached to her emotionally until she flat out says she likes you- until then, she’s just a random girl you’re talking to. Think of it this way - if she was the you message you once a week or two, asking to hang out, would you think ‘ah geez how annoying is this girl’? Absolutely not. Girls can easily learn to like guys they never would have acknowledged so long as they get attention. So just treat her like a friend, ask her if she’s busy on x day and go from there. Don’t for a second think you’re being too forward or annoying. Go and get her, buddy.

u right. no real risk of getting emotionally attached right now i don't think. i just got out of a shitty relationship with my original oneitis. just feel kind of numb about women lately but also excited that maybe something good will come of it. definitely not gonna put all my eggs in one basket rn. anyway thanks for talking to me at 4 am on Jow Forums bro.

Honestly, you want the secret discord tech? Put yourself out there. Seriously, just live your life and pursuit you ambitions and when a girl that you think is cute, talk to her. Just go up to her talk to her about anything that is at hand. Say she is a college student, ask her about the class she is taking. Say she has a dog, ask her about the dog. Put yourself out there and if you see someone, anyone just spend some time talking to them. It is really simple. If she is interested she will put herself out there too and you will be able to tell if she wants together again.

>I fucked up.
>Low testosterone and lonelyness 10 years ago made me try gay dating sites
>Got fucked up the ass one time and fucked a guy up the ass another time.
>Regretted it all and deleted all evidence of my pressence on those dating sites
>Lucky as fuck i did not get an STDs
>10 years latter still single and never had a girlfriend

Can I just pretend I'm still a virgin?

You are so anxious it's unreal. Just do it.

Anyone else ever go on a pay to date? Biggest regret of my life pre-Jow Forums.

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As much as Jow Forums autists will try and tell you, not everyone plays games.

If she didn't say no, she didn't say no. She literally said "I'm free all next week" and you're sitting here like an autist ruminating. I bet you're one of THESE children who ruminates over Active now/Seen notifications instead of fucking living their life.

Literally fake being a balanced human being until you stop compulsively checking if they've seen your snapchat/read your message/etc. and life will be far more kind to you.

Let me share with you anons the one time I was a smooth motherfucker.
>Drinking with friends at one of their apartments
>By this point I am near blackout drunk, for some reason we decide to go get ice cream since Coldstone is right across the street
>We leave
>They are maybe 30 minutes from closing so it is pretty empty
>qt at the counter
>No way I would ever hit on a girl because I'm usually autistic but for some reason on this night I could do no wrong
>All my friends were pretty sober
>I walk up to the ice cream display, and as I am going to introduce myself I face plant on to it
>The girls behind the counter are hysterical
>I tell them to "surprise me" with what they give me
>No idea what they gave me
>"So can we get anything else for you?"
>"Yeah, your number."
>They all laugh and an old couple who was inside are laughing too
>She gives it to me
>I pass out on my friend's couch, no idea where her number went
>The next weekend I go back and ask if they remember me
>One calls me party animal or something
>"Well look, here's the thing... I kind of lost your number. I mean, you could probably tell I was drunk, but this time I'm stone cold sober. Or maybe you could say I'm coldstone sober."
>She laughs and says I'm korny as fuck and she loves that
>Been with her 3 months now
We're all gonna make it brahs

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Hey fuck you asshole, if you did that shit to a guy (read his message while you’re online and then don’t reply for 6 hours) you’d get your head smashed in. Pointing that out doesn’t at all make me imbalanced.

You can't know everything that is happening. Only assholes and Jow Forums autists assume malice when people leave you on seen. Just use good ol' occams razor when you start having your little panic attack.

A guy wouldn't get so emotional over a fucking message dude lmfao. Get a grip, control yourself. I'm not trying to be a dick (granted I was fair rude to you in my first post) but there are better things to do with your effort than worry so much about being left on seen.

Saying that, if you want actual advice I'm willing to give it to you if you wanna vent on an anonymous Serbian basketweaving image board.

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Nah senpai I’m good, it’s not like I go telling all my m8s ‘LEFT ON READ BOYS WOOO’, or anything. She’s a busy gal so it’s probably that, or just that she simply doesn’t wanna reply right now. I get it, but it’s fun to be pessimistic on this Mongolian horse wrestling forum.

U are a beast if this is real

I haven't. The only attention I can get is from pudgy/homely girls.

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Should have brought her out earlier than that

It's not even that hard, just make friends and get invited to parties, as long as you aren't part of a coven of virgins you should meet girls ez

>open Jow Forums
>see pic
>leave Jow Forums

That was cute as fuck.
Don't let it get in the way of your gains.

I know it sounds weird. I found her on tinder

>i seriously don't understand this
It's pretty simple, really. That white stuff that comes out when you touch yourself down there carries your DNA into the egg.
Glad we could have this talk, son. Let me or your mother know if you have any more questions about how things work.

>stronk as fuck
>get a gf
>cute as fuck
>best sex of my life
>both comfortable with each other
>cuddles, hugs, kisses could go on for hours

>doesnt want to hold my hand

brehs its nice but i want to hold a fucking hand

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The secret is to let go - were all gonna make it

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holy shit dude fucking text her

lmaoing @ your life

you're fucking autistic

If you don't have any friends, you need to make one or two.
I've met all my girlfriends through other friends.
No girl wants to agree to meet a guy who she meets one-on-one. Women's biggest fear is meeting a serial killer. (Look it up fag).
Spend time with your mom, or your sister if you have one.
I've met girls and gotten numbers and made out and all that in the same day that I had started by taking my family out.
That's how to get the good girls, focus on people who ACTCHSHUALLY love you.

Keep pushing m8, it's not over until it's over.
t. I have that feel

I just installed Tinder, still together with my gf after almost 2 years.

>No girl wants to agree to meet a guy who she meets one-on-one.
Does m'lady require a chaperone for our promenade this evening? A gentleman such as I would have it no other way!

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Ya got me there bud.
I'm a little deep in my cups, so I don't think I put my point across very well.
I've banged some broads that I met through friends the same night that I met them.
I wouldn't even go out alone, so I couldn't tell you the results of that.
Going out alone just seems creepy.
I mean going out alone to meet strangers.
Going out alone with someone from the internet is just gay.
There are no women on the internet.
If you're talking to a woman on the internet right now, I got bad news for ya guy, it's a fucking dude.

Can you tell me the third person to walk on the moon, without googling? Chances are, no way. You gonna tell me being the third person on the moon is not an achievement one should be remembered for?

Being remembered is overrated, methinks. Its a nice idea, but it has no true meaning of its own. And if an action has meaning, I think being remembered for it becomes irrelevant.

I leave people on read all the time because I have better shit to do than sit down and carry on a conversation. You want to talk to me? Go run with me for 3 hours then. Otherwise you can wait

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My instinct is to ask why I would ask her about things I don’t care about. After all, I don’t particularly enjoy talking about those things for myself, even if I were enjoying the company of the person who asked me.

>fake being a balanced human being
How does one go about doing that?


>before asking gf to gf take her on date
>holds my hand/arm/bicep
>never held hands before
Woo. Now she just holds hands all the time and while I love it the first time she cuddled up and held my hand was awesome.
Fuck now I wish I wasn’t half the world away from her I feel lonely again. Just a couple days

just went on an afternoon date with some girl on tinder
being only 5'7 is such a big disadvantage ffs

Happy for you user

you're one of the dumbest autists i've ever seen on this place

Haha he thought getting a gf be more easy with a great body
>Hé actualy Fell for the meme

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Excuse this blog post but my gg grandpa was Christian from Bavaria. Came over to USA, set up farmland and famously (in our family) had to amputate his own foot with only whisky available as a pain reliever. Fuck you and your non-family pride

>tfw don’t know how to live up to the standards of my forefathers who toiled and died so that I might live

>do you know the name of alexander the great's father?

fetlife dominatrix ad

Literally I just want to die alone, people make me misrable.

>i am the exception
>so fug evry1 else

wow nice argument, shitwipe. you missed the point completely.

fucking hell, even a monkey who could only comprehend sign language would have understood what he was trying to say:

what matters is not about 'muh legacy' because legacy is not remembered like the actions and memories of your own individual life.

who the fuck will be even slightly interested for more than 0.00000000000001 milliseconds when you say some shit like "Oh yes, my great-great-grandfather was a filthy illiterate tosspot peasant who once cut his own foot off."

Your own children or grandchildren wouldn't care to hear that shit if you told them, it's nothing important. Which is the point! You ponder about 'muh legacy' as if it is remarkably important. It's just bullshit storytelling summed up in a sentence or two about a person's life, none of it is significant. The exceptions are historical figures.

P.S. Bavaria < Preussen

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I felt this way for 25 years. I was happy with video games, youtube videos, and doing shit all alone. I was this way all through grade school, college, and a couple years of work.

I suddenly stopped wanting to kill myself a month or two ago. I actually want to meet people now. I want to make friends and find a qt gf but its been 25 years of not being social. How the fuck do I start now? I have 0 friends and friends in this city and Im so far behind.

Help /fit. How do I meet people? I run, gym, snowboard, hike, etc but I have no one to do it with. I have the fire and the spark, but no tinder to keep it going. Im afraid Im going to fall back to my old ways if I dont succeed.

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Good work, enjoy it to the fullest

I always plan to do this but then I always feel it is obvious I just talked to her because I think she is cute and I want to fuck her. Or what does a girl think is the reason some random dude talks to her about her dog or some shit.


that tic will get ANNOYING AS FUCK after a while

Unironically got a 8/10, way out of my league, hudnreds of likes on instagram girl who I've met irl and fucked and who rlly likes me through Reddit.

Literally can't believe it sometimes

Honestly at this point I'm living just to die. I'm too fucking weird and introverted to ever get a gf unless she is obese or disabled. The sad part is I've got a pretty good career started but I don't even care, I'd be more happy working at McDonalds with a gf and family to support than making 60k a year alone.

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>Jow Forums

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My great-great-grandpa's name was John, we're on like John IV now. Lmao what are you from some kind of mutt immigrant family? Truly plebeian.

Thread probably got moved as it's not fitness related.