So, what do white people eat for Christmas?

So, what do white people eat for Christmas?

My Eastern European friend says his carp is already in his bathtub.

We normally just have a buffet in a 5 star hotel back home (Singapore).

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ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes w gravy and i might make some high octane egg nogg for the senpai

I'm having vodka for chistmas this year.

Duck, Pig, potatoes (sweet and plain), steamed red cale, various vegetables - boiled peas/carrots, lots of sauce/gravy and sweet pears is what our usual christmas dinnertable looks like.

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Turkey and stuffing you idiot. Same as Thanksgiving

Dunno about everyone else, but my family eats Sauerbraten and Spatzel every Christmas.

jewish babies

The fuck is that on the left?

Grandmother has turkey, roast beef and is trying slices of venison this year. With all the veg and potatoes you want with gravy and cranberry sauce.
We also decided to change the starter so were having crab and lobster with other seafood.

Cant fucking wait.

You're a husk of a human being whose worth is based on the public perception of the 1-dimensional identity you project to obfuscate the fact that you lack a living soul and are little more than animated meat.

I have kilos of veggies and about a dozen quail that I bought for my nan's christmas dinner. then she decided to drop a bomb on the family by mentioning today she gambled away $700000 this year. nobody wants to visit her for christmas. nobody is going to eat my quails.


Chinese food
t. Jew

Looks like fish jelly, i'm not huge fan but it's a traditional christmas dish around here too

>turning your back on a family member with a clear problem
What the fuck cunt?

I got in the spirit this year and I'm making mulled wine. Normal dinner besides that.

"Honey, is the carp in the bathtub?"


fucking bitch. I have to do everything.

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This was solid.

Prime rib and backstrap (venison) Wellington. Along with the usual sides

Black forest ham, potatoes and gravy, turkey breast, green beans, hominy, baked macaroni and cheese, egg nog and rolls followed by sauerkraut and pork for new years.

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>what do white people eat for Christmas?
How fucking stupid are you that you dont know the answer to this AND for posting it in Jow Forums?
Open your eyes, gook

Ham & rolls, potato salad, baked beans, sweet potatoes, asparagus & green beans. We sometimes have kielbasa too but not this year, will probably save for easter.

So she decided to have fun with her money instead of giving it to you ungrateful fucks when she dies and now you're all pissy about it


Blah, I'm still going to have christmas with her. As far as I am concerned, it was her money to spend however she wanted. Her kids are just salty cunts.

I would eat your quails user.

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Pierogis, kielbasa, and golumpki

why are there fritos floating in the cranberry sauce

Probably the traditional Christmas pizza. I usually wind up working on Christmas, and what family I have left, I cannot stand being around.

In Belgium we usually eat game meats like pheasant, dear, roe, hare, boar, quail... accompanied by quality vegetables and stuff like celery or parsnip puree

Danish christmas food and christmas in general is superior to other countries. Ive celebrated christmas in different places but nothing comes close to our soul food and cozyness.

Is it true jewish people eat chinese food and watch bad movies on christmas eve?

Wouldnt surprise me, fucking sad.

You fucking Jew...this year I've convinced my family to have a bbq and do up bacon cheeseburgers...
Did you see that rat? Bacon...from a pig...and I usually kill the pig myself...and it isn't either Halal nor Shabat...
Fucking jew...

Turkey beef and potatoes

what the actual fuck is that

I eat fat dicks

i suddenly want to take a bath with a carp

Pic related; dear with caramalized endives

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>american culture

>bbq and bacon chessburgers on Christmas

Ask me again why I want canda raked.


7 types of fish nigga. We eat GOOD. It's an Italian tradition or some shit
Lobster, fluke, crab, salmon, and whatever else suits our fancy that year. Then ofc got that goof ass prime rib and my mother's mashed sweet potatoes. My grandma makes perogies which are super dank, and then we got green beans and Brussels sprouts and some other vegetable dishes.

I love having an Italian family. Leftovers for a week, easily.

Wait that's a jewish thing? WTF DAD

Our carp is already chopped up and salted with his fellow catfish. Their heads, spines and some smaller fishes are boiled and mashed into a broth with a shitton of paprika for tomorrow's fisherman's soup. The stuffed cabbage is also almost ready, it will be finished for the big family dinner tomorrow.

>nothing comes close to our soul food and cozyness.

post pics

pic related is not mine, came from /ck/

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yeah what about it

That's gay

>Leftovers for a week, easily.

>mfw all the lads bring in turkey sandwiches to work

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my family heats up a bunch of totinos pizza rolls and we all eat them together while we open presents

Fuck off Chink

We’d go to Chinese food. Not even Jewish but you’d see a lot of yids.

>ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes w gravy
Good shit
>green bean casserole
Just about to leave the house to go buy ingredients to make some. Fucking love me some of that green bean casserole

We're eating venison we shot

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What kind of "5-star" hotel has a buffet? Is this a common thing in Singapore? Buffets are the domain of poor, fat people in the U.S. (and maybe the few rich, fat people who got rich off of owning a plumbing company or something like that).

beef tenderloin

that shit is the most annoying holiday meal
Spend an eternity to prepare your little pan thing to end up with a tiny portion, that you eat in only 2 bites.
Prepare another one
Put it in the oven thing

eastern europe here.

we drink hot wine and eat gingerbreads.

>buffets can't be high end
Dis nigger never done brunch.

Buffets are a 5 star hotel staple in Asian countries. We can't get enough of them and there's all sorts of things on offer.

That's the Sofitel manila's buffet.


that's when you make polite conversation.

or just stay home with a pile of pic-related and shitpost on Jow Forums like I do.

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Doesnt look like much, but the way everything is prepared makes it amazing. The crisp duck, tender on the inside together with the brown sauce and caramelized potatoes. Then you have the sweet red kale with the pork and crispy flæskesværd. Theres alot more but all the names of the dishes are in danish and doesnt translate to english.

ur gay

Christmas carp

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I'll be making a prime rib dinner with mashed potatoes and a salad.
Only feeding 2 people this christmas.

I did make char siu from scratch two days ago for a christmas party where I was one of 3 white people there and the rest were all asians of the chinese, korean, and flip variety.

Forgot picture... Sorry senpai

Må du have en glædelig jul og et godt nytår

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Only peasants eat leftovers. Kys

Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Taters, Jello Salad (home made of course), Gravy, Buttered bread rolls, trifle, eggnog, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce,

I'm a 47 year old NEET living on social security. I am not welcome by my relatives due to my love of MLP and Trump.
I will eat two $6 thin crusts alone.

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Shitloads of ham and salmon in different forms, potato casserole, sour potato casserole, carrot casserole, turnip casserole, beet salad, gluchwein, gingerbread cookies, christmas pastries with plum marmalade, karelian stew, karelian pastries, lutefisk and tons and tons of chocolate

Basically thanksgiving again at my house.

I'll stick my Polish Christmas, thanks.

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this. chinks celebrating christmas is a no-go.

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my family tolerates me, but will not openly discuss politics in my presence for fear of getting BTFO

>My Eastern European friend says his carp is already in his bathtub.

We had the same tradition here when I was a kid. Honestly, it was kind of weird to not be able to wash for a day, but instead name the carp in the tub. Then my grandma would take it out and slaughter it and cook it in the oven.

Carp is awful, by the way.

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christmas carp

nothing for financial reasons. fuck me

I'm a white person. This is a picture of my Christmas dinner last year. I've got a recipe if anyone is interested.

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Don't know about whites but Finns eat for Yule
Root vegetable casseroles
Raw fish
Pickled Baltic sea herring
Salad with beets carrots potatoes and onions

Last year my family challenged me about Climate Change. Sort of like an intervention. I broke every argument in half demanding any of them provide 1 single research paper or peer reviewed article showing a millimeter of sea level rise. The all spent 20 minutes googling and couldn't find anything. I wasn't invited to thanksgiving or Christmas this year. Looks like it is just me and rainbow dash this year.

>Carp is awful, by the way.
Its good in a soup.

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Roasted wild boar with mashed potatoes, pears cooked in porto, green beans with bacon.
Traditional "ice cream log" (pic related) as desert.

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This is what I ate for Christmas 2017.

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It's not delivery

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Depends. Some people will eat Wiener and potato salad on christmas eve, some eat carp (with families from Silesia mostly), mostly it's easy meals on Christmas Eve (used to be a fasting day) and the heavy meal follows on the 1st christmas holiday (Things like Goose or Roasts)

>carp is awful
If you don't know how to prepare it

>Wiener and potato salad

The absolute state of Germany. Just amazing.

We have fondue bourguignonne tomorrow evening. Filet mignon and champignon mushrooms cooked on metals skewers in oil on the Christmas table. With several salads, parsley potatoes, home made different sauces, french baguette, and red wine, typically Cabernet Sauvignon.

P.S. the secret is the different sauces, essentially herbal sauces, Worcestershire based self made mayonnaise sauce, our own special sauce, sour cream sauce etc.

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My grandma put it in the oven, seasoned, with all kinds of veggies. Honestly, it wasn’t for me and still isn’t. I am more of a beef guy.

it's a tradition you nigger

Prime Rib

other than the ones that look outright disgusting, the pictures in this thread just look like there's not much variety nor abundance of food, bland dishes, and faux class. my mother just makes 20 delicious dishes that we all like and we eat a bit of everything we want and take the rest home to eat for the next few days. i'm sure if we still had a restaurant, we'd have 30+ dishes on the table.
all of that looks quite horrid. it's like they're trying to mimic quality dishes with excrement.
deer, dear.
which is why it's considered garbage outside of asia

Biggest religious event of the year... and you eat 1 euro wieners and freaking mayonnaise ruined German style potatoe salad.

Why don’t you just open a bag of kraut?

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>I am more of a beef guy
Don't worry I dislike carp too, so with fried carp we also have schnitzel to choose from

Dumpling in red borscht Jerome. Stop making us look bad.

whatever my mommy makes

Bavarian potato salad is without mayonaise. It's supposed to be a humble meal, because of fasting and in remembrance of the holy family. Feasting is on christmas day.

My entire family are NPC's.
They eat whatever the grocery store's magazine tells them to eat for Christmas that year.

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You are 100% correct and seem like a decent person.

Im ready for Xmass bros!

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Are you wearing a dress?

I would love a cake and truck dinner.