I think my wife is cheating on me

We've been married for 8 years so if I'm going to do anything I need concrete evidence. I can't just approach her with suspicions and a gut feeling that won't cut it.

Wondering if any of you guys have ever used a spy app for smart phones? I know it's unethical but I don't really care about that. I just need concrete proof and once I know that she either is or isn't cheating I'll uninstall it. Problem is it's impossible to find credible information about these apps online because most of the reviews are fake. Any advice on how to handle this situation?

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Why do you think your wife is cheating on you?

Lots of small things. She has never worn makeup for the 8 years we've been married except on special occasions but lately she leaves for work dolled up every single day. Shes been working out a lot, going to the gym 3 times a week and bike riding which is good but also unusual. Lots of new clothes, new bras, new panties. Has lost interest in me all of a sudden for no apparent reason, doesn't want to have sex anymore. She used to say I love you everyday before I left for work but that suddenly stopped about a month ago.

When she goes to work, check what kind of panties she's wearin-
>new bras, new panties.
Ah, fuck. Just break it off, now, and rebuild. There is only one reason women wear nice panties. One. Attention, allure, and tease.

Not going to throw away 8 years of marriage on a hunch I need proof but that part has proven difficult.

Nah, man. Instead of talking to her about why she has not been affectionate or sexual with you lately, you're jumping right to spying on her. The relationship is very nearly over because you skipped the communication step.

Now maybe you already tried communicating. Was she not forthcoming? If she wasn't, then she's not willing to communicate, and the relationship is over. Why waste any time?

Shoot her in the head and bury the body

Have you tried talking to her?
She could just be inspired and you’re being a slepy ass couch potato.

I vote yes to divorce.

Something happened. It doesn't have to be cheating, but something happened in her head.
This is the behaviour of someone who was insecure and miserablw and decided to take control of their self worth.

She's wearing makeup, dressing up, buying new clothes and working out because it's all making her feel good about herself.

She stopped saying she loves you and stopped having sex with you because she's realised you absolutely failed to bring her These feelings and may even be the reason she lost it.
I'd put more money on "lost her confidence and self worth, blames it on you, and is trying to regain it" more than I'd go straight to "cheating".

But cheating is possible, and if she isn't, she's vulnerable. And if you accuse her, challenge her, get mad at her new movement towards feeling better or stand in her way, she will definitely leave you or cheat if she isn't already.

Your best course of action if you love her is encourage her and try to make her feel good, while reinventing yourself. If you're going to go to spy route, I guarantee your marriage is over already.

His marriage was over the second he made this thread.


Damnit user have you never in your life heard of a mid life crisis? I just had one myself. I was actually behaving a lot like your wife but male version. My wife noticed my new behaviour and shit and it brightened her damn world and she was supportive af. It wasn't even her fault in the first place but I guarantee if she reacted with "why you being all healthy and attractive all of a sudden" I might have told her to fuck herself when I was just trying to break the monotony and feel good again, and then id be more inclined to find a side fling if I wasn't looking.

GPS tracking and drones would help!

I've looked into GPS tracking but most of them require another cell phone plan and a monthly fee. I don't see the reason to bother with that when she carries around a potential gps tracker in her pocket all day long.

It’s already over.

Yeah yeah I know I'm the devil for wanting proof of a potential affair. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Alright user, you need to follow my instructions TO THE FUCKING LETTER, OKAY?
>follow her when she leaves all dolled up
>dont get fucking caught, you dumb shit
>if she is cheating, don't call her out yet, act like nothings ever happened
>identify her new mister
>follow the new mister
>dont get fucking caught
>find out where he lives and his usual schedule
>get him when he's alone out at night, or leaving for work early in the morning
>make sure his neighbors don't wake up at the same time
>rent a car, ideally something with four doors
>hide anything indicating that it's a rental, using a non-reflective tape
>sneak up on him
>hit him in the head with a metal pipe, aim for temple or where the neck meets the head
>keep going until he's out
>put him the back, laying down
>tie his hands behind his back, ideally so a cop wont see them
>if pulled over, say that he's drunk and passed out
>if asked about zip ties, say he's a violent drunk
>dont get fucking pulled over, faggot
>bring him to your house, when your wife is not home
>take him to your garage shed
>kill him and chop him up
>ideally have him hanging upside down, and let him bleed into several containers
>dispose of the body parts later (trash bag in the ocean, over a current going away from the land)
>take the containers of blood
>fill your tub with blood
>wait till your wife gets home
>bring her to the bathroom and fuck her in the tub filled with the guys blood
Having sex with her in her lover's blood should remove any and all impure thoughts she has of having sex with anyone other than you, her husband. It worked for ancient romans, so I don't see why it should be any different for you. Good luck, user!

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Maybe she tried to improve her appearance and confidence while you keep getting fatter, lazier, and more aloof. You aren't trying to better yourself or get in shape from what it sounds. Therefore sex is much less appealing.

When she started getting more fit, improving her appearance, and wearing makeup, did you compliment her at all?

Take the phone from her while she is using it. Snap it out of her hands and tell her to go cry somewhere while you get to the bottom of what she's been up to.

I say this having done it. If she's doing wrong, she will experience the shock of her own guilt and desire to be caught and punished, and she'll cooperate. If she explodes with outrage, she might be innocent, but then she's guilty of backtalk. Don't take this from her or anyone. Your wife does not have a right to privacy. No one does, and your wife especially does not.

This would be good advice if you didn't sound all pissed off about it and looking to blame OP. You come across as muh believe wamman and then some. And here's the problem: doing all these things to feel good about herself doesn't line up with disdaining her husban'd affection and avoiding sex.

If she is working out and buying new underwear, it's not necessarily JUST for him or any partner, it's main beneficiary can be her, but at some point she's going to be excited about her results or she'll quit, and since she hasn't done that yet the next logical step is to show off.

In any case, OP should divorce her because she doesn't want to have sex anymore. He doesn't need another reason.

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This is also a good plan. Did the Romans really do all that?

No you’re just a stupid hick that can’t put two and two together after what a year? It’s been a year since you first posted this...


u need to proofread next time, there were a couple mistakes.

>She stopped saying she loves you and stopped having sex with you because she's realised you absolutely failed to bring her These feelings and may even be the reason she lost it.
>realised you absolutely failed to bring her These feelings and may even be the reason she lost it.
>you absolutely failed to bring her These feelings

Its a man's responsibility to "bring" women the perfectly timed feelings for their"growth"?

C'mon now

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>Any advice on how to handle this situation?
Get off of Jow Forums and talk to your fucking wife about your relationship you imbecile.

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If you really wanted to know you would contact and pay for a private investigator to follow her. For her to be fucking someone she has to go meet him.

Everything you have stated does point towards her fucking someone else so its not like you will piss away whatever you pay the PI. We're talking about an 8 year marriage so get the balls and pay someone to get you concrete evidence instead of wasting time trying to monitor her phone yourself.

You should also consult a divorce attorney now and have a rough plan should you need it.

Here's how this works in real life. I had suspicions like you and it just felt different. I hired a guy and consulted an attorney. I had a plan and within a week the PI had pictures of her with her lover (her boss). Instead of being all butthurt and throwing the pics or anything else I knew about her betrayal in front of her I served her divorce papers at work. As expected she went apeshit and denied everything but I told her any discussion needed to be had with my attorney but I said, if she doesn't want everyone to know what she's been up to she'll give me the divorce I deserve.

She got some of her stuff after a few days and went to stay with her parents and didn't even show up to court. Funny about all this was she couldn't go love with her lover boss because he was married too.

To this day she doesn't know how much I know nor how I know it.