My girlfriend's face is so ugly it kinda hurts to look at, but I don't want to hurt her feelings...

My girlfriend's face is so ugly it kinda hurts to look at, but I don't want to hurt her feelings, she's very sweet and I love her. What should I do?

Attached: homer-dilema.jpg (800x616, 73K)

It’s her face. Nothing you can do except love her for who she is and ignore the haters.

stop being an asshole.

what kind of advice are you looking for, exactly...?

"Hammer out your problems" is what my dad always taught me.

Kill her.

Whether it's the right thing to do to stay with her or not, considering I'm not that physically attracted to her, but like the rest. Just have to force myself to enjoy her physicality

For the sake of our collective gene pool, I would beseech you to marry this woman and not have any children with her.
Godspeed and good luck.

Break up with her.

Being stuck in a relationship where their is a lack of mutual attraction can quickly turn toxic and, pending the emotional state of both parties, even become dangerous.

Decide quickly before your cognitive dissonance gets the upper hand. You can have emotional attachment to someone, even if that person does not satisfy your physical needs. Your goal in life is to find someone who does both, have babies, and die with said babies by your bed as you die. That's it. You're not a failure if you can't accomplish these, but you will have a biological drive to do so throughout your entire life to do so. Finding a woman who makes you satisfied on all levels will ultimately help you reach this.

People will tell you to not be an asshole or to have realistic expectations. The problem is that you have realistic expectations, and the people telling you otherwise do not. Also, this same psychological impasse goes both ways: women do the exact same thing.

End it, especially if your position is convenient. Find a woman who is attractive. Barring extreme circumstances, your gf will find someone who finds her beautiful, and she'll be able to accomplish her goals without you.

In short: your an asshole if you continue to waste both her's and your time. Consider your needs and consider the time you'd still give her if you left. Cry it out. End it flat. Give yourself a year to come to terms. Give yourself another year to get back in the game. Find yourself someone you find hot while she does the same.

Cum on it until you love the sight of it