Taken as a whole...

>Taken as a whole, the political sequence that began in France is marked by a negative dialectic between two independent blocs, the state and its ex-citizens, with no resolution possible. The vague inclinations toward mediation are little more than ornamental flourishes. For weeks, the trials of the thousands of arrestees have made it painfully obvious that the so-called ‘professional violent rioters’ do not exist. In Paris as elsewhere, the people showing up to these court cases are the temp workers from the same building, or else they’re nurses, carpenters, forklift drivers, ex-soldiers and, not uncommonly, the kids of cops. For many, this was their first visit to the Champs-Élysées. They came to see the boulevards, to see Parisian life, the life of rich tourists they neither know nor envy. If they looted a store, it was usually in order to give their offspring a decent Christmas. Politics? The word disgusts them.

ted kaczynski was right. the System is sick, lets help it die

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they could have prevented this chaos, instead they let it happen anyway, can't blame them for their own choice.

thank you France for General Berthelot and the Treaty of Trianon.

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I support that proposal
Neoliberalism has reached its end

the state will never secede to the people they are trying to replace. they are playing the long game

its a good article but the translation is kinda shitty unfortunately

>The week of December 3rd was marked by a massive deluge of state and media propaganda, in a drama that had several obvious aims: (i) to provoke fear, and to intimidate the population by alluding to the possibility of live ammo being used against demonstrators; (ii) to legitimate—that is, to encourage—a loss of control by police and state forces under the pretense of exhaustion; (iii) to avoid addressing the repeated transgressions of the line separating law enforcement from irregular warfare (flashballs shot directly at faces, high school students yoked and kneeling, a woman killed by a tear gas grenade); (iv) to announce, as now occurs with every supposedly important event (e.g. May 1, 2018) that ‘Paris will be under siege for twenty-four hours, and this time security forces will be deployed to their maximum potential’, which includes plainclothes cops in yellow jackets and tanks sporting new chemical weaponry; (v) to add an umpteenth layer to the long-sought division between ‘peaceful’ protesters and the various ‘rioters’ or ‘ultra-whatevers’; (vi) to accuse the people carrying-out blockades of spoiling the end-of-year holidays for honest folks, and of allying themselves with those fractions of the movement deemed ‘violent’ and ‘parasitic’ by the government. In sum, we watched the highest rungs of the French state adopt the methods of psychological war against sixty-seven million suspects.


It's foolish to beleive the west is sick because of someone or something else. the finger pointing is another symptom of the decay.
the real blackpill is really that the west is corrupt at all levels. there is nothing to "save".
the people are generating the world they want from who they are, a world of sickness and decay, if they wanted to be moral and viruous characters there is nothing stopping them from doing so. the reality is that the west has become weak and decadent and nothing can save them but hardship.

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the only things that they attempt to replace the french people with are robots

>From generation to generation, a larger and larger number of us are supernumerary, “useless to the world”—in any case, to the economic world. Seeing that for sixty years there have been people like Norbert Wiener who prophesized that automation and cybernatization “will produce an unemployment compared to which the current difficulties and the economic crisis of the years 1930-36 will look like child’s play,” it eventually had to come to pass. The latest word is that Amazon is planning to open, in the United States, 2000 completely automated convenience stores with no cash registers hence no cashiers and under total monitoring, with facial recognition of the customers and real-time analysis of their gestures. Upon entering you make your smartphone beep at a terminal and then you serve yourself. What you take is automatically debited from your Premium account, thanks to an app, and what you put back on the shelf is re-credited. It’s called Amazon Go. In this shopping dystopia of the future there is no more cash money, no more standing in line, no more theft, and almost no more employees. It’s predicted that this new model, if implemented, will turn the whole business of distribution, the greatest provider of jobs in the U.S., upside down. Eventually, three quarters of the jobs would disappear in the sector of convenience stores. More generally, if one limits oneself to the forecasts of the World Bank, by about 2030, under the pressure of “innovation,” 40% of the existing jobs in the wealthy countries will have vanished. “We will never work,” was a piece of bravado by Rimbaud. It’s about to become the lucid assessment of a whole generation of young people.

wait till you see how regimented our lives become.

Too long, didn't read it

Truth. The physical well-being of the world and it's people is a reflection of the spiritual life of it's people. Which is ever decreasing now.