Managed to chug through another week edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
I kinda left the bonfire early, but im overreacting in my mind since i forget ill drag her to others...
For some reason i think i got her preg even tho i should've controlled my muscles well enough and there was no cream in her oven
I think I'll block you soon. I can't make you laugh the way you make me laugh. I can't make you as happy as you make me. You're standards are high and I can't compete. I feel like I'm wasting your time when you could literally be doing anything better than talk to me. You're all I want but I can't be a burden any longer. I'm sorry I caught feelings.
I'm all alone baby. Why don't we turn on some heavy beat and dance in the dark? We don't have to talk. You can slide your hand down my shoulder and push my skirt up and pump into me while I think about this other guy that's been friendly to me and wonder if he can fuck.
Too bad you only want to be friends.
To whom and from whom,
I don't actually know what I want out of life.
I don't want him to know I wrote it.
I have no idea how to convince them they should be mine at this point. The urgency is gone now that they know I want them romantically/sexually. Then again, maybe I don't anymore either. I think I might be actually over my crush on you. Sorry. Maybe we can pick it up later if you don't act like such a baby about being put on the spot.
Just FUCK me dammit I can't take it anymore! I know you want to! You must know I want to!
I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings but you were stringing me along! And the moment I move on is the moment you decide to open up! So how do I make this better!?
Today I learned I was being lead on.
I hate it when people fucking moan in pain. Its like theyre doing it for attention.
Ive been in excruciating pain before from falling to having horrible food poisoning where I thought I was dying to getting wisdom teeth pulled while awake. I never moaned. Except one time I tried it for a couple seconds to see if it was all its cracked up to be and it wasnt it didnt releive anything.
like im trying to get a snack and my dad has to moan and squeel because of his "teeth pain". get over it.
I thought about it. What you did during this time has put this fire out completely. I love you, sometimes.
I can never kiss you again. I can never let you touch me again.
Your actions are disgusting and it runs in your veins. No amount of therapy will help you because you've been poisoned down to your core. I don't want diseases because you chose to sleep with drug addicted females. I'm on a different platform to you and the people you choose to associate with.
You're not the one for me. He is.
I'm going to marry him and finally be happy. He loves me a lot more than you do....or at least he shows it.
It's time to shut this door.
I put cigarettes out in my own arm for shits and giggles but you sound like a fucking faggot ass pussy that doesn't understand the concept of empathy.
I tried to divorce my wife. She asked for a second chance. I didnt give her one initially, but my parents talked me into it. So now I feel like a hypocrit and liar for staying when my heart is out of the relationship.
I feel so unengaged in the relationship I think of other women semi-regularly. But ive got to keep my cover and sleep with my wife, even though I feel like a massive douche for banging someone I no longer feel in love with.
Pained moaning is, naturally, an annoying/distressing sound. But people have different thresholds for pain. Your threshold seems like its pretty high. A 4 for you on the 1-10 pain scale could be a 14 for your father.
To whom is this for and from whom
To whom for and from whom?
can you stop
you have ruined the past 20 threads with this weapons grade asbergers of yours
I cannot tell you that I like you casually because I don’t. I want more. I want you.
Another week done, another week to go.
I see those cheesy/edgy villains in movies and video games, the ones that want to destroy everything because of some bullshit reason, and I laugh. I understand. I wish I could do the same. This world is fucked. The worst part is it'll be just fine in the end, but just a different flavor of fucked.
I see a silver lining, I just wish my brain would accept that as a valid reason to keep pushing.
j to m
If you have seen the past threads then you know I said I apologize beforehand. I apologize this has upset you user.
Why are you posting this user?
i hope you reply to me tomorrow... it's silly but even a rejection would make me happy
good for you user
If you dont initiate a text or conversation with me in the next 3 days im going to cut you out of my life completely and stop interacting with you in any way. Im done putting in all the effort and getting nothing in return, fuck off.
To whom is this for and from whom user?
I'm haunted by the fact that I can never truly be myself because I've realized from a young age that everything I do is watched.
Along with this realization is among some special knowledge I've acquired, I can never share it because even if I find a good enough disciple, there is a near certain chance the information will be leaked to unworthy parties.
I only hope to serve well in this form and die.
Crush says he's eying another girl. I feel so awful for not telling him sooner. Now my social anxiety has bitten me in the ass.
I love you guys, but I really do not like you.
My first day of class for the last class I have to take for undergrad starts tomorrow, and I'm actually really fucking excited. Not to officially graduate, but to be in class. I'm gonna miss that way more than I should.
>I have to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won't talk to me for the rest of the night after I say it.
I can't stop fucking trembling.
I'm so ready to die
>tfw you've gone through so many fetishes that now the only thing that really gets you diamonds is softcore
I just texted you. I texted you that I missed you then you replied with how you missed me more and how you're always thinking of me. I'm such a sucker for being addicted to you and only wanting you. I miss ui all the time my Eaglegirl. Hope to see you tomorrow at work.
I know this feel user. I cave every time and text first unfortunately.
I should have said something, even if it didn't mean anything at least I would know.
Why can you say it now?
Why the fuck do you keep taking intimate things from watching/listening to/stalking me and try to make them your own? Like I say "I am going to sleep to forget you" and you fucking tell everyone you're sleepy or post a sexy picture of you laying in bed instead of talking to me. Are you trying to annoy me? Do you want me or..?
Surprise, fuck off
But he'll be suspicious of me and see me as clingy.
I know it'll never happen, but every time things don't work out with a girl, my feelings always end up coming back to one of my close friends. She's my best friend's sister in law and we're all in the same circle.
Because of that, I end up going to most of their family events and am often paired with her for movie hangouts or parties. Our families and some friends even comment on why it hasn't happened yet.
We've hung out alone a few times but I'm not gonna ask someone out who I know isn't into me. Women are obvious about that sort of thing. Plus I don't want to risk making things awkward among the group.
I usually just let it run it's course until the next girl rolls around
Has anyone seen the Leftovers?
It fucking hurts
I wanna fuck the shit out of your hot, religious body. I dont want a relationship. I dont believe in god. I just want your dick to pound me. Have you fuck me until you think I'm a damn angel myself.
I'm having a bad night
Ahh, my OCD is acting up again. And here I thought I beat it some years ago, but no, it had to return. It's fine, I didn't want to be sane anyway.
Me too. Too aware of everything.
Why do I even bother?
At this point is just self-torture
I don't know why you decided it's finally time to get close the week I decide to kill myself. I'm sorry but I don't want to fail this too.
Just do whatever you want
If i cannot bring myself to care about me why would I care about you or anyone anymore.
Okay I love you
Please don't be so cold, life is such a nice thing. The sun is shining and you're beautiful, why not try to go for a walk and just try to breathe.
How long have you known each other for?
Seems like you only feel this way because you use her as an anchor for your feelings until you find someone else. Do you openly flirt or do anything to imply you're into her?
I love you, but I am also scared to love you.
When you tell me that you love me, it feels like there is something else hidden in those words. You say it so often, and at times I can hear the fear in your voice. The way it weakly presses each word in my direction.
The day that tugged at my heart was when you told me the truth behind those "I love you"s, it was when your shaken voice blurted out "please don't leave".
I won't. I want to be here, but please just be honest. Just be true with me and I will be here as long as I have heart.
You called me courageous, maybe I am. Maybe I'm just stupid. All I want you to know is that when I say you're mine, when tell you that I love you. I also shake a little and whisper "please don't ever go."
Known her for ten years.
Never actively pursued her or flirted blatantly. I just tend to be nicer to her and more talkative.
But yeah, I think that's all it is.
huh. she kinda sounds like fisty splinters
i do not understand what is Jow Forums, but it looks so cool and i want to use it, can someone talk to me about this?
A year ago I couldn’t even summon the testicular fortitude to say hello to you casually, even if we were walking home in the same direction.
Six months ago, i clumsily blurted out ‘i love you’ 3 days into us dating eachother and I was surprised that you reciprocated immediately when I expected you to dump me on the spot for my absurdly high enthusiasm.
Today we live in the same apartment. You’re in the living room reading Batman comics and I’m in the bedroom pretending to be asleep so I can shitpost about how much I love you on Jow Forums to a bunch of strangers.
I like where this is going. Let’s grow old together.
Leave this place.
Nothing good has ever come from lurking.
lurk moar faggot
that is everything you need to know. yes i'm serious.
I second this.
Shut the fuck up.
Get out of here.
pardon me bud i am still learning english, and, since i lack in grammar, i wanna know what does lurk and moar means
fuck off
what does lurking means?
Everything I think I enjoy is a form of escapism. I feel nothing, not even sadness or emotional pain. Not anymore. I've tortured myself by allowing a way out from the difficulties of life, from leeching off of relatives and friends to pay my rent and bills so I don't have to get a job to playing games and eating processed poison my whole life to dull my senses. I have the audacity to think I have it hard while, in reality, I've wiped both ease and difficulty from my life through being irresponsible and immature, resulting in my faulty perception of personal and societal persecution. My life is dull not because life itself is dull, but because I have wiped everything that could've provided a modicum of profundity out in order to escape responsibility. I deserve the suffering that I'm enduring. I'm not convinced that fixing what trainwreck of a life I have would be worth the effort. I'm not convinced that, even if I were to try to fix it, I could. I am empty by my own action's emptiness and I just hope that I don't fuck up anyone else's lives.
i want you to be mine. even if you have rejected me in the past and insist we are only friends i have seen you crack when you get depressed and drunk. you know you want me and you know i want you. lets just cut the shit and be together. life is too short to not capture happiness. but maybe i am wrong?
Initials to whom and from whom user?
that sounds really good dude, hope she could hear it ;-;
How do I stop being so judgmental to people?
My work wife's gone. I'm in fucking pieces.
The funny thing is you're aware of all the shit you're doing wrong. That's actually good. You're obviously depressed, and it's hard to find motivation when you see life as "dull." Have you tried making some changes lately? Whether it's scenery, habits, talking to people, etc. Monotony can really put you in that place, so if you've been stagnant, try new things no matter how small they seem. Listen to different music, force yourself to watch movies or shows that aren't in your area of interest.
It doesn't seem like it's worth the effort to fix, but I assure you it does. You say you're not sure you could, but that's bullshit. You can. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, you seem aware of your faults. Now go and start fixing them or attempt to.
One day you'll look back and laugh at how you exaggerated and wrote all this depressing horseshit.
To what end am I to work on myself? To approach an intangible ideal of perfection? To do so would be a clap into the void, accomplishing nothing. If I am to work towards power, I am to work towards something I don't want to possess. I have no desire to dominate others. Am I to work towards money, something fleeting that can be taken at a moments notice? I gain no satisfaction from gaining money. If I am to work towards lessening the suffering of others, the task cannot be undertaken without both a Herculean level of effort and resource, and if I cannot even bring myself to fix myself, then what hope do I have to fix or help others? Are others even worth fixing? I destroy everything I influence. I am as deleterious as a plague. There's no meaning for me to extract from this. I appreciate the sentiment, but I, like many others, am lost without a location to be found.
im turning off my feelings to make you happier, because me being sad all the time stresses you out. im sorry
I wrote a song about you. So gay.
Found out colleague cheated on his girlfriend. I have no obligation to this girl but I absolutely detest cheating. Respect for him dropped below zero. It's a small company so I see and talk to him every day. Not sure what to do with this feeling of resentment I am now fostering.
I will find you one day. You had no right shinning that light in my eyes as I drove through UT. I could barely stay on the road. I don't care who you are I'll cut your fucking tounge out nigger and then subject you to a similar blinding for 6+days.
Fuck you you faggot cowards.
I'm so annoyed. I used to love drawing since I was a child, but started hating it after I got into college. Still, no matter what I do I still feel incomplete, like I still need to do it, to draw something. But all this years have been wasted going in circles, avoiding drawing, it stresses me a lot. Worst thing is I went to art school, I don't regret it though. But it's so annoying, so awful, I hate and love drawing with a passion, if it was a person I would be so fucking abusive. This "art block" or whatever has been dragging out for years and I feel like I'm trapped. It's like I'm so worthless I'm yelling a nothing, it's awful. I just wish I still enjoyed drawing, but I'm too annoyed.
Thanks for reading my ramblings
well he is not obviously depressed, we don't know, he/she may be a liar expecting virtual attention :(
Believe it or not. It matters very little either way. My ramblings would mean very little even to people who truly knew my situation. Does the fact that you're posting on a social media whatsoever indicate that you desire meaningless virtual attention? If so, why are you posting, then, if not to garner the same attention you critique others for desiring?
to be honest the only thing i love about your image is the vaporwave life style i didn't know about it till i searched for your image in google so i want to give you a big Thank You!
well, sorry, idk if i hurt or insult you, my english is not 100% accurate, i was not trying to offend anyone, i think Jow Forums it's cool and i only wanted to participate
i am still learning english Dx
Wow, didn't know there were still people who haven't encountered vaporwave yet. You been OOTL or something?
i do not know what OOTL means
Ah. Well, good luck with learning English. It's a complex language that barely makes sense sometimes.
by the way i discovered how to reply an hour ago so you can understand how new i am at this 4 chan thing
I arch my back
Do you feel that?
Yes as you pulled me back against you
Yes you said Yes
I think I ended up in a love triangle recently and it ruined a friendship.
Anxiety is back and kicking.
5 years ago I thought I could start a new life and repair the damage I've done. I got to a point where I had what I mostly wanted, which was some sort of purpose, some goal, people's support and I was also supporting people. I was doing actually fairly well. Took some risks and did things I thought I never would. It wasn't too much of a big deal to many, but to me specifically it was at least getting out of my comfort zone to approach some things.
Then I started being miserable because of a single choice. I decided to take a different path moving forward and it wasn't all that pleasant. I left a few people behind, others I cut contact with on purpose because as many in my environment would agree, I wasn't getting anywhere unless I did favors. These two people I had a lot of fun with, but they would call me maybe twice in a month just for favors at that point.
I tried to "fix" things up again, got somewhere else. It left me miserable. I got involved into things that weren't my problem, with a person that attached to me too hard and his family troubles. I wasn't doing well either, I had a whole year of wanting to quit things... and then I did. I panicked about many things and I couldn't handle anyone at that point. I wanted to be completely alone. People would ask for me and I cut contact with them. With many people.
One year later here I am. I must move forward again but I don't know how anymore. I'm old enough to make it extremely weird.
My gf is away and I have gained 12 lbs so far. She's probably going to break up with me when she's seen what I've done
I'm an ugly monster ATM. I obsess over food so often that it's basically my top priority 24/7. I don't want to go out in public and I want to die. I just want to be loved. There is no one I can talk to about this and no one who gives a shit about me. I am considering jumping off a bridge I hate this existence
Just stop stuffing your face all the time its not that hard
so I came out as bi to my siblings but i am not honestly that sure. sure I have kinda felt attracted to guys, and even had an LDR but at the same time something is holding me back saying "this is not you". I don't even know what true attraction feels like
It's really confusing and frightening because what if I am wrong. it would make me look like a liar.
to whom it may concern, i lied. he hit me, i didnt clumsily gain the bruises. the fact that you believed my story is somehow comforting because i dont have to deal with you judging me. im leaving him asap i dont need any extra stress.