Claim to be the freeiest country

>claim to be the freeiest country
>meanwhile everyone is completely indoctrinated and spews the same opinions.
99% of posts on Jow Forums by Americans contain one of the following phrases, just worded differently.
>big gubmint bad!
>guns good
>work harder
>universal healthcare and education are gommunism!
>thank your boss for the opportunity to work for him
There is no other group of posters on Jow Forums that is as NPC as Amerimutts. There is large variations in the views held by European posters, for example.
I can literally predict what an American poster will say before he posts it.
If Americans are so free, why are they the biggest NPC's?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1280x674, 29K)

>live in UK
>think you know anything about free speech

Attached: uk police state.jpg (500x277, 29K)

>the truth are bad!
Stfu Ahmad

I predicted your NPC responses before you made them.

>Live in america
>Go outside
>Get shot by nigger
>Live in the UK
>Step outside
>Arrested for not having a loicensce to step outside
>Get extra years in jail for looking at alt-right propaganda
>even more years in prison for insulting the LGBT community

Attached: uk police state1.png (652x873, 392K)

Attached: USASYSTEM.png (1280x1024, 112K)

I predicted your retarded Muhammad "Americans bad" thread before you even created it.

This particular model seems to be malfunctioning.