HAPPENING: Right Wing Death Squads in Brazil


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there are no right wind death squads in brazil


We need that here to clean stuff up.

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This is just going to end up like Colombia. In fact, I'm fairly certain Latin America must have one of the highest rates of civil war of anywhere outside of the Africa.

All of Americas need to implement that rule to kill without prejudice thieves, robbers, rapist. See crime being committed with witnesses, kill the fucker and receive a medal. It should be a bit more strict for cases with no witnesses but in public situations they shouldn't even arrest the person who dispatched the criminal.

its a start, if you include leftists on the list, maybe latin america could eventually become a civilized place

>Thread theme:

About time for some State-sponsored racial eugenics. No whites will die because of this.

Rothbard would be proud

Seem like they are doing what Philippines is doing.

God I wish we could do this in the states.

This is an interesting subject
Anyone in the mood to add this to the article


>“The protocol will be to immediately neutralize, slaughter anyone who has a rifle,” Witzel, a federal judge and former Brazilian marine, told reporters in Brasilia on Dec. 12. “Whoever has a rifle isn’t worried about other people’s lives, they’re ready to eliminate anyone who crosses their path. This is a grave problem, not just in Rio de Janeiro, but also in other states.”

Umm guess again sweetie.

Requesting an image of Pinochet, Bolsonaro, and Duerte all standing menacingly

>opress the population
>population fights back

You fools! These leaders are Zionists working for Israel. They are creating an International police state to keep da goyim under control once they reveal their plan of NWO. These policies aren't for petty criminals but you.

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The guy that creates "Brazil is white" threads

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Brazil will solve the leftist infestation.

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>tfw you will be able to watch footage of Brazilian right-wing death squads hunting down and killing favela niggers from the comfort of your own home
I can't fucking wait for this

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he was invited to speak there, same with his vice


There is no such thing as right wing death squads

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what kind of kike gets invited to speak at a freemason lodge?!

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but its is

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>The guy that creates "Brazil is white" threads
Brazil isn't white...yet. Just think of the implications if a 50% mixed race population can become white; that means it can happen anywhere.
I know it won't, but it's fun to think about.


>license to kill policing

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>it is

the one that needs to defeat a 34 years communist hegemony

there's a video where Bolsonaro and his whole admin salute John Bolton for having lunch with them. Jow Forums are literally smoothbrain useful idiots for whatever neocons feel like doing

trump admin sent him

I thought Bolsonaro wanted a 2nd amendment for Brazil? Looks like he's now going to use a para-military unit to kill anyone carrying a rifle, exactly the opposite of what was expected.

Buddy, I know there actually are white people there but none of those guys are white.

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fuck you, they're white. brazil is white

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Only that fifth guy is white.

Wish that scene was U.C.Berkley.

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there are death squads, but not political ones


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Bulldoze favelas, sterilize Brazil, don't play hue cowboy.

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Brasil doesn't need a 2nd amendment. The right to own guns was something so rather obvious that we didn't need a law for it. Lula, however, made a law against it. What Bolsonaro promised to do was to revoke it.

Not Bolsonaro. Witzel is Rio de Janeiro's Governor.

So why go around shooting anyone carrying a rifle? Are they just going to do that just to get as many assholes they can before they revoke the law?

Not 'anyone' carrying a rifle. This is hyperbolical rhetoric. They're targetting drug dealers. There are no carry laws in Brazil. You can own guns but they must stay at home.

Open carry and the right to bear arms is not the same thing. Bolsonaro plans to let people own guns, not open carry them around.

You have no fucking clue about what's happening in Colombia, you disingenuous retard.
Stick to what you know the most and that is letting your preteen white children to get raped by pakis.

>Open carry and the right to bear arms is not the same thing.

Carry and bear are synonyms though.

>Not 'anyone' carrying a rifle. This is hyperbolical rhetoric. They're targetting drug dealers.

the cope.
Go ahead bro, its okay.
Anyone open carrying a gun is going to be targeted under this policy.

Excuse the ESL brain damage, then

Sure they are. It's anti-gun lobby pilpul that has convinced you otherwise.


kek plz make this happen

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Based af

>I'm fairly certain Latin America must have one of the highest rates of civil war of anywhere outside of the Africa.

They have the highest homicide rate, but this is going to fix it.

Kill the degenerates, clean it up.

Thank God this is finally happening.

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Praise Kek

Its actually been a long fantasy of mine to become a BOPE officer. These guys already were about as alpha as it gets, now the leash is coming off completely and I am hard as fucking diamonds.

When the fuck are we going to get BOPE for the US?

>They're targetting drug dealers.
The police are motivated by self interest just like anyone else. This is going to be abused by psycho cops.

These guys only exist to pacidy favelas.

Theyre absolutely right, anybody with brandishing a rifle out in the open in a favela is fair fucking game. Just like anybody out in the open in the inner city projects in the US with a rifle should be fair game as well. Were not talking about a nice suburban family with a couple of self defense firearms locked in a safe in the family bedroom here.

what's happening there?

Any Livestream announcements yet bois?

Finally, now everyone will see that chimps getting put down results in a plummeting crime.

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>trial run
How long until they "trail run" such a program in the US/Europe?

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Right wing death squads are the true religion of peace.

> 2019
> still believing in election propaganda that said we are communists.

>“The protocol will be to immediately neutralize, slaughter anyone who has a rifle,”
not good
any CRIMINAL should be

Favela problem solution is very easy.

Surround a Favela with police and fier fighters. A shit ton of them.
Cut all water.

Set whole Favela district on fier.
Multipel fiere bombs and keep it burning.
Shoot all that try to escape the fiery death.
Fight fier´s that are about to spread out of the Favela.


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hey brazillians
try getting over 9000 dead shitstains first and then we'll talk about death squads

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Nice .308 AR. Just the thing for a RWDS.

I read about you guys in the news a lot a couple years ago. Is it still a warzone, or has the brutality wiped the slate clean?

police going after and executing criminals in the streets is nothing new
just a few weeks ago they were conducting raids in villages to catch some killer
and this is what happened when they found him
(sadly censored , cant find uncensored)

>being this serf brained
Stay the fuck in your monkey enclosure of a country with that slave mentality Alfonso.

Would you rather they phrased it "anyone in a favela carrying a rifle"?
That would attract bad publicity.


when will they raid all the pedos staying in israel?

>"Death to all pornogra-"
Based butt driller

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can't wait for more material

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expect dimensional
decimation implosion
or collapse

Can I join?

There are NO open carry laws in Brazil. If you are not security or law enforcement, you CANNOT open carry here. If you do, you should be shot.

It was never a warzone.


This is a very interesting subjct.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Its beyond discussion that skipping due process is wrong.

Consider the two cases bellow:
>unknown guy open carrying a gun.
You can argue that Its morally wrong to kill him. We don't know anything about him, and he deserves due process.

But consider this.
>Guy that everyone knows is involved with paramilitary groups that does violent crimes is open carrying a gun
How can it be morally wrong to deny him due process?

I would start a thread over this if most of Jow Forums wasn't drumpftards in highschool.