Does he really deserve the death penalty...

Does he really deserve the death penalty. That wack job that murdered many in a movie theater only got life but he gets death because it was at a school

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he looks like an asian

He deserves a medal for killing all of those kikes to be honest

Ofcourse not, he is still a kid and he was clearly mentally ill and neglected by his parents/teachers.

A policeman caught Cruz about an hour after the shooting, walking down a residential street. He acted “calm and rational,” while waiting for a school security guard to come to the scene to identify him, the detective’s report states.

“Cruz then began to claim he was hearing voices of a demon and began to throw up,” Curcio’s report states. At one point he said: “Where the f--- am I?” and “What happened?” He was heard crying.

Scared students who hid during the shooting told police that as the shooter went down the hallways trying locked classroom doors they could hear him yelling and talking to himself.

“Round them up” and “block the exits,” one student reported hearing him yell.

And yet another, this one in Room 1217, said the shooter tried the classroom’s door knob and in a “very calm” tone said: “This door is locked, I’m going to try another door.”

Cruz was totally out of it when they arrested him. he couldn't even stand on his own

james holmes didnt do aurora theater MOSSAD did. chertoff was in town a week before

he was 19 mate. this is exactly the type of case the death penalty was made for

>The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports documents show then-Marjory Stoneman Douglas assistant principal Jeff Morford and security officer Kelvin Greenleaf began viewing a livestream from inside the three-story freshman building minutes after the Feb. 14 shooting stopped.
>When they didn't see the gunman who killed 14 students and three staff members, they rewound the video until they found him and began relaying information to Broward Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson, who radioed officers who had charged into the building.
>At one point, officers were told suspect Nikolas Cruz was coming down the stairs when he had left the building nearly 30 minutes earlier, abandoning his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.

these two faggots rewound the security footage because they didnt see anything? 30 minute delay. really?

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Between them and the retarded cops the kids never had a chance.

>black boy commitsbhomicide he was forced into by gang life and poverty
>receives death penalty

>white male commits pre-meditated mass slaughter of innocent children
>given light sentence

Explain this double standard, America.

everything I see points to multiple people inside the school. police, swat or contractors. This is why Scot Peterson told everyone to keep 500 feet away from the school & they rewound the video and were giving police 30 minute old updates

They'll make sure he votes Democrat in 2020, then immediately dish out the lethal injection.

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but there are also a fuck ton of students and teachers who are lying through their teeth. The timeline is a total mess

yes he deserves the death penalty all killers do besides verifiable self defense cases. why pay and keep these people alive for decades

it's always a conspiracy with you wackjobs, just shut the fuck up already

No. They were all filthy spics. Good riddance.

FTMs usually do

>It's society's fault
Fuck off bernie

If you kill him you're no better then him.

so suck a dick you parkland jew

lol it's Florida, of course he got the death penulty.

hey which person here is the big liar? Is Ernie or is it Kyle?

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>slaughtering innocent people is the same thing as punishing the person who slaughtered innocent people
you've internalized hollywood propaganda

honest question, why even type out such a generic insult? no one on Jow Forums would be offended by that

Weak bait

Explain why we call those subhumans “black people” when they’re neither black nor people. Explain why you’re a niggerlover.

>just believe the media goyim!

>Literally telling the goyim to shut it down

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>A Parkland first responder claims he was told to stand down during crucial moments following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, hypothesizing that he "could have saved lives" if he were allowed inside the building at that time.
just sandy hook

who is this fucker?

>If you kill your enemies, they win.
How’s it going, Trudeau?

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Its probably more humane to kill him than suffer his life in a cell and die a virgin

For being a murderer? No. For being a shitskin? Yes.

Coldsteel Cruz AKA Nicholas Cruz. The Parkland Shooter. How are you going to shill if you’re not up to speed, Shlomo?

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Average American high school student

if you weren't around during this shooting then you need to lurk at least a few months longer before participating

surprise, surprise- the conspiratard believes paid opposition is here to point out how incredibly stupid his theories are. can't imagine being thgat deep in denial. keep thinking you're important enough to spend money on lmao

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Because white people know how to use the legal system to their advantage, retard

>“Broward, do not approach the 12 or 1300 buildings,” Peterson radioed soon after Cruz opened fire. “Stay at least 500 feet away.”
>Danny Polo didn’t listen.
>“I was like, why?” Polo said in his sworn statement. “That doesn’t make any sense… We knew what we were supposed to do. We were supposed to get to the school, go inside the school, find the shooter, stop him.”

this building was totally surrounded by police and somehow Nik Cruz just walked out? You parkland police are a bunch of scumbags

he is a jew or half jew ofc he deserves death

he should have been killed even before he did it
flush the degenerates

Put him and Dylan Roof in an arena and make them fight to the death, winner goes free. Proceeds from the pay per view goes to the Wall Fund.

kike kike kike kike kike

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Different states gave different laws, some states like California have abandoned the death penalty.

He will most likely be on death row for 20 plus years before they actually execute him assuming it’s not overturned at some point which it probably will be

He said in a video that his mother was a biological mother was a jew so yes, he is jewish.

Dylan Roof would win that fucking easily. He was actually one of the better shooters we’ve had throughout the recent years.

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>biological mother was a jew
take this with a grain of salt

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OK schlomo, whatever you say. Gas is coming soon.

Death row inmates ate more expensive than time served life sentence inmates actually.

I'd agree if it was a bullet fed next morning at high noon.

You can't really compare the two. John Holmes was on a whole other level with thousands of dollars worth of tactical gear when he shot up the theater.

Solid rebuttal of said theories, 3/10 for attempt.

>He was actually one of the better shooters we’ve had throughout the recent years.

...oh, yeah, going to church, christian, and shoot harmless people of diffenent color ...

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cute. i bet you think hillary is going to be arrested too, huh

>Implying that people give a crap about logic
>Implying that the retarded masses think beyond beyond the feelings they are experiencing in current moment
>Implying it's not just another tv show
>Implying anyone will go to bat for what's his face.

Anders showed how it was done. He's literally an Ubermensch.

>Mackenzie Hill had just left her AP Psychology class for the bathroom.
>Her twin sister, Meghan, a student in the same class, stayed behind. The bathroom was closed, so Mackenzie made her way upstairs. Then she heard the bullets. Ten, maybe 15 gunshots.
>Looking to her left, all the way down the mostly empty second-floor hallway, Mackenzie noticed a man holding a large gun.
whatever happened to this girl? id like to hear about how the gunman began the big shooting spree on the 2nd floor.

and if anyone is curious AP Psychology is where they filmed the fake shooting scene with the dead black girl laying in the blood

>“This door is locked, I’m going to try another door.”
Almost like someone talking on a headset. Didn't another say the shooter was wearing swat gear? Hmmmm.

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Woodard can be a jewish name:

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If he'd had only aimed a little more to the right Hogg and Goblina wouldn't a thing today.

That's why I think he deserves the death penalty. For missing -the annoying people-.

>harmless people
Nice memeflag there, Shlomo. It doesn’t trigger that supposed inherited PTSD?

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Taking a life is taking a life fuck your justification. The kid deserves forgiveness. End of fucking story.

Pretty good, check me out on my sweet ride I picked up the other day.

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it isn't about "logic." colorado courts have only handed out the death penalty once in the past 50 years compared to about 100 in florida. had the theater shooting occurred in florida it's quite likely holmes would've been sentenced to death as well

no one ever described the shooter or what he was wearing except the two teachers on the 3rd floor & they both about masks & helmets
she could jewish. she looks like the ones that always look like the gym teacher lesbian
they werent in the building. Hogg was hiding in the 1300 next door and Emma was in the auditorium wherever that is

He deserves it but it shouldn't be up to the state.
Everyone should sign some sort of will to specify what sentence should their murderer have in case they get killed.

>666 it's confirmed a jew then.

now here is where it gets fun

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>33 a mason jew even, gets even better.

Because he just killed people

>The kid deserves forgiveness. End of fucking story.
20 year olds are kids now? and "forgiveness" was never on the table. either he is killed, or he is put in a cage for the rest of his life where he will die (i'm aware this may happen anyway since it sometimes takes decades to execute prisoners). why does someone who took the lives of innocent people for no reason at all deserve to live?

>implying it wasn't a false flag

Couldn't care less about her. More important things to worry about, like the coming rise of white nationalism.


Murder should result in the death penalty whether it's one or twenty.

he was drugged

our of curiosity, why is it you believe this to be a false flag? the dude had a long history of being a violent retard. he even posted online that he wanted to be a "professional school shooter" and was constantly posting pictures of himself with guns on social media. please, i'm all ears

Kek true

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Because 2 wrongs don't make a fucking right
Killing the kid serves what purpose?
I agree that he should be detained and evaluated for a long time, even his entire life if necessary, but to kill him is to do the same evil as he performed.

He deserves to live, he deserves to reconstruct his views, he deserves to be shown complete mercy.

Besides the kid was basically whacked out of his head when it was going on, you don't know what could have been going on at the time.

so fuck you

>it's society's fault
Fuck off

i think the most absurd part of the white nationalist larp is the implied belief that whites with money/power/influence would side with you over the globalists. if you weren't put down by the military first, you'd be among the poorest nations on earth. the entire west would conspire against you

>Shortly after he fired more than 100 gunshots at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February, Nikolas Cruz ventured to a McDonald’s, where he asked someone for a ride.
>The someone he asked wound up being John Wilford, the brother of Maddy Wilford, a high school junior at the time who was shot three times in the massacre in Parkland, Florida.
>Suess on Thursday said Cruz “apparently was pretty pushy” to Wilford at the McDonald’s, as he reportedly knew Wilford’s mother was coming to pick him up.
>The two were said to have “very little” conversation before Wilford left the restaurant, leaving Cruz behind.

>He said he believes the encounter between Cruz and Wilford was “pure happenstance.”

wtf is going on here?

lol g1 man...whew u really blew the lid off this whole debacle...

Why does he deserve to live? What entitles him to continued breathing at the taxpayer’s expense?

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>the dude had a long history of being a violent retard.
did the news tell you that?

god damn in prison he got a better haircut. he looks like an average normie now.

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t. J. Seinfeld

Daily reminder Anglo Canadians are descended from traitors to the US revolution which is why in person they are the biggest pussies you will ever meet

Sauce on all this?

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agreed, also, he had no real family besides his half shit brother, dude is fucking mental i feel sorry for him

Death Penalty never gets used unless it's a against a white person, or in this case someone who every one says is white but is really a beaner

Other way round mate

He deserves a 2nd chance. We all deserve 2nd chances.

Maybe the question should be 'shouldn't the wack job in the movie theater deserve the death penalty too?'

yeah not my bloodline
throw him out, never allow him back in, but don't take his life
you do nothing but perpetuate evil this way
killing one another serves no purpose

>but he gets death because it was at a school
It's a ploy to get shooters to move to movie theaters so people are afraid to go and stay at home and watch Netflix instead.

he gets death because he had a stand . iron maiden . yup a teacher went on national television and said the gunman was clad in metal armor head to toe

the federal government is afeard of stands

You should get the death penalty for spitting gum on the floor.