Honestly, the workers deserve to stay fucking poor. As a business owner myself, I can tell that workers really are a subhuman species. I have to watch them like a hawk every minute of the day just to get them to complete basic tasks because they constantly try to figure out ways to slack on the clock, they have zero ambition to better themselves in life, they come up with phony excuses take days off leaving me shorthanded, and they waste their money on booze and cheap women like because they are degenerates.
Business owners are the ones that drive this economy and create products and jobs.
Look, life isn't fair. My parents worked hard and left me property and a business to run. Instead of constantly crying about your lot in life just accept your position, be grateful, and do you fucking job!
if you want your "workers" give a shit about your company, give them % of your company. When it's their company, then they'll be more invested, otherwise they don't give a shit because they know you pay them $5/hour and then sell that product for $500/hour while keeping $495 for yourself.
Owen Hughes
No, it is my business and my property you fucking commie.
Jaxson Hughes
That defeats the purpose of a wage. A wage is an insurance policy against taking losses when the business doesn't do well. You might get laid off if the business does too poorly. But you're guaranteed a steady wage. And that's what workers need to pay their bills.
You can give stock options if you want in your business but the government should have no say in what employers give to their employees benefits included. Because the employer is going to get that value from the employee one way or the other or they're not going to keep them around fro very long. If an employee isn't making you money you have to let them go or give them more work to do. This is why niggers don't work.
Kayden Roberts
Go back to leftypol, faggot.
Charles Torres
>2018 >using local employees >not automating as much as the business as possible >not outsourcing the rest to 3rd worlders over seas >not making millions a year and taking the majority of the profits for yourself Well at least that's my goal, sucks to be you OP.
>I have to watch them like a hawk every minute of the day just to get them to complete basic tasks because they constantly try to figure out ways to slack on the clock Then you're terrible at running a business you dumb nigger Learn to hire better and have an actual relationship with your employees instead of expecting them to function as slaves because you've bought them for minimum wage
Oliver Roberts
How is it that you have time to post here or watch your workers like a hawk? something tells me that you are bad at this whole running a business thing.
Be a leader, not a manager. Your staff will work harder if you do.
Juan Morales
They might feel demoralized. Try to make it worth not being a slacker. Maybe the job itself is demoralizing. Maybe they have little freedom. Maybe their environment is shitty. Maybe you're arrogant and disconnected from them. Many maybes. If you can make shit useful, you can do the same with these workers.