Fuck the Workers!

There I said it.

Honestly, the workers deserve to stay fucking poor. As a business owner myself, I can tell that workers really are a subhuman species. I have to watch them like a hawk every minute of the day just to get them to complete basic tasks because they constantly try to figure out ways to slack on the clock, they have zero ambition to better themselves in life, they come up with phony excuses take days off leaving me shorthanded, and they waste their money on booze and cheap women like because they are degenerates.

Business owners are the ones that drive this economy and create products and jobs.

Look, life isn't fair. My parents worked hard and left me property and a business to run. Instead of constantly crying about your lot in life just accept your position, be grateful, and do you fucking job!

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if you want your "workers" give a shit about your company, give them % of your company. When it's their company, then they'll be more invested, otherwise they don't give a shit because they know you pay them $5/hour and then sell that product for $500/hour while keeping $495 for yourself.

No, it is my business and my property you fucking commie.

That defeats the purpose of a wage. A wage is an insurance policy against taking losses when the business doesn't do well. You might get laid off if the business does too poorly. But you're guaranteed a steady wage. And that's what workers need to pay their bills.

You can give stock options if you want in your business but the government should have no say in what employers give to their employees benefits included. Because the employer is going to get that value from the employee one way or the other or they're not going to keep them around fro very long. If an employee isn't making you money you have to let them go or give them more work to do. This is why niggers don't work.

Go back to leftypol, faggot.

>using local employees
>not automating as much as the business as possible
>not outsourcing the rest to 3rd worlders over seas
>not making millions a year and taking the majority of the profits for yourself
Well at least that's my goal, sucks to be you OP.

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fuck off welfare queen.

>I have to watch them like a hawk every minute of the day just to get them to complete basic tasks because they constantly try to figure out ways to slack on the clock
Then you're terrible at running a business you dumb nigger
Learn to hire better and have an actual relationship with your employees instead of expecting them to function as slaves because you've bought them for minimum wage

How is it that you have time to post here or watch your workers like a hawk? something tells me that you are bad at this whole running a business thing.

Be a leader, not a manager. Your staff will work harder if you do.

They might feel demoralized. Try to make it worth not being a slacker. Maybe the job itself is demoralizing. Maybe they have little freedom. Maybe their environment is shitty.
Maybe you're arrogant and disconnected from them.
Many maybes. If you can make shit useful, you can do the same with these workers.

I can tell just by your attitude that you act like a nigger and treat your workers as such. As a business owner myself, i stopped having problems with employees once i realized that people just want equal treatment. Give incentives to increase production, pay a better wage, pull the stick out of your ass and stop acting like a faggot toward your employees. Watch the change happen nearly overnight.
My business is nearly autonomous now.

then fucking do all of the work yourself, faggot!

Stop hiring beaners.

user OP, I want to open a business too. Do you have some sort of franchise you can get me started with?

why do you hire niggers?

Then again, these are westerners we are talking about. I was waiting for an email from britbongs and it took a fucking week for the school to respond. On the other hand I've never had such experience here. Even emailing the fucking principle warranted a response in a few hours.

why should anyone work hard for minimum wage when they don't have security of keeping a job long enough? Give me percentage of the company and I'll make sure company survives because it's my livelihood that's at stake too. Treat me like an expendable slave then you should get same amount of productivity from me.

>boss: Hey workers, company is in the shits, we need to push hard this month so we(i) don't file for bankruptcy.
> workers: sure boss, fuck you, I've got a family dinner planned.
>boss: but I am giving you a job at shit pay
>workers: go fuck yourself
>3 months later boss is looking for slave job because company folded and everyone got fired.

joke is on you because i have never worked a single day in my life.

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pic related
But I actually see that kind of "it's my right to have a job" attitude all the time here.
People who won't even fix their own house, demand someone else to built a company and to be forced to employ them, forever.

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don't forget it was their parent's company... they didnt even build it from the ground up, no wonder they act like an arrogant fuck. They probably don't even know how to do the first thing they demand from their workers. Seriously, I hope that they fold or the staff unionise lol

Minimum wage, minimum effort, loyalty goes to the highest bidder, unlawfulless is swiftly reported and mistakes are met with a legal team. Thats the fuckin you get, for the fuckin I got

Black Pill: Workers want to be exploited. It gives them purpose in life. This totally skews the property market. They love debt slavery. How can you compete?

t. neet

First the Jews
Scourer them from the earth

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*Work for egocentric reasons
They don't actually want to work. They don't want to be judged, be by his family and friends a "failure". They're too lazy to improve themselves as well.

even as a worker, I tend to agree with you man. None of them even have the slightest idea of why they should work. They blame everything but themselves. They blame the cigarette companies because they are addicted to smoking. They blame the food industry because they are fat. They make conspiracy theories, do crime, drugs and other retarded stuff.

And I dont even know why they are like that to be honest. I have no clue. I managed to not become like that thanks to an extreme amount of natsoc lore. Not just natsoc lore but thanks to an overreaching view of the world, of how it works, of its history, and getting plenty of examples of how things work, and why they work (I suspect these people dont understand that). If you look at the world, and if you start to understand the many aspects of it...well at least enough of them, you start to understand that not everyone is out to get you. The reason why you are shit, is because you made bad decisions yourself. And that there is room for growth...

I dont know how to reach this kind of worldview. But its not just right wingers that have this kind of view. Lefties especially have this too. Even non politically motivated actors do. They simply dont understand. They dont comprehend it from the point of view of the bosses, of the ones who actually did try to improve themselves.

They dont look at history and think "well my ancestors were performing at like 90% of what they were capable off, while I only perform at 30%" "all these great feats that my ancestors did, I wonder why I cannot do them, what are the differences in our mindsets?" "those jews, evil as they may be, how come they can outcompete us so well in so many things, how can I be this kind of ruthless person who learns, and masters everything all the time?"

they never really did wonder

Just do what I do, get a job making six figures at a multibillion dollar company. I literally sit on my phone and shitpost all day erryday day and collect a paycheck for nothing. The company is large enough that the buisness owner never “checks up” on anyone. Ive never even seen him in person. My superiors are the only people who watch me work and they give zero fucks if i dont do shit all day because they are doing the same shit that I am.

Robots are our friend bro.

>Business owners are the ones that drive this economy and create products and jobs.

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Immediately followed by
> My parents worked hard and left me property and a business to run
thank God we have em

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Pay minimum wage, get minimum effort.


You don't know how profit works do you?

these are both 100% true

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What the fuck do you actually do though?

I'd love to have that type of job but idk how to get there

I love this pasta

Have you ever heard the expression:
>You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar
Try incentivizing them rather than ruling over them with an iron fist.
(mind you this only works with white employees)

You get what you pay for. Pretty simple stuff.

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As someone who oversees workers, I agree with OP.
I live in a country with extremely strong worker's rights, and a high minimum wage. I've never felt like the rules and regulations imposed on you do anything other than protect the shitty workers, the ones that abuse the system or who slacks off, forcing the other workers to work harder. Many times good workers have been shafted or fired, simply because they were hired last, when we're stuck with workers that are complete shit that are basically unfireable. I'm not even talking about the classical "I've worked here for 30 years and don't give a shit anymore about anything" type, it's people who were lucky enough to hired at the right time and are now basically part of the inventory. There's a guy that was sick 27 times last year. And that's 27 separate instances, not days. and we still can't get rid off him, even though it's clear he's both a hypochondriac and a bullshitter.
When I was a "common" worker, I fucking hated these slackers with all my heart. It's because of them I couldn't advance faster, and earn more money faster, why I had to work harder to offset their shitty performance. Unions were good for society in that they forced companies to create reasonable rules back in the day, but now they're just a cancer protecting the weak.

Electrical Engineer. To be fair i do actually work about a week out of every year. Literally the other 51 weeks i do nothing, we all brag to eachother about who can do the least work. A guy i work with and myself had a competition to see who could go the longest without turning on their computer or leaving their desk(with the exception of leaving for home). He beat me at 11 days because i had to leave to bring my daughter home from school when she got the flu. It was a technicality but the rules were explicitly stated.

What are you going to do, force companies to take a loss? All you do by doing that is put people out of work. Why do you think black unemployment is so high?

This is a dumb leftist shill thread

OP is an incel ugly poor loser who is buttmad that he will never touch a pussy because he's useless

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If they are such a drain on your business then fire them all and do it yourself.

Why on earth would I care about not slacking off? What is in it for me? You pay a small amount of money to make you a larger amount of money. If your company gets huge I dont see any returns. As long as I get my paycheck you can die in a hole for all I care.

There is absolutely no incentive for workers to make their bosses money besides the threat of being fired.

>outsource jobs
Jew spotted

>Have an open and friendly work culture. Give benefit of the doubt, good benefits. Don't fuck with people and start bullshit.

>Fire those who cause drama/problems/low morale in spite of these good benefits.

>Be left with an ace team of productive introvert types (and some rare civil extraverts) who are happy to be loyal assets to a company that isn't a shit storm of chimpanzee bullshit.
As a worker, you're going to make immense yields if you can get an undercover spy doing half ass work and letting you know who/what is driving complaints, low morale, exploitation of company benefits, etc.

get that ass ready for automation!

In short OP -- be a benevolent dictator. Reward the good and punish the bad.

Trump rewards the greedy rich, punishes working class people, and shits on the military.

Fuck man.

I'm kind of jealous. I'm in CS and just realized I'll have to actually do work/code after I graduate.


I am guessing this is your business model.
1. Hire people dumber than you so that you don't feel as stupid as you sound.
2. Pay them a really shit wage (you think more profit for you).
3. Don't trust your workers and tell/show them that you don't.
4. You expect them to work overtime without notice.
5. You tell them to take inconvenient leave when you don't have work for them.
6. You expect company loyalty, without being loyal to your workers.
If any one of the assumptions above is correct, you are a cunt. Prove me wrong.

This is the damn truth.

>making a killing by destroying the west
People who outsource should be thrown into molten iron.

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hmm, maybe i'll move into that when i'm done being a machinist. My job is pretty comfy, but the pay is crap, can be good though if you keep moving.

^this. what kind of business mindset actually wants their employees to not work for them?

Tsk tsk, another weak boss begging the workers to accept their position, because he's scared shitless of what will happen to his rectum, if they gang up on him.