ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Girls who have cheated, did you ever stop or did you cheat again in future relationships?

Genuine and serious question. I want to know if the "cheaters will always be cheaters" thing is accurate.

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Have you ever gone on a second date with a guy even though you weren't that interested? Why?

How do I stop wanting to an hero after speaking to a girl with romantic intent?

>meet grill today
>make a comment
>she says
>>oh my god can I keep you?

Did I done fuck up by not asking for her number?

Yes. Very much so.

where can i buy that soft toy frog?

Not if you have a way to meet her again without her number.

Girls, how can I tell the difference between casual flirting and flirting that involves actual interest.

I'm not Chad I don't think but I am (and have been told also by other people that I am) pretty flirty by default, and I generally get a half decent response from girls but I can't separate the ones who are flirting just because I seem to be and the ones who are actually interested.

I'm still devastated that my crush (guy) is eying another girl. I was told to ask him out, but I feel as if he'd know I was trying to steal him back. I don't want to come off as desperate or clingy. Any advice?

Fugg. I was literally experiencing this same problem and just assumed there was no actual desire. We chatted some general stuff and she seemed to be in a really sunny mood so I put it down to that.

Maybe. I know where she works I'd just have to leave it another week so that it doesn't look like malicious stalking. I will try my luck and try to find her there.

I'm sure you can work this out. You've got your eye on a guy right now, so if another dude were to come and ask you out would you say yes? Maybe, but probably not.

Asking your guy out gets you a maybe yes, doing nothing definitely gets you nowhere though.

Also you can't steal back a guy who is not yours.

Don't wait too long. Girls have a short attention span and think waiting means lack of interest.

Yeah, I thought that he wasn't that bad and that I'd actually come to like him more. Needless to say, I was mistaken.

Yeah for me it's pretty much now or never. I have to at least cement this idea in his head before he runs off with Mary Sue.

I was told I should ask him in person. Since he has a very busy work schedule that won't be for a while. I thought about texting him or messaging him over FB or Skype just to chit-chat, eventually telling him I want to go out. Good idea?

Yes. Obviously in person is best but Jow Forums has a strong bias against texting that you should take with a grain of salt. Most people are normies and prefer a text over a call and if you aren't going to see him and it's time sensitive it's fine.

Fugg I know.

>anxiety intensifies

Don't feel anxious. Just don't be creepy when you speak to her.
She already likes you, just don't fuck it up.

Is texting him casually a good idea? I used to do this all the time when we first met and the two of us flirted with each other but stopped after a while. I deeply regret not coming on to him sooner when the flames were still hot.

She sees you as a teddy bear she wants to keep and play with when she is bored, awww

What do you femanons think of guys who dye their hair?

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Nothing, I don't care unless it's some shade that doesn't suit them.

too girly

Yes. In fact, you should be texting him every day just as a friend.

Sure but you seem to have missed your window for that to be enough.

You'd be putting more effort into your hair than I would

Yeah and that's what's killing me about the whole thing. Had I done this a month ago I could have saved myself a ton of grief.

Text him asking him out. You weren't told to ask him out in person. You were told not to do a big confession over text. Either text him right this fucking second asking to hang out or start, from this fucking second, getting used to the idea of never having him.

Your choice

I'll be honest user, if this guy was flirting with you but moved on to another girl you probably don't have much of a chance. He would have made a move when you were originally talking if he wanted to.

Did you ever progress past flirting via text at all? Hold his hand? Kiss him? Sleep with him? Send nudes? I often find that it's really easy to get girls to flirt with me but in person they become super shy and give off big FUCK OFF signals, so I leave them be only to have them text me later being like "why didn't you kiss me god I wanted you to do it so bad" and I have to contain my spaghetti.

Both of us are very shy and introverted, that's why.

Yes but there comes a point where you being shy in person comes across like you don't want me to make a move, and as guys we're taught to be very careful about forcing our attentions on girls who don't want it. I would say it's more important for you as a shy person to give a guy a few obvious openings if you want him to try something.

As you've discovered, not doing that will lead to him thinking you're not really interested and moving on. Maybe you do still have a chance but I also vote that you should send him a text right now. Screenshots as a proof.

It's really late where I'm at. I'll do it first thing when I wake up. Promise.

Should I text him about going out or just something casual?

Guy friends tend to always be there for me when I want help with my depression. Girl friends tend to help me the first time, but then shut down sebsequent conversations about it. Any gender specific reason for this?

It may surprise you but guys do have a more caring nature while women are more selfish.

Preamble a bit if you don't have a current conversation going but keep it short, ask if he wants to go with you to some activity or whatever this weekend, if you want to lay it on thick you can say that you miss him. Remember that being too casual got you to where you are right now and you need to change it. He's not going to voluntarily take that step while his attention is elsewhere.

Pic related.

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This. I've been on a date with a girl before and everything led to the perfect kiss moment and I didn't kiss her because she was too shy to even look at me in the moment. She later asked me why I didn't kiss her. She actually expected me to grab her face, force her to face me and then kiss her. Don't be a retard like her.

>any guy thats nice is a nice guy

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I honestly don’t want sex or to get into a relationship with them.

Yes, I've had this happen too. Not even with a super shy girl, just one nervous about the first kiss. Bitch I'm nervous too all you have to do is face me and you can't even manage that.

That does surprise me, considering women tend to more emotional. I’ll look into this more.

It’s been the opposite for me actually

It's true. I'm always compelled to help someone through things as are some other guys I know. And before that niceguy fag chimes in, at no point have I considered using someones vulnerability as an in for sex or a relationship. Genuinely caring human beings that have no ulterior motives do exist.

Why do you go to your friends when you need help with your depression? That's now what friends are for. Friends are to help you when something shitty happens in your life, not when you have mental illness and should be on medicaments or therapy....
But to answer your question: guys you talk about are your beta orbiters under the guise of friendship. They just hope you will fuck them if they keep acting all nice and supportive

I’m a guy myself, and straight.

Then maybe your friends are faggots
Women don't like weak men which is why they arent into being your personal therapists

The difference is in the way men and women communicate. When men come to men with a problem, the men will work together to mitigate or solve the problem. When women come to men with a problem, they want the man to sympathise with the problem. They just want the man to empathise with her feelings and tell her she's right to feel the way she feels.

so any man that is caring or nice is either a niceguy or a faggot?
did you take the redpill as a suppository or something?

caring too much is a thing you know
usually when someone cares about people who are not their partners or family members its because of ulterior motives. Faggotry, Virtue signalling, trying to be a "good person" for their own satisfaction
Anyway if someone has depression they shouldn't stupidly burden their friends with it. Thats what mental health specialists are for

What about when men come to women with a problem? Do they empathise but then get tired of it?

Just because you have ulterior motives and a selfish nature doesn't mean the rest of the world is like you.

They simply don't care. Men are supposed to deal with their own problems. If you need to take care of a man, how can he ever take care of you?

Most people have ulterior motives buddy. Im not talking about myself. I always refer my depressed friends to people who actually can fix them as I'm not interesting in being someones emotional tampon

Maybe you just aren't as close to your girl friends as you may think since I've never had this problem with my girl friends. Alternatively, they can't relate to you as well as your male friends.

He's a guy.

I know, that's why I mentioned that females might not be able to relate to a male as well as a fellow male can.

If I ask a girl out, and she says yes, but later changes her mind, should I bother asking her out again? I'm willing to give it another go, but I don't want to waste my time on someone who can't make up their mind about something like this.

Guys, what does it mean when a guy keeps apologising to me for every little thing?

He feels he's on really thin ice with you.

Depends how she changed her mind

What was her response?

You have a tendency to bitch.

Invited her to a music gig, nothing too extravagant. She later bailed because there was an entrance fee (her words), but she told me to text her if the gig turned out to be good.

Don't text her. She had no intention of going with you.

I guess I'm just stupid for thinking that: "sure, see you there! :)" implied that she wanted to go.

If you asked her out via text, do it in person next time. I’d say it’s worth a shot with this person again

Fair point, might give it a go.

>feel like an heroing
>actually an hero
>realize that's not what you wanted
>stop wanting it

most likely it's just the way you choose people to become your friends. You look for different traits in either gender, which results in their different psychologies.
it's also possible you pronounce your problems differently to them or expect different reactions

How do I make a girl orgasm? Either with my mouth, fingers or dong it doesn't matter I just want my gf to be satisfied.

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Flick. The. Bean. Doesn't matter if you do it with your fingers or your lips and tongue, just do it.

check out some female ejaculation videos. I've seen one with a guy explaining the technique and it worked great for me

Dating a shy church worker girl. Really struggling to know the right pace. On the fourth of July we cuddled together and watched fireworks on a blanket in a field. I feel like I should have kissed her but wasn't sure it was time and idk I'm probably a coward too. We've never been so physically intimate before now though, we've hugged but this was much more personal and at length. 4th "date" but previous times were just lunch dates not a proper evening date.

Any advice? Shy/pure femanons or guys who have dated this kind of girl are both good.

>did you take the redpill as a suppository or something?

I've never had a gf but I've been observing how my friend's relationship functions. Can someone enlighten me, does every relationship look like this?
>he works full time, she doesn't
>both spend HIS money to buy things equally, even though he's the one working for 99% of it
>living together after a year
>I feel like she controls him with sex, as a reward for buying her things and letting her use his money
>they both need to know who the other one is texting. If I text my friend, she reads it too, if I text her, he reads the message etc
>compromising life styles. He stopped doing certain things because of her and vice versa, like they made a "deal", he didn't like what she was doing so he changed her and changed himself because she wasn't gonna change if he didn't
>they both seem to want to change one another to fit that ideal vision of a gf/bf they have in mind
>they seem to fight a lot and when my friend is alone he always tells me he wants to break up with her but then it never happens and when they're together everything seems perfect

If you feel like you should kiss her, you should kiss her. If you feel the moment, she does too.

>does every relationship look like this?
of course not.
in many relationships both partners work equally and don't share money (although dating still may happen and paying for each other isn't uncommon). You mostly start considering the money to belong to both of you only after the marriage.
sex control is not unheard of, though it's a total dick move. still, it may be rewarding for him that he buys sex. it's some kind of mutual manipulation here.
I've seen controlling couples envious of basically any social contacts of the other partner. Most of them didn't survive for long.
When you look for a partner you mostly try to choose only people with compatible lifestyles to not be forced to change at all.

I guess their idea might work in some cases, but I wouldn't like it at all.

I don't even date girls who don't pay for their own shit. I set a precedent. Never pay for her meal unless it's a situation you would've bought a male friend a meal.

Relationships are what you make them. The girl I'm with likes me because of how we get along not because I'm a meal ticket.

This is just intuitive to me because I'm a professor so I am not even on the gold digger radar. I make fucking nothing.

Girl I chat with tells me that it takes her longer to respond to me because my messages are more important to her than the other messages she gets. She responds quick short replies to the others, but her long messages back to me could sometimes take a week to write. She is very socially anxious, I know I'm special to her, I know she likes me very much, and I have no reason to doubt that she's ignoring me. It's just that I have never had that many contacts to keep up with, so I don't really have this viewpoint on messaging. It sounds viable and legit, I trust her, I'm just wondering how common this is.

If you get lots of messages from nobodies, friends, and from one someone special, would you prioritize the less important messages for first so that you could concentrate on the important message later?Even if the later message would be postponed for days?

What are some examples of things I could mention I am grateful for without it coming off as terrible?
Eg, I love my job, my friends and my family, but are these good things to list or are there better things that don't come off as cliche?

What is the maximum level of ungroomed a guy can be?

As long as you don't stink, you wash your dick and your theeth are brushed you should be good.

A married woman on tinder asked me to sleep with her. I asked if her husband was okay with it and she said 'he doesnt know'. I don't want to enable cheating but it seems like an easy lay, should I do the right thing I unmatch her or actually do it? I have no problem getting girls off tinder so I'm not desperate to get laid

even if you were desparate it's just an asshole thing to do. Put yourself in the shoes of the husband and do the right thing.

So I don't have to pluck my eyebrows and can go without shaving for a while?

Yeah absolutely, don't worry about those things.

I feel like you're tricking me

Yeah I was strongly leading towards no, just needed to hear someone validate the no as being the right choice

go for it she'll cheat its inevitable, why not be you the one who gets their dick wet.

I mean, you asked about the maximum level of ungroomed and I named the 3 top relationship killers I could think off (subjectively) Eyebrows and beards are not a turn off to me, and most other people

You're a good guy, good luck with the other girls

Are girls turned on by the smell of semen?


Why do girls have sex with the guys in their group of friends? I thought they were just friends?

Why do you always ask if we have friends?

I'm, I guess the word is perceptive, I pick up on the things people do and say as I'm getting to know them and then decide if I want to pursue a relationship with them or not. But so far, I'm 23 and all the girls I've met seemed to have a lot of red flags so I avoided dating them, as a result I never had a girlfriend because I feel like if I just went with it and pursued a relationship with a girl I just met that I don't really know well, I would break up with her sooner or later so I saw no point in dating someone like that.

Am I an idiot for using this "system" and end up gf-less forever? or am I better off avoiding relationships that could potentially end up very quickly because the person doesn't seem the right fit for me?
Its sort of a weird question and I'm not sure if I'm getting my point across, I guess what I'm asking is if its better to try out many girls in a relationship and break up with them or avoid the ones you didn't click with and look for someone thats a perfect fit for you?

Not him
What about hair on the back of my neck?

No, not really altough when it comkes to hair on the back, ass etc it depends on the person. I personaly don't mind, as long as you don't let it go crusty with sweat or dirt

No worry there, I shower often (how would dirt get there) I just worry the neck / upper back hair are off putting, sometimes think about getting it waxed

As a woman does not wanting children make me unattractive to men?


Nope. Just find a guy who doesn't want children either.

It makes you unattractive to a sizable portion of them.