>All of my friends have long-term girlfriends or at least get laid regularly
>Most of them are just ‘normal’ stripmall idiots. There’s nothing especially dashing or special about them
>But here I am, lonely fag
> Y ME?
Why can’t I find a girlfriend?
you are probably the one with nothing special about you. you must be a zero confidence incel.
Your on Jow Forums, enough said
How many girls have you asked out in person this year?
Girls don't find desperate whiners attractive.
Two. Both of them said they had bfs and were prolly lying through their teeth.
Thats four girls a year...
Ask out one girl a week and you’ll find one.
Are you even trying for girls in your leauge? Try asking out that shy chubby girl with glasses instead of 10/10s
>But, I don't wanna...
Not him, but there are not 50 potential girls to ask out in my city.
If I can find 5 girls that are even worth my time in a year, I am having a good year.
How do you even find new and decent people that fast?
People are much more diverse than you assume. Make less assumptions and ask them out with the only goal of getting to know who they really are.
I guess I could give more people a chance.
But how do you even find 50 people?
I don't want to ask several people out from work, that shit gets around.
Cold approaching doesn't work for guys like me. You just come across as desperate and creepy.
Dude, my standards are not high. I've gone for the shy, chubby, nerdy types and still struck out. If you haven't got looks or game, you're fucked.
You gotta fix yourself before trying to find somebody else. If you aren't happy with yourself, it shows.
Then fix your looks and practice your game. Why is this such a confusing concept?
Because that takes effort.
>Why is this such a confusing concept?
Because I don't have the money for plastic surgery or the confidence to get shot down 10000 times on the off-chance I'll get lucky.
So the failure is 100% on you.
Who are you to think you deserve anything more?
I'm just bemused that most of my friends have gfs and I don't.
You've already solved your own situation. Your friends have some figured out some combination of choice, circumstance, looks and game that worked.
Then why can't I?
Ah, you're expecting me to get plastic surgery and make a fool of myself asking out anything with a pulse? None of my friends had to do that. Even the ugly ones.
I'm saying you're not trying hard enough.
Tbh, apparently you're the one that has to.
Try harder? Women smell desperation a mile away. The harder you try, the harder it gets.
Desperation and effort are not synonymous. Do not misconstrue me to preserve your ego.
What the fuck does this even mean.
The more you get rejected the more desperate you become, so what you're saying it's an endless cycle where you always lose.
>The more you get rejected the more desperate you become, so what you're saying it's an endless cycle where you always lose.
Now you're getting it.
Way to act like a person who deserves to be alone, kudos.
If all the girls I ask out reject me, then yes by definition I deserve to be alone.
S'all good, find something else to do with your life.
But it's not all good. I'd love to find a girl to share my life with but instead I have to battle with loneliness while everyone else gets it handed to them on a plate.
That's genetics. There were no guarentees given at birth. If you truly can't just accept your reality, end it.
It Ain’t How Hard You Hit…It’s How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward!
Don't think I haven't thought about it.
I know you have, I'm telling you to decide and end this thread.
No one's keeping you here.
That's not my point.
You come here for advice, recieve it, then for some reason go into damage control mode to preserve whatever it is you were before you asked for advice.
Why do this? Why stay stagnant in a position you don't want to be in?
Your advice was basically to suck it up and accept I'm forever alone. If I could do that, I wouldn't be in this predicament.
It doesn't matter, what you can or cannot do, only what is the truth. We've found yours, and you must deal with it. "Convenience" was something that could not be afforded by you.
You're really bad at this.
How so?
I told you that I can't accept I'll be forever alone and your advice is "herp derp u betta son"
There are no other choices, unless you want to wait for someone to give you an answer that will never come.
Ok, run along now. I'm bored of you. You're just shitposting and not giving actual advice.
Every word you type makes your predicament make more and more sense.
>Please gib female advice
No matter, I'm killing myself tonight. Already got it all planned. This was just one last-gasp attempt to find a slither of hope. You and everyone else have pretty much confirmed that the situation is irrevocable.
What the fuck is a game?
"Game" is your ability to be charismatic when you're talking to women.
PUA term: Basically a set of rules and techniques for manipulating women into bed.
Either your friends lucked out or they just have a certain quality that you don't. Without knowing them or you it's hard to say. It's tough for sure, because even semi-attractive girls have no shortage of suitors. Why would any girl choose you over anyone else? That's what you got to ask yourself.
>I arbitrarily judge people to be "nothing special"
100% it's your awful personality keeping romance away
Guaranteed-- thank Christ I just have to leave a thread but people who might spend actual time with you, who might have to spend a day or a week in your presence-- what's their motivation?
I'm sure you've never made judgements based on people's personalities & lifestyle? How's it in that ivory tower of yours?
A lot of my friends are bozos. I say it to their face. They aren't exciting, outgoing socialites but they have gfs.
>hey you stupid bozo
>fuck you idiot
>I'm so much better than all of you
>Waaaaaaah why doesn't anyone like me
They're bozos and you're a judge mental creep with an obsession for romance that you can't fulfill because you're a judgemental creep
I've made tons of judgements and some were right, some were wrong
Have you ever considered that this sanctimonious attitude if yours where you can't be wrong is entirely your problem? Because there are so many guys like you who are judgemental, rude and ostensibly critical despite having no merit off of which to be critical or judgemental
It sounds like your friends have engaging personalities and know how to either please or compromise to please a woman, at least long enough to form a relationship.
You, on the other hand... maybe if you stop viewing the world in terms of "what is attractive to girls" you'd end up with one rather than scaring them all off.
I mean go ahead, keep deflecting and denying. Only one of us is single, and only one of us is at risk of staying that way over their shit attitude.
I'm pretty fucking awesome. All the chicks should dig me. Must be something wrong with the female brain that they can't appreciate a perfect male specimen such as I.
>Have you ever considered that this sanctimonious attitude if yours where you can't be wrong is entirely your problem? Because there are so many guys like you who are judgemental, rude and ostensibly critical despite having no merit off of which to be critical or judgemental
And how do women pickup on that from casual chit-chat? I'm plenty polite and laid back when I approach girls. They just don't want what I'm offering because reasons. Your reasoning is faulty, sir.
You're ugly. Full stop. Your dating life is a direct reflection of your physical attractiveness. Mostly in the face.
My friends are ugly. They have cute gfs.
>I'm so
>I'm plenty
>I'm I'm I'm
Nobody asked you dipshit
It's clearly not working, you're clearly a shit personality whether you like it or not
You're probably the one friend that people are debating ghosting because they're just so single-minded and juvenile, but they also feel bad because there's years of friendship invested even though you never really made it past high school, mentally.
You're shit whether you admit it or not, dude
Here's one better. Go ask your friends AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS why you can't get a gal to settle in with, tell them to be honest and that you won't get mad at their answer. And don't.
It's clear you have a lot of improving to do, the question is whether or not you can get your head out of your ass long enough to do it.
I doubt it. People like you remain the way you are pretty much as a fixture. I'm 27 and the folks like you that I know of still haven't changed, nearing on 30 years of age.
It's not impressive or determined, it's pathetic and detrimental to the goals you've set for yourself.
It's probably the best advice you'll get in this thread to learn how to be happy being single. You're gonna be doing a lot of it at this going rate.
You're even uglier then. You probably overrate yourself because you see yourself everyday and don't know just how off-putting you are.
If you were perfect you would have figured out by now how to get a gf.
So you trash me for making judgements about friends who I've known IRL for 15 years, then you make all kinds of opinionated assumptions about me - some guy on the other side of a computer screen that you've never met. Good one!
Oh, I know I'm nothing special but one of my pals looks like a thumb with hair. His gf is a cutie patootie. Then again he does have a good job.
Like I said. This personality, where you can do no wrong, is the number one way I can think of to turn girls off.
Accept it or don't, like I said, only one of us is gonna be single when the thread 404s.
Happy hunting, loser.
No, women are only interested in looks, money or social status, that's the real issue.
This is true, but everyone on Jow Forums vehemently denies it because they desperately want to believe everyone is the same and that your dating life is directly proportional to the effort put into it.
Ugly poorfag losers can still get gfs. How do you explain that?
Because those women are also ugly poorfag losers.
That's the solution then. Go for ugly poorfag loser women.
Back when Craigslist was a thing, I used it for dating/hookups. For those not in the know they took it down a couple of months ago.
So anyway, once I met this guy who sent an email saying he had two cars, he was an engineer, and had his own house. Which all sounds pretty good if you're looking for a stable guy.
So turns out he's overweight, his two cars are an old Jeep and an old mustang, (not vintage, but old) and his house is that he's roommates with his sister. We went to dinner where I found all of this out and get this, he wanted sex because he bought dinner. Not happening.
Then, I put a different ad up later looking for a date. I got an email from him with the same copypasta paragraph about his two cars house and good job.
He wasn't putting effort into meeting people as individuals and he was trying to lie to get the date. Don't do that. Just be yourself
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with this because it does nothing to disprove my post or even challenge it.
The problem is that that's who they are, people who lie and ignore their own wrongs and flaws
They believe they are beyond reproach and as such, no girl wants to go anywhere near that romantically because that's literally where wifebeating starts, in the mentality that the man can do no wrong.
I've never met a woman who isn't instantly and pretty much permanently turned off by that mentality. Not even one.
The point is, you shouldn't try to be something you're not. If you're unhappy with the way things are, you can try to improve them, but you can't lie your way out of them.
Plastic surgery isn't going to get you a girlfriend, but maybe going out of your comfort zone might help you meet someone. And most girls would be turned off by plastic surgery.
I’d rather jerk off
What can I do to find a girlfriend?
>"How do I get a girlrend"
>"How many girls do you ask out?"
>"Like one every few months"
>"Why don't you ask out more?"
>"I CAN'T, they might REJECT me."
Absolutely pitifully fucking weak and retarded. Rejection doesn't "make" you desperate. If you were learning something new, would you stop and give up right away if you weren't immediately perfect without trying? Learn to fucking accept failure, then you will be a man.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
That's why you don't do the same thing over and over again. You learn from each time, and the next time are always better.
Cold approach ten girls or ten thousand girls, if you’re the same schmuck it won’t make any difference.
Way to miss the point. Don't be the same schmuck.
That's only true if it's the same girl, it's different girls so it's not the same thing
Okay personality transplant in 5, 4, 3...
Do you know how asinine you sound?
1. That is PROVABLY ridiculous from a concrete, mathematical perspective.
To wit:
If only 0.1% of all girls you ask out would say yes to you, and you ask out ten at random, you have an 0.1% chance of success, statisticalcly it is almost a certainty none will say yes. But ask out 10000 at the same rate of success, and statistically you would probably go out with around 100 of them!
2. You... you realize cold approaches aren't the only way to ask out women, right?
What about if 0% girls would say yes to you? Now do you see.
Why would it be 0%?
How do you know it's 0 and not, say, 1%, if you haven't literally asked out hundreds?
Look, you can’t undo years of social and cultural conditioning. If someone is a fucking gimp who can’t speak to women, well past their formative years, they’re never going to learn.
Because we live in reality where things are real.
Why can't you undo it? You did it all to yourself, you can undo it to yourself as well.
Complete bullshit for a variety of reasons: neuroplasticity is real, people make significant changes to their life all the time, social skills can be literally learnt as a skill through practice in adulthood (and even people who already have decent social skills can benefit from this),
The fuck does this even mean. L
isten, you can never actually know the result of any measurement without some range of uncertainty, which you can reduce only by performing more or more precise measurements. Not only can you NEVER actually know for certain that it's 0%, but without asking out at least hundreds of women you practically can't even tell 0 from 1 in 10.
lol nope. Your ego is comprised of your cumulative experiences and relationships going back to your earliest development. It’s too deeply ingrained to unravel.
>equates making any positive change in life to ego loss
How telling. You literally think changing in any way means "being someone else." My friend, you are extremely egotistical. That doesn't contradict your low self-esteem at all, in fact, it is the main source of the problem. You don't actually want to change. If you did, you would have asked "how do I get a girlfriend" or "what can I change in my life to improve my chances of getting a girlfriend," but because of your massive ego you need an excuse to stay set your ways, so you started with the presumption that you cannot and formulated your question from there. You are really asking for us to tell you that it's not your fault, it's everyone else, and it's OK to not do any thing different.
Well, in fact it is completely OK to be you, the way you are. Nobody gives a shit. But if you don't want to change, you should stop whining about it.
Thank you, Dr Freud. Too bad you’re talking out of your ass.
This is ready surface level stuff, like it's showing quite blatantly, and if we can pick up on it on in this thread from this short conversation, people in your life can probably see it. It's great girl repellant, so that right there is part of your problem.
The question "Why can't I get a girlfriend?" carries an implicit asssumption that you cannot. Anyone in this thread who tells you "you can, but..." gets shot down. You will only accept answers that validate that assumption.
The problem is, it's actually wrong.