What does Jow Forums think of Deus Ex?
Deus Ex
Nathan Lee
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Carson Gomez
Pretty accurate to future we’re heading just needs more furfags and tranny kids
Carson Green
The USA is reason for every ill on earth. Our timeline was doomed in 1776, may God curse the traitors who committed the crime in the first place and may God curse the loyalists who didnt manage to stop it.
Kayden Baker
I'd love to have a drink with the guy who perfectly predicted how the EU would end up already in 2000.
Angel Jenkins
>Implying turning the colonies loose wasn’t the plan all along by the “loyalists”
Josiah Brown
Best video game ever created.
Daniel Foster
Isaiah Mitchell
Good game.
Austin Sanders
That's a funny way of spelling MGS3.
Cameron Ramirez
frighteningly accurate.