I met this really hot milf and she wants the d but I lied and told her I couldn't do it this weekend because I had to go away to some IT convention for work. However it's happening next weekend unless I tell her about my gf. Statistically my gf will end up cheating on me so it feels like I'll be less hurt if I do it first. What the fuck do I do?
Should I cheat on my gf?
You’re a moron.
>Statistically my gf will end up cheating on me
Where is that statistic? I've never cheated and never will, my father cheated on my mother and it fucked my family up, you're selfish. No, you shouldn't cheat.
Break up with your girlfriend first if you actually think she's gonna cheat on you, doesn't seem like you've got enough trust in your relationship. If you actually trust your girlfirend & want to stay with her, don't cheat.
cheat if u want its ur life nigga, just if u get caught be ready for the consequences
Your gf isn't a statistic, gonna need hardcore evidence and even then the honorable thing to do is break up first.
If I knew your gf user I'd tell her you're a fuckwit
Don't ever cheat, regardless of the situation.
If you're unhappy with your girlfriend or you feel like you can't trust her, then break up with her. Cheating fucks people up - she'll forever be paranoid and worry if her future partners will cheat on her, and if you cheat on her and she eventually finds out it will just wreck her and it's a shitty thing to do.
>my father cheated on my mother and it fucked my family up
Your family is soft if Dad wanting some strange was all it took to fuck them up.
>muh dick
have some discipline and respect, you're better than a but of blood between your legs
>muh statistic
>weeaboo pic
Fuck off with your LARP
Here you are, a men amount mice. One of the few people on this Baird with a gf, and you want to betray her
>Here you are, a men amount mice. One of the few people on this Baird with a gf, and you want to betray her
Fuck you autocorrect and fuck you grammerly
My God, can you imagine being this lonely to the point where you're like "HA LOOK HOW SOFT YOUR FAMILY IS COMPARED TO ME!"
>statistically she will cheat on me
You will never have a functional relationship with this attitude; this is both false and a sign you don’t know your partner because she is not a statistic. If the answer to
>Will SHE cheat on me
Is yes, and you know that and truly believe it, it isn’t cheating to break up with her, have fun with the MILF, and after the fact you will remain a good person.
If you don’t know that, or for HER, she wouldn’t, just be honest with yourself if you’d prefer being single to continuing dating, BEING the cheater makes you scum.
What? Soft people are devastated by ordinary shit. Non-soft people aren't.
You seem soft.
As someone who has cheated multiple times, I say do it. Look, there are only two possible outcomes
1) The sex is really bad: Then this will make you appreciate your girlfriend even more and your love will be solidified. This will greatly improve your relationship.
2) The sex is really good: Then you had some good fucking sex.
Literally, nothing can go wrong as long as no one finds out.
>No one will find out
I used to know several cheaters; many of whom thought they got away with it consequence free. They never did.
People talk, cheaters like to brag, you’re less stealthy than you think, and attempting to be stealthy both is noticeable to others (e.g, why did he lie about seeing a movie, the film’s runtime was less than half the length of the time he was out, his clothes got crazy wrinkled, he smelt strange, and I found an opened condom box in the glovebox last week) and silently accumulates both a web of lies and a paper trail of disproveable statments that collectively hang you.
Once you’re found out, some to most of the people in your interlapping social circle of the victim will cast you out. None in it will want to date you because once you cheat you’re damaged goods. It’s pretty much social suicide plus exile mixed together, even if you don’t have a single regret because you’re a shit person who only wanrs sex and doesn’t feel guilt or shame for being a bad person who uses people.
I only cheat when I travel for work my dude. I'm not retarded. I've literally never cheated in the same country as my girlfriend.
>I cheat outside the country
So did an old business associate. Work party rolled around, and another person on his team got to talking with his wife about their work trip in ways that directly contradicted his take on how he spent his evenings. It poisoned their relationship, they’re getting a divorce, and he’s probably going to lose custody of his kids.
Interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind. Still, everyone in my field is a psychopath just like myself and we have very strict rules of not talking about the shit that goes down when we travel. But thank you, I will consider minimizing the interactions my girlfriend has with colleagues.
Just be a good person. I feel bad for your girlfriend being in a relationship with a cynical piece of shit such as yourself
The fact that you had to ask on here means no. Are you fucking retarded? Hurr Durr my engine will go out someday so I might as well pour gravel in the oil. You know it's wrong, she might not cheat, if she does then leave. God damn what's wrong with people.
Cheating on your spouse is only ordinary for classless plebs, but then again lower class people tend to have troubled families at a higher rate anyway so your whole post is kinda shit
literal cuck detected
ahh, finance.
>minimize interactions
You’re missing the point. It’s not something that you can plug by being smarter and more careful, it’s an endless game of whack-a-mole and eventually you’ll fuck up. At some point you’ll face a reckoning because, fact, regardless of who you are, you’re not as clever as you think you are and the consequences when you find that out far outweigh how good the sex was.
I hope you never face any adversity in your life. You seem like the sort that would just crumble.
>If you're not a big enough scumbag to think that cheating on your spouse is socially acceptable behavior then you're soft
I realize this isn't real, but I'll answer it seriously anyway:
No. This is the sort of thing that becomes part of your soul once you've done it. It'll make you more likely to be unfaithful in the future, and even if you manage to be faithful to every partner from here on out, you'll still have this mark that you can't change.
Source: I'm a cheater.
>was all it took to fuck them up.
Well it wasn't everything, it was the beginning of their problems. Any reasonable person should dump their partner if they're discovered cheating, I wish my parents did that