Be me, 21

>be me, 21
>grew up in jewish household
>not religious as a family, mostly just culturally identify with being jewish
>hannukah and tater pancakes, thats it
>biracial, so no one ever assumed I was jewish, it's something I had to explain when asked
>constantly told by family that the jews are hated by everyone, “they tried to wipe us out”, etc.
>only legitimately targeted or teased for being jewish once in high school (not the south park “stupid jew” shit, this kid was a descendant of nazi-era german patriots)
>browsing /b/ since 7th grade, always saw anti-semitic memes, jokes, opinions etc.
>feelings were never hurt by it, just brushed it off as ideological differences
>know that I'm a good person, everyone in my family is good, well educated, mostly non-religious
>sum aint addin up
>grew up in the south
>”Jews killed jesus”
>Family says “jews are the chosen people”
>secular, so I’ve always kinda disregarded opinions based in religious belief
>really have no where to turn for knowledge, googletime.jpeg
>only left leaning and jewish websites offer answers for this baseless disdain for jewish folks, can’t rely on these sites for the whole story
>best gore video descriptions elaborate on Israel being a US-funded war machine
>realize that the whole topic is a rabbit hole for right wing nutjobs


Can someone fucking educate on why hate for jewish people is still a thing? Why does anyone actually give a fuck about us or anything we are? No religious shit, no conspiracies. Just educate me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

is he ok?

The USA is reason for every ill on earth. Our timeline was doomed in 1776, may God curse the traitors who committed the crime in the first place and may God curse the loyalists who didnt manage to stop it.

I'm sick of eating sugar sandwiches.

You should watch the videos from Know More News on YouTube. He documents what the Jews are saying and doing pretty nicely.

He's not biased either


wow I wish I was surprised

>>not religious as a family, mostly just culturally identify with being jewish

the worst kind. It's basically an ethnic mafia, religion is a side detail.

>Biracial and jewish
Gtfo off this board kike mutt

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>Can someone fucking educate on why hate for jewish people is still a thing?

Because kikes are parasites who destroy everything, and in addition the kikes believe they are innocent despite being a race of parasites.

Also you killed Jesus, I'm not even a Christcuck.

The more you know about the elites that govern us the more you hate the jews. Pic related its the natural progression. Stop pushing for the importation of brown hordes into white countries and stick to Israel and most of the world just won't care.

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It's about the inability even over thousands of years to integrate into society while simultaneously becoming inordinately influential and powerful whilst also acting as a hyperdominant interest group while dissuading others from doing so in order to exploit their divisions. On top of that, the inevitable hatred all of that engenders is then employed in itself to garner pity points and assist in attaining (or retaining) power. Even writers thousands of years ago absolutely loathed the Jews, and it's basically for the reasons I just described. One minute Jews are an ethnic group, the next a religious group, the next a lobbying interest group. Either way the Jew looks out solely for the interest of the Jew, and will at all times display nothing but disgust towards anything else.

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>>be me, 21
>>grew up in jewish household
>le based jew posting on the internet's counter-forum
Fuck off, JIDF.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now.

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The bankers are jewish and control the currency and taxes, and use the power for their own ends.

stay mad buddy

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How many of these people are Jews?

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Anti-Jewish sentiment can be explained by these two factors:

1. They're a religious minority.
2. They're a high performance minority, so in any society they will accumulate wealth and influence disproportionately.

This is a uniquely precarious situation Jews find thrmselves in, and is why Israel must exist as a safe haven in case history ever repeats itself.

If this is real, go fuck yourself. Just because you are "innocent" doesn't mean your kin is innocent. It's like the real version of the white privilege bullshit propaganda that is pushed by your kind. The best thing you could ethically do is expose your own people. Jewish silence is unironically violence.

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Jews are behind every vile ungodly thing in modern society and are actively trying to destroy western civilization as a collective group

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Cause you're a nepotistic cult.
Otherwise I don't really give a fuck about you more than anyone else that believes in religious fairy tales. Though the Jewish being a race thing is as fucking retarded as creationism and about as scientifically sound. Oh and Israel is mentally unstable as an idea and in action. I'd love to see how they'd survive without international support.
Also your food sucks. For the chosen people you guys get a fucking raw deal. Shit food, stupid hat/hair/clothes, and chopping off a bit of your dick. Oh and being forced to learn that esoteric assed language.. man.

Though to be honest I got a rant like this about most cunts.

>Even writers thousands of years ago absolutely loathed the Jews, and it's basically for the reasons I just described
Ethnicity wasn't a thing back then, and jews were confined to their small ghettos up until the 18th century, let alone didn't lobbying for whatever interests

>Can someone fucking educate on why hate for jewish people is still a thing?

God hates you because you murdered his son. That's why you Jews have been persecuted for centuries. You rejected Christ and his message and so God rejected you.

You and the other Jews are all going to go to hell when you die unless you convert. God is going to continue persecuting you until you finally get the point and repent.

My way to put it is my reason for disliking them. They are stuck up hypocrites. - When you think about it, why in every single. I really do mean EVERY SINGLE community in the world are Jews despised. I don't know. Maybe it's the forcing of their beliefs down everyone's throat.
See image.

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Jews have a high IQ, now you might not, but high IQ is associated with leftism (due to naivety and not knowing how the dumber people act and think). So alot of jews are marxists. It's why the bolsheviks had large numbers of Jews
it's why the bavarian revolution was led by jews
it's why jews are overrepresented in every institute of value.
on top of that jews huddle together, because of this strange fear of "they're out to get us all" which is only partly true, but because of this absence of trust between whites and jews, you get nepotism
then you haven't even touched on religious problems
usury and banking
or what the problems of overrepresentation lead to

ethnicity has literally always been a thing
jews were not confined to ghettos everywhere, probably sometimes, but definitely not always, fuck outta here
lobbying used to be done way differently, through money, and jews most certainly participated.

Based stroke poster will be fine user it's time for bed

Yeah it has nothing to do with them subverting every nation they are in.

I can't be the only one here who finds this mildly erotic.

The #2 race for victimhood in the US is the ghetto nigger.
Number #2 globally is any Balkan state, and everyone knows who to blame there.
#1, and still undefeated global champion for, "But nobody likes me therefore I gotta be criminal to everyone else," goes to...

1 post by ID.

Watch, the greatest story never told. Should clear up some of it for you.

>tater pancakes
That's not Jewish.


Show me influential jews (who weren't converted to christianity) in European society prior to the 18th century, please

>culturally identify
what culture? the mutilating baby dicks culture? because kikes have no culture of their own, they've literally stolen everything.

>Can someone fucking educate on why hate for jewish people is still a thing?

jesus, who was not a fucking kike, only ever showed anger towards 1 type of people, money lenders. he told them to gtfo of the temples and leave people alone. these same scum later killed him, then they stole his good ideas and claimed them as their own and proclaimed the man they'd literally just murdered as their "king". can you see where i'm going with this? you have to understand, there were no jews back in jesus time. israel didn't exist before 1948 and the only people that call them "chosen" are themselves... despite having been kicked out of 250+ areas throughout history. i mean, the 350 areas must be the problem, right? not kikes, no no no. and if you need more proof of kike fuckery simply look at the bible. old testament kike book is god is wrathful and killing shit... fear god or else! people stopped fearing god... dun dun dun.. kike book of lies volume 2 aka the new testament. god is good! and the only way you can get into heaven is be praising god and giving him money.

>realize that the whole topic is a rabbit hole for right wing nutjobs
the jew cries out when exposed to the truth.

>Can someone fucking educate on why hate for jewish people is still a thing? Why does anyone actually give a fuck about us or anything we are? No religious shit, no conspiracies. Just educate me.
yes, Nazis escaped to Chile made South America Right leaning shit hole that bounced back to Left leaning shit hole like no tomorrow, next Nazis descendants emigrated to USA, sold some painting for a fast cash and started to infiltrate old right wing organizations to pump them up.
Next time finish the job you shlomos.

1. Nepotism
2. Ethno-nationalism/supremacism
3. Demonization of other people that do the same

>Can someone fucking educate on why hate for jewish people is still a thing? Why does anyone actually give a fuck about us or anything we are? No religious shit, no conspiracies. Just educate me.

Here you go faggot

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>being this insecure

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so are you a race or a religion?
if you are a race you got to realize you are probably a fucking slavic khazar and you are as jewish as a chinaman
if you are athiest then its not religion so you are basically nothing but a fake with no real roots
chosen for nothing, and an imposter in lands built by others

Well, mostly because of old belief that never die down completly.
In the middle age they were hated as the ones that were the reason for Christs death. And that some of them got rich by money lending for interested. which Was considered immoral and "unfair".
So in the end the picture of the greedy money man was born.

Jews have high in-group amity and high out-group enmity. They love Jews and really distrust non-Jews. Eventually non-Jews get tired of Jews doing this and kick them out.

t. last 3,000 years of human history.

Stop undermining and trying to destroy civilization, integrate and contribute, no one will ever target you.

Kill yourself kike.

Jews, through their culture, have a tendency to play with fire, often getting burned but more importantly pissing off everyone around them. This is why they got kicked out of 300+ regions. Not because they're evil, but because they're stupid-smart, like a kid that figures out he can stick a fork in a light socket.

>knows the talmud
>knows full well why the goyim have a problem being viewed as cattle
>browses Jow Forums for months, read countless kike redpill threads
>can't help but make a shitty I'm a victim post in service of his tribe to make the goyim look evil

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This right here, is the final red pill. The US is the worst thing to have ever happened to the White Race.

How about the fact that Israel continues to steal land from the Palestinians just because they believe that land belongs to Jews?
>Yeah we know your grandparents grandparents grew up here, but our invisible friend says this land and the house on it is ours. Get off our property or we will shoot you.
That’s literally how it goes. Look up a map that compares 1947 Israel to today.
Or how about the fact that Jews are intentionally diluting the white race and promoting degeneracy in the West?
Or how about the fact that once a Jew hits the top of an organization or government, all the high up positions slowly become Jewish aswell?
Or how about the fact that, despite being responsible for more deaths and atrocities than Hitler by FAR, you have never heard of Genrikh Yagoda? I will give you one guess as to (((why))).
Or how about the fact that this isnt the first time they have done any of this? The Jews have been kicked out of every country thats ever hosted them, literally hundreds of times throughout history. You think you guys are just unlucky? You think that countries who voluntarily take Jews in and then violently expell them are just antisemetic? They clearly werent when they first took the Jews in. What happened those hundreds of times societies changed their mind about the Jews after hosting them? The Jews are parasites, and are solely responsible for the hatred against them. If i were you OP, i would distance yourself from your Jewish roots as much as possible. The storm is coming.


>be me
>doesnt give two fucks about your optics
>is going in

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jews are a highly tribal, insular, and intelligent people who aggressively pursue their group interest while living amongst a larger and distinct host population.
sometimes their interests conflict with the host populations. when jews use their disproportionate wealth and influence to advance their in-group interests, and that negatively affects the out-group host population, that leads to the out-group resenting Jews. Jews have taken things so far that they've managed to convince a large portion of the host population that they belong to no group ("race is a social construct" or "gender isnt real"). If you don't identify as a group member, you're powerless in the face of a highly tribal group.

>Why does anyone actually give a fuck about us or anything we are?

Because people need to be able to blame someone and you just happen to be there. It's that simple. It's like blaming witches for failed crops in the middle ages. Everything is your fault. BY DEFINITION. Don't try to look for reason or logic in it, there is none. It's just axiomatic. You are a Jew, therefore you are Guilty. We'll back-reason from there and find proof to support this conclusion.

You got the shitstick of history, and everyone will keep hitting you with it until you vanish from history. (Or until there's no need to blame a specific group for something bad happening - hah).

You're not the first people to be singled out like this (although you're the longest-running and most famous) and you won't be the last.

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jesus was jew

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Jews are a large order secret society that isn't secret. They are manipulated by smaller more powerful secret societies, who also manipulate other groups and systems. Part of what the Jews do is act as scapegoats for the other secret societies. Most Jews do not understand their role, they just carry it out like regular normies.

>mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812)
>prior to the 18th century
Thhanks for proving my point.

Partly I cant explain why the jewish graveyard I saw is like a deluxe fortress and partly I think christcucks and boomers want to use the jews as a scape goat to get away with murder (for example, boomer sends his son to be circumsised, tells son it was the jews).

Its weird, Jews keep behaving like an infection and can't understand why they keep meeting anti-bodies. Learning disability?

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here is a pic to get attention on my post

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>He's not biased either
Yeah he's a 100% neutral, even leaning towards the Jewish side
Geez the complete lack of self awareness with you palefaces

You guys are about 2% of the US population and yet you find yourselves everywhere in positions of power, vastly overrepresented in ivy league, the media, all three branches of government, banking, you're the richest ethnicity in America with anglos trailing not far behind, and at every opportunity I see jews who actively despise white people saying "AS A WHITE PERSON US WHITE PEOPLE REALLY NEED TO STEP UP OUR APOLOGIZING AND GROVELING AT THE FEET OF NONWHITES" and then when anyone criticizes them they go "uhhhh ackshually I'm jewish and all sixteen of my grandparents were killed in the shoah at age 6"

mitzahbpeh faggot

As a Jewish woman married to a non-Jewish man, I can tell you that it "can" have negative connotations but usually not in a way that anyone on the receiving end may be offended by. And not racist, per se. I'll try to explain. Early in our marriage my husband introduced me to the joy of mayonnaise on hamburgers. The first time my mother saw us both eating our hamburgers this way she exclaimed "Oy, so Goyishka!"
I knew that she meant "How disgusting!" but my husband, even though he knew the basic meaning of the word, took it to mean "How different, from the way we/I like it."
I guess it all depends on your perspective. Sometimes it can be used as a harmless way of saying "not Jewish" or "different." But other times it can be more nefarious in it's meaning when applied to something that is looked down upon as not being correct or proper. In some instances, a Jew calling another Jew a "Goy" can be taken as a terrible insult.
After several years of marriage, I think my husband has gotten the hang of it, and it tickles my family to no end hearing him say "that's so Goyish." (Meant in the harmless way of course.)

Youre not really the problem, its just at the top pushing the cultural shift to Weimerica is largely Jew. Dual Israeli US citizens in our government get funding for Israel security deny our own borders etc. It could really go on but im sure other posters cover it.

>christians and boomers are the true illerminaty
Holy fuck this is simultaneously the most brainlet and most scorching hot take I've read on Jow Forums in years

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They know damn well why they are hated. They play dumb around the goyim because retards learn by example, and retards comprise like 90% of the population.

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if you stick together... if you will cut out squabbling with each other... stop quailing... we can have our country once again free, we can have it once again white, we can have it once again Christian... we can have it once again a Christian American republic with a wholesome atmosphere that every American can be proud of

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Also, how do you feel about
>"end whiteness"
>"toxic masculinity"

most rank and file jews are strongly in favor of these things and don't understand why it makes white people hate them

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I have nothing against jews.
But the fact that you cant say that you re an antizionist without going to jail is a fcking problem.
Today the number one news in France: Three men are tracked down by the police because they said to a granny , in the subway, that they dont believe in the holocaust.

They re ennemy public n 1 kek This is fcked up. Thats why people are fed up.

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It's a very complex issue OP, and one Jow Forums rarely takes the time to confront with any kind of independent thought or depth.

If we take the history of the Jews in the West for the past millenia or so, we witness a distinct ethno-religious group settling in dense population centres (e.g. cities, newly industrialized regions etc) and plying the kind of trades which are associated with Jewish populations, namely financing, pawnbroking, legal work, journalism and cultural criticism. Now Jewish apologists would argue that the reason Jews haven't typically been rooted to the soil in the form of farming and so on, is because they were prohibited from doing so for very long periods by European nations, who instead confined them into ghettoes and relied on them to borrow money (usury being outlawed in Catholic nations). When said money could not be repaid, or accrued enough interested to trigger anger in the loanee, then you witness purges and massacres, so says the Jew apologist.

The Jewish people, specifically Ashekenazi Jews, are undoubtedly an intelligent race, and thank to their talmudic traditions families have a template when raising children who end up being intelligent, responsible etc. Wherever you look in the West, Jewish people out-earn Christian populations, often owing twice as much capital / wealth as them. In 1930s Germany for example, the average Jew in Germany earned three times as much as the native German. In Britain today the average Jewish family owns twice the wealth of the average Christian family.

Critic of the Jews would however point to the fact that Jews often operate in such a fashion so as to undermine the defining principles of traditionally Christian countries in which the Jews have been allowed to thrive. Thanks to their vast over-representation in the media, finance, culture and so on (thanks partly due to intelligence, and partly due to in-group preference / tribalism) it is far easier for Jews to influence culture.

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>You follow the Torah. You'r a good guy.
>You follow the Talmud. You'r a disgusting racist crypto satanist.

And most Jew leaders follow the Talmud, that is the problem.

Every Jew has to gtfo. You aren’t us, you’ll never be us.

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no he wasn't. jesus was born in the town of nazareth in galilee, which was in palestine. at that time the religion in the area consisted of amorite, hurrian, ugaritic, phoenician, aramaic and moabite.

You talk about you being jewish, but not religious.
You Jews think you're better than us goyim, and you've summed that up nicely.

You dont see yourself as (insert nation here) or as your race (i assume you are mixed) but you see yourself as some superior jew.
>Thats one reason
Jews killed Jesus
>Reson 2 (the most important imo)
You have such a love of your heritage, but dont care that Jews push porn, black slave trade, ususry, banking, etc. But you sure jump on us whites if any white does something bad
>Reason 3

I could give you 5 more, but you dont care.

Repent, Accept Jesus, recant your jewness, get baptised orthodox, start a chrisitan family and dont every admit to being a jew again
>short of that, you are a problem

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Ashkenazi Jews are white southern Meds. FYI

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Ashkenazi Jews are literally one of you. They’re White.


People who hate jews are retards that resent those more successful than them
But fuck giving money to Israel

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your people are fucking sick in the head

Jow Forums is right about Israel for the wrong reasons, but they are an illegitimate state imo

And so when 2% of the population (often far less) can be seen to be vastly over-represented in positions of power and influence, it is tempting to identify these same people as the culprits should the culture / society they are dominating in such a way be perceived as degenerating or falling apart. It is doubly irksome when the Jews perceived to be contributing to this decline do so under the guise of being part of the wider Christian population (i.e. white), and therefore appear to be condemning themselves and their culture, while in reality possessing a trump card which allows them to announce themselves as members of a persecuted minority should they be criticized for whatever they have said or done.

Take the notion of "old white men" being blamed for possessing too much power in Western nations. Everyone is free to blame and attack this demographic (older white males) however they wish, with no limits to what anyone can say about them. However, should someone point out that many if not most of the white males being attacked are actually Jewish, one immediately comes under attack by a media industry where Jews are vastly over-represented, and so on. This is also irksome, as people quite rightly view Jews as benefiting on the one hand from living in Western nations and struggling to gain power in various institutions, while being unwilling or vague about where exactly they fit into said society. The fact a Jewish businessman can on the hand pass himself off as a "typical British bloke", but on the other hide behind a defence of "I'm actually a persecuted minority" is irritating. Look at Philip Green, who is often lumped in as one of the "old white males" ruining British society, but when he is accused of sexual harassment and bullying, he then brings up the fact that the animosity aimed towards him may be because he is Jewish and not white.

Here's why OP

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Jews are involved in a lot of disgusting behavior at the highest levels. Very disproportionately involved. That's it really.

Then go after wealthy donors. Just because a handful of wealthy donors are Jewish doesn’t make regular Jewish people the enemy