I am 25 years old guy, and I have never even held hands with a girl, let alone kissed or been intimate with a girl

I am 25 years old guy, and I have never even held hands with a girl, let alone kissed or been intimate with a girl.

Is it too late for me?
I do want a family of my own at some point, but it feels like I have missed crucial steps in development that most people go trough, which has made me into an unsuitable male.

Attached: what's wrong with me.jpg (499x433, 34K)

It's likelier. Question is whether or not you're even interested in putting in the work?

Keep in mind it might take years or never happen at all.

Of course I'd be interested in putting in the work, if I ever had the chance to do that.

What do you mean "had the chance"?

As in, if I met a girl I liked who liked me back etc.

This. You just gotta build that relationship up genuinely. It’s kinda impossible to not find someone if you really try

That's not where the work starts.

Well, I assumed the poster was talking about working to keep the relationship going. It's hard to work for something that doesn't yet even exist.

You need to put in a lot of work just to be considered by women.
Dress properly, eat properly, get in shape, make money, have a healthy amount of friends, have hobbies, getting good at socializing etc.
I call that a lot of work.

absolutely nothing. It's the rest of the world that is fucked.

I was the poster, I meant that you need to work to deserve what it is you want. You're most likely not going to be able to walk up to anyone you fancy and have the charisma you need to start something if you haven't before.

Basically -

I'm 26, haven't had sex, and haven't kissed a girl since I was 17. We can both make it happen if we want to. I mean, as long as you're attractive enough.

>Dress properly, eat properly, get in shape,
Already doing those things.

>make money,
Nigger, how is a 25 year old university student suppsed to be "making money?" I mean, I am employed, but at a job that pays barely above minimum wage because I don't have any expertise in anything that would pay higher yet.

>have a healthy amount of friends, have hobbies, getting good at socializing etc.
So if one is asocial/socially anxious one should just basically accept being forevera alone according to you?
I have hobbies, but none of them involve other people all that much.
My social circle consists of my family and relatives, few childhood friends, and a bunch of other university students I usually just hang out with at parties etc.

You'll just have to figure out a way to compensate for the things you don't have yet.

I didn't make up the rules and I do nothing to enforce the rules.
I am single too.

As for money, just make more than your peers and be generous with it.
Eg, if you don't have a lot of money, you save from day to day so you can afford to share a meal with friends / romantic interests.

Literally just takes practice for you to become more social. And hobbies are important because girls enjoy when a guy is passionate and knowledgeable about something they don't anything about. You'll find someone, but just remember the girl of your dreams can be all about you but you need to actually put in the work and sweat into the relationship for it to prosper. Don't be me and flounder that and think that because a girl likes you doesn't mean she's going to keep liking you once you take away your attention.

>Literally just takes practice for you to become more social.
Lol no.

I have been going to parties etc for the past year because I know that in order to not get completely socially isolated I gotta go to those events, but at no point have I become any more social or less socially anxious. I still fucking hate being surrounded by people I don't really know nor can I really relate to. I am not a social person, I a family orientated person. I'd be much more comfortable just hanging around at home with my folks, than at a party with a bunch of strangers.

That's a hurdle you have to deal with.
Unless you can find a different location to meet someone where you won't be called out on inexcusably bothering.

That is really the problem. I am not from this city, and my social circle is limited to student peers, whose social outings seem almost exclusively to be parties, which I never find comfortable. I act basically like picture related in parties because everything about them makes me feel unwelcome and anxious.

Attached: party too loud.jpg (676x673, 61K)

That's fine, but in the current environment social awkwardness in guys is a red flag outright.

You need to find a new "scene".

And how the fuck is one supposed to do that?
Social awkwardness is a personality trait I have had since forever. It won't just go away with a snap of my fingers.

That's part of the work.

You will defintely not end up in a relationship worth having if you don't find a way to deal with it.

How do you "work" away a defining personality trait you have?

Social awkwardness is not a permanent trait. You're just underlevelled for the environment you're in/what you're trying to accomplish.

>Social awkwardness is not a permanent trait.
What makes you think that?

I used to be more awkward than I am now, most people I know had similar situations. Now all of us have the experience of conversations past to work from and continue perfecting.

How do you become less socially awkward then?
Whenever I am in a social situation I feel that people dislike me.

Power through it. Get out and stay out of your comfort zone. I'm not saying you should pretend to be something you're not, just build up some experience.

I’m 27 and I only just held hands with a girl for the first time and got my friend gf just a few months ago.

It’s not too late


That gives hope user thx

This copypasta tier post is why people go to r9k

That's where you wrong

You need to give love in order to receive love
Show her that you care but don't play yourself

Didn't need to paste it, was there anything in my "list" you would object to?

>You need to give love in order to receive love
What does this even mean?