Femanon here. How to come on to guy friend? We are both attracted to each other I think but he’s a pussy. What ways would you like a women to show you she wants you? Tell me your deviant fantasies.
Femanon here. How to come on to guy friend? We are both attracted to each other I think but he’s a pussy...
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if he doesnt take initiative he is either not interested or missing the man gene, you will regret running after a pussy
smiling and touching him should be enough for him to know whats up
Just ask him if he wants to be your boyfriend, lull
If you are talking about coming on to him sexually just go for the kiss when the moment is right then after a while grab the dick and give handjob
>he’s a pussy but I like him
You and him both need to both have your inferior genetics removed from the gene pool
I'm retarded and would not notice unless the girl literally says that she wants to be my gf.
He’s abit of a basement dweller type. Shy, not had a girlfriend. A little on the skinny side. Very awkward around girls. People tell me I’m out of his league, but I prefer to go for somebody below my league. Don’t get me wrong I’m extremely attracted to him but he’s not the “look” most people go for. May be impacting his balls to make a move.
Invite him over to watch a movie and then just start touching his inner thigh. If he still doesn't make a move then just forget about him desu.
I said it before and I said it again: you are worthless and I hope you die bitch
Ask to see him somewhere where you two will be a lone and sit on him. Tell him that you want his dick inside your asshole.
>but I prefer to go for somebody below my league
Yes, you're going after beta bucks. He'll provide you free meals and shit all the time, while he spends most of his time giving you attention and telling you how great you are.
This is what will happen: after a while, you will realize that he's too nice and you'll start hanging out with chads. You will be passed around like a joint in parties while riding different cocks, while your beta bucks is at home preparing a love poem to write you at midnight.
Do it. Ask him out. Then let him reevaluate his life after you fuck him over. He'll need it and one day he'll thank you.
Quite the opposite, when you go for somebody below your league they are very unlikely to cheat on you. Two people of above average looks statistically are more likely to fail as when they have trouble in the relationship they will get bored. Becuase they get constant interest from other attractive mates it’s not worth putting up with hard times in relationships, when average looking couples are more likely to try work on the relationship. You see it in celebrities a lot.
As long as they are not genetically beta as I would never be in a relationship without the hope for a future and would not want retarded Manlet kids. He’s 2 metres tall, fit but slim. Just a bit socially retarded but as am I.
>incels complain when girls out of their league dont go for them
>complains when girls go for incels
>source: my ass
>I think he's a pussy
Wow, we're off to a fantastic start already. I can tell you respect him deeply.
Just get physical with him and at the end ask, how was that? Want more?
nice try. I could post my pic here and have this broken insecure af op all over my cock, dumbass
Go for it then, dying to see your stringy facial hair and smug expression as if you haven't been the cause of all your own problems since you were front shat by your mother
Well op is probably average, so that wouldn't be hard. I wanna see a cute boy though, so please post
Do it. Maybe I’ll (op) will do the same.
>Hey user want to go on a date some time?
Adjust based on your current relationship with him and the context in which you're asking.
Emptiest threat on Jow Forums currently
Could it be real advice instead of angry incels. But yeah, I’m pretty retarded socially myself. The first interaction with men I was 16 and this chad would let me hire out restricted Xbox games at the video store he worked for. He told me we were going to date ect. I was one of 8 other girls. No point of going for chads. Even supermodels like Adriana Lima get cheated on by them. Is it not reasonable to just go for a more shy normal kind of guy instead? I watch my friends repeat the same mistake over and over with chads.
What the heck is all this spaghetti, I literally checked the post you were replying to three times because I had no idea where this came from
Sorry I was trying to kill 2 birds with one stone of replies in one post.
The post you're replying to has the realest advise you can get.
My fantasy? Just fucking ask me out. We men don't read people as well as you. Just ask him out, that's the hottest thing ever.
You sound like a fucking asshole. He's probably just being smart and knows you're a judgemental cunt who talks shit behind people's back. Or maybe you're just fat.
I'm no incel and I I'm happy to see girls go for them. Saying "he's a pussy, he's got no balls because he's not asking me out" is a cunt thing to say. Maybe he doesn't want her? I sure as fuck wouldn't if she's gonna talk shit about me whenever I don't do what she wants.
You talk shit, expect shit back.
Re-reading op's reply, she was being an asshole huh.
Initiate subtle physical stuff. Hand on the shoulder. Lean in and put your hand on his leg as you tell him something.
I know for me, I knew the girl i liked, liked me back because she would take off little lint off my shirt and stuff at the most random times.
literally just ask him out
>he's a pussy
You can't have feminism *and* call him a pussy. It is now your job to initiate contact 50% of the time. Do your job.
I’m not a feminist. I was bought up thinking men are supposed to make the moves that’s why I’m stuck. I do my 50%, and he reciprocates in flirting and the occasional touches. I just need grow the balls to kiss him I guess but I’m such a pussy.
>initiate contact 50% of the time.
Proof that women don't want equality.
I don’t think the majority of us do. Even my “feminist” womens study friend still wants a guy to pay for dinner, open doors ect. Women that want to be treated 100% equal to men have never had men interested in them and are just angry at everyone else about it.
That's what irritates me. If you want men to pay for dinner, you have to be OK with making less, since it's expected that he's paying for two. Like all the lovey dovetail inequality that everyone likes, comes with a tradeoff somewhere else. God damn.
Feminism has to do with rights, it doesn't have anything to do with manners and societal expectations.
It says nothing about dinner here:
>the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes
Well too bad, this is the world now. You want a man, you gotta go chat one up. For all you know, he's waiting for you to make the first move. It's the same problem as always, but now it's also yours. Congrats.
Women have equal rights in the west. So if that's your definition of feminism your a few years too late to the conversation.
The actual definition of feminism doesn’t matter anymore becuase feminists don’t know what it is. The word itself is toxic now that even we women are abandoning it.
desu it's for the best. I can easily identify crazies based on their response to it.
lol, that's such cognitively dissonant bullshit. Equal rights comes with equal responsibility, which affects everything. Society may be a little slow to catch up, like yourself, but it is what it is. Clinging to those old expectations, as if they were still relevant, is misogynist.
What rights do you lack in white countries?
probably the right to be personally and financially ruined by being targeted by a rape accusation, despite innocence.
You would be surprised of the hate that you get from women as a women when you don’t identify as feminist. The immediate response is “so you don’t think women should vote”. Then that’s the cue to just keep your mouth shut to avoid a shit show.
Eh I guess? I mean I said nothing about rights, you were talking about dinner and equating it with feminism, not me
>even we women are abandoning it.
It seems like it's mostly the attention whores that do this, women that want to be accepted by a certain type of man
>everyone must act the same way
That's not how people work, people will do what they want either way. Strange you want to force your beliefs on others, that's probably how you assume feminists are, huh.
You're right. I'm a feminist now.
What's wrong with identifying with feminism? Is it too triggering for you? Maybe I should add a trigger warning before I mention feminism here haha
You’re not going to get any pussy preaching feminism on Jow Forums chief. I think you’ll find “feminists” are the attention whores. Making an entire slut walk about cat calling when deep down they just wish somebody would non sarcastically cat call them. They feel inferior.
>What's wrong with demanding more rights when you already have equality?
Don't be ridiculous.
Thank you mister McQueen.
>what's wrong with believing in something
People have opinions user, it's okay that you don't believe in equal rights it's just not my thing
I'm not attracted to women
Weirdly enough it was my homosexual older brother that introduced me into abandoning the current state of feminism and the myth of the wage gap. Are you male? I just didn’t expect to see somebody with your views here. I’m intrigued.
>People have opinions user, it's okay that you don't believe in equal rights it's just not my thing
>feminist accusing people of being sexist for not wanting to give women more rights than men.
Like clockwork.
>blanket statement
If you only look for extremists you'll only find extremists, idk what to say
Yes, I'm male
It's a generalization that clearly describes you, so I don't know why you're pretending it's about extremists.
Interesting. But I guess becuase you are not a women or sexually involved with women you are not aware of how equal if not more privileged they are than men. Being more likely to be hired in stem jobs and getting into exclusive classes just becuase they are desperate for diversity, having mental health taken seriously by medical professionals. I was treated at a mental health hospital for depression, I got an endless supply of support and it was amazing. My male friend went to the same one for help, they told him he was fine and sent him home in a taxi. He killed himself that night and his name was Liam. We will never be equal. It’s about admitting each other’s privileges on both sides.