Jow Forums is right again

> Sackler family
> owners of the pharmaceutical company that Created OxyContin
> this family is the sole reason for the opioid crisis
> majority of the victims are whites
> Sackler is Jewish family from Brooklyn
Jow Forums is fucking right again. When are the normies gonna wake up to the jews?? Jews don’t just target whites but also blacks, Arabs, natives Americans. They’re a fucking menace to any society.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> When are the normies gonna wake up to the jews??
Process of normalization can go on indefinitely.

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What would the charges be?

They also get royalties for substances used to treat opioid addiction. It's ghoulish.

It's nothing to do with Oxy.

It's Fentanyl from China mixed in with Heroin causing accidental overdoses.

This wouldn't happen if people could buy Heroin safely.

Being kikes. Sentence. Death camp
>one day

Fool. The heroin epidemic started in the 90s as OxyContin. Heroin is natural progression. Look up “5th vital sign.”

>This wouldn’t happen if people could by heroin safely
Jfc dude no

> Meanwhile, prosecutors for New York state and Connecticut have reportedly been weighing criminal fraud and racketeering charges against several members of the Sackler family, according to The Guardian, alleging that OxyContin was recklessly overprescribed as a result of marketing that was deceitful to both doctors and the public.
> Purdue is also being sued in 30 different states, with the first trial expected to take place this spring in Louisiana. Experts told the Guardian they are expecting the collection of lawsuits to likely end in a major settlement,
Apparently the company has been getting sued.

I’ve actually some normies slightly calling out the Jews lately. Not enough fix the problem but people are opening their eyes.

Literal fool. The Sacklers already had to pay out on a lawsuit over Oxy’s as they false advertised how addictive and dangerous it is.