For the kids

Strange that her latest video doesn’t require you to sign in on YouTube to view. It has explicit content and nudity. It’s good for the kids.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its evil video wew lads careful

don't fight it, ignore it, and let the degeneracy flow until it reaches critical mass that will turn people against the jews

101 Infants

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You guys are always comparing things to Weimar Germany, but what exactly was "peak Weimar"?
Quotes or links would be appreciated, because I looked once before and didn't find much.
In any case, without trying to make it a race thing, how much longer is "black" culture going to be dominant in the mainstream? Bad enough Rock died, but that it died for this shit is just adding insult to injury.

god damn she is so liberated! stunning and brave. she's a woman and she's not afraid to take what she wants whether it's tha dick or tha money.

everyday we stray further

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Amazingly you need to sign in to view this unimbedded.

Peak luciferianism

peak weimar was about half of where we are now

>oh no kids might see naked women

Looks comprehensive, thanks.

I actually haven't seen that one, I couldn't find the one documentary I was looking for, but after seeing the first few minutes it looks like that video goes into what you're looking for.

There's already a song titled "Money"

Thank you america, for this
Great culture

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>Strange that her latest video doesn’t require you to sign in on YouTube to view. It has explicit content and nudity. It’s good for the kids.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now.

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Bullshit. They had insanely degenerate shit like child prostitutes and animal sex operating openly.

These people are fucking Satanists and they don’t even need to hide it anymore because normies are so brain damaged and godless that they unironically think it’s cute and quirky. Look at the new Sabrina cancer on Netflix where every 5 minutes they refer to Lucifer as the true god. They’re end goal is getting unwitting retards to help them bring about actual hell on earth and it’s working

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>bestiality is legal in canada
>that autistic kid dancing at a gay bar for cash


Make sure you timestamp every sexual point in the video so everyone can thumbs it up and expose their agenda.

the video and the song is disgusting, modern "culture" is disgusting on all levels

>but what exactly was "peak Weimar"?
Clockwork Orange

Attached: wiemar germany wildboys fags become nazis kubrick clockwork orange.jpg (1536x4736, 995K)

>These people are fucking Satanists

It's worst than that, user.

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This is what's passing as music now? This is shit.

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Saturn is Satan. They’re Luciferians. Evangelion was a documentary and a premonition.

doesnt black and white stripes signify something about enslaving your mind?

I had an erection before watching this clip.


I don't want to watch this creepy shit, I don't even know who this vile cunt is.

Find something better to do, jackass

Rock died? What kind of stupid comment is that?

I guess it makes sense if you assume the listener is abusing Adderall but this music is garbage. It's not hip hop, I have no idea what genre it would be. Just degenerate shit with no redeeming qualities. At least classic hip hop that Jow Forums is likely against has roots in real-world experience and generally tells a tale of sorts. This stuff is just shit.

>Bad enough Rock died, but that it died for this shit is just adding insult to injury.
America, and the West is being flooded with hordes of sub 100 IQ thirdworlders. This degenerate music dominating the top 40 is only the beginning. It is going to get a lot shittier.

That video is rather satanic.

Signifies duality (no evil without good no good without evil). Masonic floors are checkerboard pattern. At this point artists are just going to throw it into their vids and imagery to show they’re “down” with the cause and can be tapped/used for certain purposes.

degenerate garbage

What do you recommend?

when they lose the temple i'm gonna lol so

Attached: solomons temple.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

Asuka or rei?


Well now that I’m older I relate to Kaji-San.

She looks fine but I couldn't stand the music so I just put it on mute. It'd be better if they put effort into a music video with worthwhile music.


Allow niggers and women to vote for 75 years and this is where we are

what the actual fuck


Rock never died, it just stopped being promoted.
Concerts with rock artists (and not the fag festivals that include artists who once experimented in music with any energy in it) are to this day the highest grossing and most visited concerts you can find.

Mandatory reading for all newfags

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>t. boomer

Bad energy. How do people not see a video like this and realize something is way off?

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>Saturn is Satan. They’re Luciferians.
Lucifer is a roman meme for Venus. The word was translated from "Shahard" son of EL

Jesus father was Saturn.
Yaweh was a storm god

Attached: saturn el chronos freemasons.jpg (756x1024, 182K)

In "Childish Gambino" Glover shoots a man in the head and mows down a choir with a full auto
No age restrictions

The Buddha was an Aryan.
Kike ways are not the way of the European.

If you haven't noticed by now we live in a world controlled by Satan.

All the black and white is Illuminati shit. Producers know that we know what's being said about certain symbologies used in mainstream pop videos, so why use them? There are many examples of symbols used in this video. Idk who's shilling who anymore.

Does she say "Wakanda Forever" likes its fucking real?

nigger "music" makes me sick, it's understandable that niggers like it because MUH LOUD JUNGLE BEATS AND BIG BOOTY but white people who adopt niggerisms and listen to shit like this need to be gassed first


Yeah but America is always criticized for
>egregious violence in mainstream media
>Puritan sexual restrictions in mainstream media

They worship Saturn.

Also a copycat/ripoff, that's the same room from Robbie Williams Party Like a Russian.

I didn't notice this because, as I've already said, I couldn't stand listening to the music.

Happens at 2:30

Who listens or watches this nigger shit?

Disgusting computer generated sounds which I don’t call music.

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar (born October 11, 1992), known professionally as Cardi B, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and television personality.[2] Born and raised in The Bronx, New York City, she first attracted attention for discussing her career as a stripper on social media; she became an Internet celebrity after several of her posts and videos went viral on Vine and Instagram

Be a stripper, become famous. But women are oppressed, right?

Tell me who it is so I can not give a fuck.

>Got stacks like Weimar

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lads.. did they killd the one in the first pic?

This is what you get. Modern white men can't into culture. At all. It's never been easier or cheaper to make music, tv, movies, vidya, books, anime, etc, and yet, white men still sit on the sidelines crying.

All you need is a computer, a camera, and $50 a month to rent the tools necessary to create these things. White male laziness and cowardice is the reason this shit goes uncontested. It's literally the future you chose, so stop complaining. inb4:

>m-muh ancestors!
>m-muh heritage!
>m-muh classical music!
>m-muh art & architecture!

It's been centuries since white men did anything relevant in the arts. I have zero sympathy for anyone on the far-right.

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Now I actually see Sabrina as an inadvertent story for good. All of the poz that eminates from the main characters are forgiven by me because these people are literal satan worshoping witches and warlocks. The story, by admitting that satan exists, also admits that god exists aswell. Not even just god but the chrustian god jesus. So the homosexual and heterosexual orgies that take place are done by satan worshopers, the black cousin that is homosexual and racemixed is also a satan worshopers, and the dyke girlboy doesnt believe in anything I dont think. The good guy, the boyfriend, is a literal white christian who wants nothing to do with satan worshopers or magic.
The story is inadvertantly based because main characters who are globohomo are satan worshoping faggots. Better luck next time, jews. They still write every other white male character besides the boyfriend as bullies or alcoholics or faggots though.

t. Someone with shittier taste

The video makes my peepee feel weird.

>Black and white symbolism is heavy
Gnostics detected

The Youtube like/dislike ratios and views are as rigged as Twitter or any other social media website. With how big business and big tech sets it up, any video from the newest Illuminati whore is going to get a hundred million views. It's not different than Obummer's tens of millions of fake Twitter followers.

>Waaah, Whites suck, jews don't promote anything they create so I don't know anything going on! Here, look at this grotesque sheeboon that all the dressing up and make up in the world couldn't paint over the repulsive nigger features!

So, this is like black Lady Gaga/Katy Perry/post-Marilyn Manson shit for normies, produced with the full knowledge that it will also appeal to white millennials, I guess.

All I hear is the same cheap production tricks, pseudo-hip-hop cliches, undisciplined vocals, and social content, I.e., "this attitude, these ideas, these motifs, this way of looking at life."

Like feminized gangster rap or some shit. Everyone I know who likes this shit is either bluepilled, degenerate, or both.

Relevant trips are relevant

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You're only half right. Any art that does not go in the cultural direction that is desired by the people who own Hollywood will never be allowed to succeed past a certain point. The tools are more accessible than ever, but (((they))) still own the playing field.

Don't mind me, just contributing to the slide thread.

Is black and white symbolism gnostic?
Please redpill me.

Look into the widows son.

I never signed off on this tripe. This is purely kike rot.

Yes and yes. There's more than just esotericism (which is just a Israelite+ escape route) in view. See if you can pick up on the patterns, goy.

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John podesta fucks kids

I had absolutely never heard of her until she got in a hair pulling match with some other fay nigress two months ago and now she is in the news every day

Burger nigger (((music)))

>Storm God

Active duty soldier here. Were all pissed cheeto man fired Mattis and thats he's pulling out of the Middle East. Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.

My friends died for nothing if he is truly going through with this.

Truly a dark day for our armed forces. Ill take Mattis over president cheeto anyday

I wish cardi b would take my dick. Just imagine her fat ass bouncing on your dick, about to get colonized.

>Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.

good goy

>Active duty soldier here. Were all pissed cheeto man fired Mattis and thats he's pulling out of the Middle East. Literally handing a victory to ISIS, taliban, Russian and Iran.
>My friends died for nothing if he is truly going through with this.
>Truly a dark day for our armed forces. Ill take Mattis over president cheeto anyday
GO back to COD, Soap.
Weve told you before, you dont have a say in real world matters, only your xbox clan and even then, youre still only 6th in charge.

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Your friend died for nothing anyway because we fucking created ISIS. Sorry, but wars are made out of lies. Being boots on the ground and seeing what's happening does not give you insight into why it all got started in the first place. Mattis was high on the Kool-Aid and that's probably why he's gone.

The music is so soulless and unenjoyable and I say that as someone who finds a lot of mainstream music catchy, at least in the past.

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why are you spamming this in every thread?

>This is the way of an adulteress: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, "I have done no wrong."
Proverbs 30:20 ESV

Looks like a certain someone has attained her next degree in the initiation process.
>Cardi B goes on Jetski ride with ex because "I just needed to get fucked"
>This is the norm
>This is feminism
>This is celebrated
I can't wait for this bitch to overdose and die a horrible death, and for her countless hordes of soulless braindead followers to follow in her footsteps and lose their minds from all the liberated progressive life choices they'll make

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