EL vs. God

Which one is better?

>Jesus' dad
>Yahweh's dad
>Thor's dad
>Loki's dad

Attached: saturn el chronos freemasons.jpg (756x1024, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: moloch el god.jpg (640x544, 122K)

>hurr durr what are titles and what are names?

(((zeitgeist))) did better than you

Christ haters are just this desperate

>hurr durrr titles aren't names
>hurr durr not my President

Hurr durr promotes zietgeist esoteric NYC college student jew video

Hurr durr can't etymology or like his own bible language

Hurr durr can't use name because has to be keep it european to hide its origin


Attached: elohim.jpg (474x379, 42K)

God doesn't mean Odin

>God doesn't mean Odin
It's where the word came from. Did you think it came from the Aramaic bible lol?

Attached: god odin.png (494x721, 163K)

you fucking dipshits, EL is Osiris and he's
not a fake jew kike amalekite. fuck you
morons are dumb.

dua (dwA): The praise, worship, pray, give thanks
The act of giving praise in the the Henu position.

dua ot tua means worship.

arises from there being no letter D in Egyptian save
the T or Th. I must also advance the opinion that Hades
is a form of Ho Dua or "the Dua-t" or Tua-t, a frequent
name in Egyptian for the Unseen World


Attached: isis ra el Tua Ra is torah worship of ra.jpg (1920x1080, 1.18M)

>you fucking dipshits
>Freemasons are Egyptians
STFU you fucking NPC programmed monkey

Attached: alt right freemason goy bitches.jpg (400x213, 20K)

so are you going to be here for months posting this tredious bullshit or what

Toucan Sam. Uncle Sam. You Bring us Loops of Fruit. Fruits of Liberty Sam is Toucan. America is Cereal. Are you ashamed to eat your nation's cereal?

>so are you going to be here for months posting this tredious bullshit or what
You want me to? I know you haven't read the bible in its langauge or believe in anything but larping as a chritian

Lucifer is a roman meme for Venus. The word was translated from "Shahard" son of EL

WTF I love Freemasons now??

Isis is Sirius though...

>WTF I love Freemasons now??
We know you do kike

>You want me to? I know you haven't read the bible in its langauge
the bible was written in at least three languages over centuries and your entire argument is logically fallacious. Two different supernatural beings were called el ("lord") wowie wow they must all be the same, except for the ones that were also called El that you weren't mentioning, including human kings and slave owners, but whatever, just ignore that

He's legit retarded. Earth wasn't a planet in ancient Egypt. They didn't know about planets.

Attached: boomer planet of the apes.jpg (1075x1434, 655K)

>the bible was written in at least three languages over centuries
Yeah that's why there are like 50000 versions of the Bible cults, duh.

>Two different supernatural beings were called el
No, El and the Elohim (sons of El). Jesus called out to Eli on the cross

Attached: 525321464641164.png (407x405, 183K)

>except for the ones that were also called El that you weren't mentioning, including human kings and slave owners, but whatever, just ignore that

IsraEL = one who strives with EL

Everything named after EL had more stuff to it like SamuEL

>there are like 50000 versions
I'm talking about the original manuscripts, braintrust

>El and the Elohim (sons of El)

Elohim is just the plural of El, or Eloah. Like Goyim is just the plural of Goy. "Eli" or Eloi is just a transliteration of Aramaic that Jesus used because that was the language he spoke. He was using Aramaic to quote Psalm 22.

You are like a cargo cult that found a strong's concordance and thinks it's basic semantics are profound insight. Wait till you find a dictionary, it's going to blow your mind.