> Acting like you’re all special. No wonder you get used and abused, because the genuine guys aren’t good enough for ya
> If I had a loving, loyal girlfriend I could fix the rest of my life, but nooooo. That has to be the end goal, because apparently a flawed human being is a turn off
> Seriously, fuck you all
Why are women such shallow, heartless people?
> boo hoo why wont women have sex with me, i was nice to them ;_;
You belong in Jow Forums
No, I want advice on this. How do you deal with the fact that women are horrible human beings?
try getting over yourself for starters
Being gay
Being asexual
Or being actually a man, stop crying about your ex and understand there are a lot of different women with different thoughts and ways of seeing life and love. If you choose this one, you can try to find love with one
What does that even MEAN?
Ah yes, women are all special little snowflakes. Blah spare me. They all want variations of the same thing. That’s how mating works.
Everyone is horrible, you're just bad at not idolizing chicks who don't respect you and blame your hurt ego on human nature instead of your own stupidity.
No one owes you time or affection for being genuine; the sooner you realize that the better your life will be.
Do I really have to spell it out for you?
Stop assuming your experience is universal. Stop assuming that entire demographics of people all embody the same traits.
Stop blaming other people for your misfortune.
Stop assuming other people owe you anything.
In general, stop being a baby and grow up.
>They all want variations of the same thing. That’s how mating works
If women only had babies with hot guys everyone would be hot, but that's not the case. It may be your personality, as hard as that is to believe with all the sunshine and love you're spreading in this thread.
> I could fix the rest of my life
maybe you could start by being less selfish, it seems like all you care about is yourself and how great you are.
It’s not my fault women are scum of the earth. In fact it’s not even their fault, they can’t help the way they’re hardwired. They want badboys or they want money. They don’t know the meaning of unconditional love romantically.
>They all
Yeah, because they are robots programmed on the same shit
So, aren’t we men the same?
Stop crying because you had a bad experience, every single fucking human being is different. We have all different thoughts, different experiences, different points of views, different childhoods, different families, different friends, different feelings
Not just hot guys but guys with plenty of resources. Being a humble, caring, genuine person means absolutely jack shit. Women don’t want that. It’s a turn off.
I have to be selfish. You’re alone in this world and no one else will give a fuck about you.
You're are a terrible person for not answering his questions. Fuck off.
This guy gets it, minus calling OP stupid.
OP just remember ALL people can be shallow and cruel. You just need to understand your focus on women is unhealthy for your emotional and mental growth. Try to just work on yourself and correct your own flaws as a person. Dont focus on the people that dont want to be in your life.
Imagine being an attractive woman
>everyone wants something from you, all the time when you show up everyone makes their behaviour more politically correct, in fear of being rejected by you
So basically all your life you have been exposed to the norm, and you dictate the norm involuntarily. You say you would fix your life if you had her love and support, you would gain faith in the group again and make the sacrifices necessary to become succesful.
What you fail to see is that she also resents a social group that gave her all the power. She wants someone who will ward off social acceptance and success, someone who can achieve something more than just acceptance.
She already has eveything you want, what do you offer, affirmation?
Okay, this is bait. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
In the small chance it isn't, enjoy playing the victim your whole life, I guess.
No bait. I hate women. All those fucks had to do was love me but that’s too much to ask.
>Being a humble, caring, genuine person means absolutely jack shit
You don't seem like any of those things. If you are faking to try and get women to like it it's a bad route to go, you should be genuine if possible, try to improve yourself. Don't rely on others to lift you up, that's beta
i hate them too, but why the hell do you want one around anyways? their value is literally just a hole to fuck, and they arent even that good at it.
I was once like that. I always believed in treating people how you want to be treated and being a gentlemen but women don’t give a shit about that. They just want someone to charm the pants off them with arrogance or money.
We all need to correct our flaws and focus on ourselves, but if we grow thinking “women are scum on earth” because our ex treated us like shit, then we will be garbage for the society. I’m sorry but is the truth, if you generalize things, and just because they did hurt you, you start hating them... you are not growing as a person
Because I’m not a faggot?
I agree with you fully and my post was trying to say just that.
Why don't you try treatin them like that then?
you would rather be a slave to a shallow, materialistic, childish parasite?
Why should I live a lie and be someone I’m not just to grab a woman’s attention?
no one is obligated to love you lol
you're not entitled to someone's love. Also like....coming here, coming to this kind of conclusion really speaks to what kind of person you were. Why would anyone love someone who makes such gross generalizations?
Protip: If you think you're nice, and then immediately go to hating/rejecting all women because they aren't interested, then congrats. You aren't really a nice person. Just entitled.
bad bait.
why are all incels so deluded?
Why do women love anyone? There are some serious shitdicks out there with girls hopelessly in love with them, for what? Because women are fucking scum.
You said you treated people how they want to be treated. So why not treat them like the asshole they want you to treat them like?
No one owes you anything. Get over yourself.
There are PLENTY of nice girls out there. Go for shyer, more introverted girls if you want your chances of success to be higher.
I said treating people how YOU wish to be treated. I wouldn’t want a girl who disrespects me and treats me like shit but apparently women can’t get enough of it.
>why are all incels so deluded?
I think you just answered your own question.
OP please stop being an edgy incel
Even the shy, introverted girls want badboys. In fact they’re sometimes the worst ones for it.
This thread is (You) central
so instead of dating the other shitdicks you want them to date you, who is also a shitdick
wow you totally gave women respect in the first place. You certainly know better than any silly woman who she should date.
look, I know this is a troll threat but there are people who legitimately think like this. It's embarrassing.
>as if you've been regarding anything in this thread
Incorrect. As a girl with many extroverted friends and many introverted friends, I can tell you that it's completally uneven. Introverted girls are much less shitty. Extroverted girls have learned to shit on men as a defense mechanism because they're constantly getting approached when they go out.
By introverted I don't mean weirdo girls with like dyed hair and tons of makeup and shit. I just mean conservative girls who could go out but choose not to because they don't like the environment
I wouldn’t expect a woman to ever speak the truth. Actions speak louder than words and your kind are always contradicting yourselves.
Not even going to have a dialogue with you if you're going to have that attitude.
You must be an actual retard if you've convinced yourself that half the population is, without exception, exactly the same in terms of behavior.
Good luck, you're clearly not looking for advice so you should go to r9k and wallow with the other unfortunate men
Awww, truth hurts doesn’t it? I don’t want a dialogue with your kind anyway. You’re just liars, backstabbers and sluts.
>Stop assuming your experience is universal
>Stop assuming that entire demographics of people all embody the same traits
Quality bait user
>I just mean conservative girls who could go out but choose not to because they don't like the environment
And how is anyone supposed to meet these girls if they don't leave their houses?
I met my bf at work. He forced me to talk to him every time we saw eachother. It took almost a year before it went beyond a simple greeting. Six months later I gave him my number. If you want a shy girl, you have to persevere. And actually be a nice guy. He is the first guy ever that I felt comfortable with and he is completely genuine with me.
He’s probably a chad with a big piece of man-meat.
Your stupidity is what hurts
You meet them doing normal things. The introverted girls I know spend a lot of time volunteering, doing homework at coffee shops, going to church, going to water parks/trampoline places/concerts with friends, stuff like that.
I met my boyfriend on a cruise, I was playing monster hunter by the coffee shop pool and he approached me and chatted me up about the game.
Face it, OP, you're genetic trash whose reproduction would worsen the general condition of mankind. It's only natural that nobody wants you.
If you saw him you would definitely not call him chad, but it doesn't matter. He is plenty sexy for me and I love him for him not his looks. I plan on spending the rest of my life with him.
All those introverted girls are sluts, stop trying to pretend any different.
So how does one get over this fact that women are the devilspawn?
These threads are a chance to give advice to everyone other than the op
Do not engage with people like this. If these threads got no replies, then they would stop appearing. Why do you think the same clickbait topics keep being rehashed so often?
Its true people have this mindset in real life, but their opinions wont be overturned by a couple of strangers talking about their normal interactions with women. This type of problem requires deep seated therapy and social exercises that gradually expose these men to women and their interests...in other words it requires what none of us can provide
Stop bumping this shit already fuck
>This type of problem requires deep seated therapy and social exercises that gradually expose these men to women and their interests
It’s not a ‘problem’ it’s reality. Men shouldn’t be brainwashed into thinking there’s good women out there. It’s false hope that will only hurt them more in the long run. Women don’t care about men, they only care about what they can get out of them, like money, social status, sex. This is the true way of things. Wake up.
You might want to just go to the store and get some rope for a noose, bud. I think your idiocy is terminal.
Gonna leave this here
Yes, it is very depressing situation, but I don’t make the rules sadly.
Yes, that is too much to ask. What are you, a child? No one owes you anything. Men are so entitled geez
I wanna say that’s fake but I know women.
Visit Jow Forums every once and a while you'll find threads of them making fake profiles and saying outlandish shit to woman and they still come back. Pretty entertaining.
oh no a handful of women are shallow & truly horrible people this must be a reflection of the entire female sex. Lord knows when a man is like this it's only an individual and not representative of all men or even a majority!
Not that stupid Jow Forums fake again.
That’s what women are like my friend, that’s the ugly truth of the situation, but these snowflakes refuse to believe it.
No one is arguing that shitty women don't exist.
That's like if I based my whole opinion of men off of the ones that rape and kill women
Women are scum. Just accept it.
kek good luck being this retarded and playing the victim for the rest of your life lmao
Don’t worry I’ll be dead soon.
Imagine being so unwilling to introspect and accept responsibility for your own shortcomings, that you choose to believe billions of people are all evil without exception.
What an amazing feat of stupidity.
worry ? lol im not worried
Careful you don’t cut yourself on that edge.
are you this retarded ? LOL
basically this.
No, only retards use LOL
WOW DUUUDE WOW you got me there. shiiiit LOL
You obviously don’t know women very well then. I’m not the problem.
> the problem is in billions of people and not in one individuel.
seriously ?
Oh, you think I’m a one-off case? That’s cute.
Guys. Girls. He is baiting you. Accept it. Embrase it. Forgive it.
It's officially the summer of incels holy shit go back to r9k and jerk off to traps that's my advice to you all
good luck getting with anyone decent with this attitude or just with anyone. like really good luck dude. Just a piece of advice : This attitude wont get you anywhere in life and anywhere with people and women. In fact it is repulsive and off-putting. It's an entire mindset that you need to work on here in order to fix your issue. BUT then again it doesnt look like you want to change anything about yourself or your life , you just like to shitpost on forums, complain and play the victim. so then again good luck.
Why do I want to change my attitude? It wasn’t fostered in a vacuum. It happened through experience and exposure to women and their vile ways.
thinking this is bait is probably for the best. this thread is retarded lmao.
hey guys how's it goin