Someone please redpill me Assad and Syria in general

Someone please redpill me Assad and Syria in general.
What makes the Syrians any better or more trustworthy than the Saudis, Turks, Israelis, Lebanese, Iraqis, Kurds, Egyptians, or just about anyone else from that godforsaken hell on earth?
If everything which happens there is a proxy for larger powers, then why bother with any of them? Yet I've consistently seen support for Assad here, 8/pol/, and even fucking /mlpol/ as though this was all a game of sportsball and they were are favorite team.
So just why?

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Assad wasn't elected by the Jewish banking system, he is literally the reincarnation of Jesus.

As always, thank you Mr Leaf

Israel funds several of the competing factions, which drags other countries into the mix. The innocent civilians don't deserve to be bombed, but extremists are on every corner. Then, you have competing religious sects and minorities that want to create their own country. It's a mess and will probably never be sorted out.

>What makes the Syrians any better or more trustworthy
they were just minding their business
>from that godforsaken hell on earth
syria was a stable and developing country, it was foreign intervention that ruined it

You can literally say the same about Iran, but I don't see /Iran general/. Everything in the Middle East was fucked sideways by Western intervention, so why is Assad of all people /ourguy/? Why isn't the same love extended to Hadi?

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In reference to the Yemeni Civil War with that last bit.

The Soviets backed their wars against Israel, bc we hated commies we supplied the kikes w/ weapons. Thats why we are still tied to the hip. All this shit is still set in the cold war era. Its time to stop it

Hillary, Obama, McCain, and all the neocons wanted him gone.

Attached: cry-baby-clinton.jpg (466x362, 84K)

âssad blocks a long planned gas pipeline from quatar to europe.
russia helps him with everything they have, if he falls russia is bankrupt soon^^.
trolls from petersburg support him, here also.

Assad was elected and Israel fund all his enemies

Syria was too stable for Israel

After Israel did 9/11 they've cucked the US army to go anywhere and do anything for them

>trolls from petersburg support him
Niques ta soeur pute Juif.

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Like I said, it's all proxy BS.
Also there's no realistic way to just leave.
Whether it's business interests in Western countries by themselves or lobbying government or governments themselves needing to maintain the """security""" of the region, etc. There's no getting out.
And even if every Western nation bailed, we'd still have mudslimes leaving and coming to our countries as parasites, sleeper cells, or lone wolves.
So we'd not just have to pull out but also bar people from coming out as well as going back in.
Yeah because he's Putin's proxy.

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>so why is Assad of all people /ourguy/?
he is nationalist. despite this, minorities (christians, assyrians) love him because his side is the only one that protects them.
he is also keeping syria modern and enlightened and protects it from jihadi garbage like isis or fsa.
the us-zionist regime and the international jewry detest him, so that automatically makes him a good guy.

also hadi is saudi-zionist puppet, why even mention him.

He gasses civilians. Based.


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>Putin's proxy.

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troll detected.
fucking jews? my gosh

>why even mention him
Because I was comparing two civil wars and the attention given to the leaders of each's government faction.

Mossad funded psyops

assad is in his own country ruling

hadi is a permanent "guest" in saudi arabia being used to legitimize the invasion

>in kazakhstan
Okay? What's your point?
Putin's in cahoots with the Clintons when it comes to international uranium mining, but unless it was all for show, the Clintons were also nearly war hawks against Putin a few years ago, well after 2013.
But this is a moot point because pic related is fucking Kazakhstan and not Syria.

>Putin's proxy.

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>well after 2013

When they couldn't sucker any more money out of him?

Unironically this

Did we ever get sauce on this?
Because either he gassed people or got Mossaded. Which is it?
He never struck me as the type to pull a stunt like that with the world watching, but just because a sandnigger doesn't seem stupid, doesn't mean he won't still chimp out from time to time. Gadaffi was pragmatic compared to similar leaders but still had to rough people up when he felt it necessary.

>Winning war
>Decides to gas your own people, getting other retarded countries involved.

Yeah no, no one is this retarded, and Assad certainly isn't stupid. False flag galore, all these gay politicians wanting him gone...
Combined with the youtube videos at the time showing fake chemical attacks, kids rolling on the ground, then getting back up again.

Obviously someone that has so many international forces against him is a good guy.

>Obviously someone that has so many international forces against him is a good guy.
Assad is hated by all the right people

>getting other retarded countries involved
Russia was already in deep five years prior though.
>Obviously someone that has so many international forces against him is a good guy.
And what happens in the Middle East after we help one side win a war every fucking time?
Best case scenario, the civil war ends, and Syria becomes Russia's vassal in the region instead of turning into Saudi Arabia 2.0, shaking our hands while funding Islamists in the other hand.
There is no way to trust anyone in the Middle East.

We did but didn’t save the videos. It was the rebel factions on camera using gas grenAdes with German writing on them. Probably a stockpile from somewhere in the EU. Put in pulled the Cold War weapons on of Syria before that. All the chemical attacks have been fake news.

Saudis-subhumans, basically Jewish
Turks-What ya gonna do when Ottomania runs wild on you? Deploy roach motels
Israelis-Hitler was right about these people

Assad is a secular leader, opposes the Jews, and has the support of his people. At least those of them still alive. Assad wins.

>There is no way to trust anyone in the Middle East
same can be said of the west.

The most compelling reason to support Assad:
>Another failed state in the Med
No thanks

Lesser evil compared to jews He never authored one of those "dear white people" articles that I am aware of.

Who gives a fuck? Let the rest of the world deal with it.

Was he actually elected or one of those passed from father to son at gun point elections?

Assad is a jerk who killing people to hold the power. Russia supports Syria because they wan't to build a pipe there. This is wrong and should be ended.

Assad is a friend of the Syrian Christians.

Attached: syrian christians.jpg (724x552, 71K)

Assad and is a secular nationalist ruler he isn't a Jihadist or a Wahhabist like the Saudis he tolerates minorities like Christians and has never fought an offensive war.

It's better for Assad to rule the country than insane batshit Jihadists like the rebels. They are Wahhabists funded by Saudi Arabia and this has been the case since day 1. Libya was also knocked over by batshit insane Wahhabists (with US air support) and look what a mess it is now.

He is a based leader who recognizes the innate savagery of Arabs and the only way to keep these dune coons in line is to kill their whole clan and leave one left alive to ponder his mistakes.

this is why American elite hate him....he is a legitimate protector of Christians. the American elite prefer to attack Christians at home with laws, media, politics, but in other nations to exterminate them with US proxy like ISIS..

just for many photos of USA leaders like Linsy Graham until American people understand that the ISIS is America proxy paid for with they tax collections?

Syria is the crossroads of two proposed pipelines, one going from Qatar/Saudi Arabia to Turkey, which feeds NATO, and one goes from Iran to Russia.

Israel needs the natural resources in the Golan Heights.

In order to do this, they need regime change, but instead of directly helping the Syrian rebels, they use the Kurds instead to fight "ISIS", which is the U.S's excuse to be in Syria and Iraq.

Kurds want their own independent Kurdistan, so they are fighting against Assad. The U.S doesn't actually give a fuck about them, they just want to use them....which is why we are abandoning them.

i am not accustomed to people who actually get it here

most of the "attaks" were fake. video evidence exist proving.

when gas was used, it was by USA proxy al qaeda

Middle East ain't white or christian.

Only white Christian men truly appreciate representative government and Republics.

Invading non-white shitholes to spread "Democracy" to people without the will, genetics, temperament, or intelligence to make it work is retarded.

You see it in the USA. The most "black or brown" a city, state, or county gets... the more corrupt it becomes and the more they try to undermine the Republic. See California, Broward County, etc.

Assad is a bully, an autocrat, asshole. And that's exactly what Syria needs... a bloodthirsty asshole and oppressor of people.

he did not

The Levant Christians are just as much a hive mind mentality as the Muslims. Look how many of them cling to their portraits of dictators like Assad or the various Maronite militia leaders. I mean I love Trump but I’m not carrying a photo of him in my wallet or on my mantle or hanging from my car’s dashboard like some faggot. Mideast Christians would sooner see Europe conquered by Islam if it meant the continent was Arabized, they have no particular loyalty or love for the West.

he's a middle eastern dictator, but he isn't one of "our" middle eastern dictators. buddies with iran and russia.

>If everything which happens there is a proxy for larger powers, then why bother with any of them?

if there's a fire in the kitchen, that doesn't mean you're safe in your bedroom. iran wants to conquer the middle east. saudis at least co-operate with us. stayed the fuck out of iraq (afaik) when we democracy'd them

Fuck Assad
The generals killed in 14 are the real syrian leaders

Lemme guess, it was just typhus?

Iranwas fucked decades ago, Syrian situation is still ongoing. Also, Iran is heavily involved in /sg/

utterly brainwashed...

saudis (pubt) gave us miracles like 9/11, greatest allies

Pipe from what to what? Your mum is a pipe.

Russia has a military foothold in there, plus it's pleasant to rub Westerners that their representative democracies get overrun with Islamists.

Lemme guess he gassed them with Saddam's WMDs

Yeah based Saudis funding Jihad and Wahhabism around the world, committing 9/11, and running the most backwards Sharia monarchy on the planet.

Meanwhile Iran ..... trades with Iraq after we destroyed it for no reason. Those Iranian bastards!

Pipeline was a shitty theory with no backing evidence, and anyone buying it after Saudis cut ties to Qatar is a fool

His father Hafez was the leader of Syria since 1970, and Bashar replaced him when he died in 2000
Also Bashar's head would've rolled in some ditch hadn't russia deciding to save his ass in 2015. There's nothing based about him

You try to fight a war in the ME with no casualties. Hardmode: you have to use outdated soviet military technology

>Assad is a jerk who killing people to hold the power. Russia supports Syria because they wan't to build a pipe there. This is wrong and should be ended.

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