Any tips on how to get taller?
I'm 18 and 5'8
Any tips on how to get taller?
go back in time, send your mother a cringy ass poem from your dad
now she won't want to fuck him
hook her up with tall chad
that's the only way
>inb4 you fuck your own mom
You can do back work-outs. Which makes you appear longer.
You could order IGF, but it's REALLY expensive.
Maybe order a HGH booster, and work out on it. Might work..
that's IGF-1, and it's legal
Be happy with what you got, you ungrateful fuck.
I stoped growing at 16 and I'm 5'5''
I already wear those go-go gadget ass boots
Don't go for HGH, it makes your internal organs grow and will seriously fuck you up for life.
There's no limit to how tall you can become, on the inside.
>tfw 26.
>Keep growing. I reached 6 feet last year and stopped.
This is probably closed to you. If you are super desperate you can see if HGH would help: See an endocrinologist and ask to receive X-rays to see if your hand’s growth plate closed, because you believe you need HGH. If that plate has closed, your body has finished growing in most cases, and HGH will not help you. This will be 100% out of pocket and several will likely tell you no because 5’8” is within normal height ranges, statistically and the plate usually closes around 14-16ish for most boys.
Sorry user; asking at 18 is a bit like asking “any tips on being born in America?”, by the time you’d ask it’s probably already too late.
Wear insoles and heeled shoes
OP wasn't planning to, don't wanna buy anything
Don't bother. Search for a tall woman to wife so that your kids will carry on a legacy of non-manlets
Drink tit milk. Not even joking.
When I wss 5'8 17yo I met 5'7 Jewish virgin qt in s groupchat and we've been together for 2 years. I'm still 5'8 amd fatter. Yea I got lucky but stop being a lil bitch.
Re-roll and get a nat 20
Eat lots of iron, leafy greens, meat, etc.
(OP) I wanna be a 6'0 bitch tho
Why would you want to be taller? Go to the gym and enjoy the easy gains.
Height doesn't matter that much.
Choose your great-grandparents better
How do I get taller? I'm 18 and 5'1. Stfu OP
This. Being a manlet is a state of mind
> no fap
> no pillow
> cold showers
> shamanic breathing
> nootropics
> mewing
> vipassana meditation
They all help your body produce natural HGH and reach your physical potential.