WTF fit I just asked a girl to the movies with me and she wasn't disgusted and even said YES. what am I supposed to do now?
WTF fit I just asked a girl to the movies with me and she wasn't disgusted and even said YES...
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Oh fuck, abort abort
You watch the movie now fag. Try to get something to drink or eat after since movies aren't great first dates to get to know someone.
Take her to the movies.
fuck, I forgot to mention the date is until Friday
t. OP
Autistically sit there next to her wondering what you're supposed to do for two hours, whilst not bonding at all. What a dumb idea for a first date
give her the 'ol lickaroo
Take her to the gym instead
>Autistically sit there next to her wondering what you're supposed to do for two hours
Put your arm around her u dum
Make her pay for movie tickets and popcorn.
>I didn't choose the neet life, the neet life chose me.
Go watch Manlet and The Thot
does she know it's a date?
i havent been with a girl to the movies in a year. i have barely had any contact with anyone holy shit i am going insane
>movies as a first date
You’re supposed to do something interactive where you can talk/enjoy. Then after you go to dinner/movie, at this point you should have already kissed her and be comfortable being physical.
Grab her by the pussy
try to kiss her in the beginning of the flick
>a fucking movie
Wow, you’re so cute I wanna sit quietly next to you for two hours
Just went on dinner date today, went well, second date getting arranged. I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for you Jow Forums. Thanks guys
>at this point you should have already kissed her and be comfortable being physical.
ghost her and crywank
Eat her pussy in the dark while the movie is playing, works every time date expert
>kissing on the first date
we’re all gonna make it man
Watch movie then ask if she wants to grab something to eat. Eat at restaurant and talk about movie or ask if they want to come over and eat at your place
Relax and don't do anything stupid. Just act like a friend and be nice.
>eat dinner at restaurant
>hey wanna come over to my place and eat again
oh no no no
The physical touching is what separates you from a friend. It’s the most important part.
lol u fucked up
Remember though, she has to eat ALL the eggs.
Ever heard of takeout?
she's a friend from uni, we already went out with some other classmates for drinks.
You did good for the first try. You could at least use the movie as a convo starter.
How do I talk to women online? I had love at first sight (convo) with this girl who shares my interests, is tall, and is single. I don't know how to hold or advance her interest.
>movie as a first date
At least get dinner first, you tard.
Do the popcorn trick
after the movie, grab some sort of takeout food that you can take to a nice nearby park or plaza to chill and eat while you talk about the movie.
before the movie, find a cheerful way to state to her that that's the plan (not the 'discuss the movie' part, just the fact that you'll be grabbing takeout and going to x park after)
3x10 db flyes
Hey lads on which date can you tell you are out of the friendzone?
>t. Hobbit
what the fuck
once you kiss, assuming you dont become a weird flustered autist afterwards. stay confident and make your moves and you wont be friendzoned
What are your intentions afterwards? Ask her out for drinks, or better yet if it's a nice day go for a walk with her.
Once she eats your ass
When your tongue is touching her tonsils.
if you can't tell where you stand, just walk away. I've it and it feels amazing. You don't need this particular girl, move on.
op here, Should I text her
She won't show. She'll be with Tyrone and/or Chad instead.
This ain't Jow Forums, OP
fellas can I ask a girl out even though I don't have my driver's license yet? It will probably be weird
I-I don't know. I've never gotten that far. Good luck user.
>don't have my driver's license
Somebody get this boy a drill, we've got us a miner.
Realistically that's not a terrible idea for a first date if you do it right.
If you see the movie earlier in the day around 3 or so, you can guys can go grab dinner and you'll have something to talk about if the movie is interesting, that way you can continue the date, and you won't awkwardly run out of things to say.
I know how you feel OP. I have my first ever date on Wednesday and I'm fucking terrified. I know literally nothing about being alone with women in a public setting. I can only make assumptions based off of what I've seen on television. Am I fucked?
this isn't my first date but I'm autistic af
Go wash yourself up, get nice clothes and mentally prepare yourself for the date.
Have fun
I saw this Mickey Rourke movie from the eighties where he takes a girl to the movies and puts his dick through the bottom of their popcorn bag then waits for her to grab it. It seemed to work out pretty well so idk I'd try that.
Don't do movie dates, but since you've already committed suggest getting food first. Movies aren't ideal since you're just sitting there silently, you want some engagement to avoid awkwardness. Food isn't essential, just find something to do before that will let you guys interact. Failing that, try to get her to agree to doing something after. Worst case scenario is you just see the movie. In that case just do your best to talk a lot before and after, maybe even make a few comments during the movie (just don't be obnoxious, don't be that guy in the theater)
Yes you're fucked, I'd recommend calling it off and saving yourself from great embarrassment.
I disagree about his chances, if he got a date in the first place they're not as bad as you say, and even if they were this is the only way to gain experience and get better. Nobody listen to this asswipe
He's going to fuck it up, I'm trying to save him. You guys want him to fail, you're fucking sick.
(I'm the guy who made that original post) Even though I'm really nervous, I'm also aware of how far I've gotten. I mean I browse r9k everyday and I'm pretty sure there are tons of robots who would do ANYTHING to be in my position. So even though I have little to no experience, I need to at least try my best.
op and Jow Forumsizen here, you can do it man and if it doesn't go right, like a fellow fitizen once told me, you go to the gym and work out the sadness
If you're really determined on going through with it. Don't come crawling back when you eventually fail, I warned you.
good kek
Just a tip, Stop browsing r9k. I browsed there for a while and it almost destroyed my mental state.
Good luck though m8, hope it goes well for you.
I'm going to try the same thing myself, so hopefully I can at least get to your state. I'll be happy if I can at least muster up the courage to ask.
You're going to fuck yourself over with going to Jow Forums on a daily. Get rid of that toxic mentality. Read a book or something.
Do advice threads from Jow Forums get moved here?
Jow Forums is not a bad board, it's misunderstood. It's a place where foreveralone people can go and vent their frustration about their loneliness.
The problem isn't that lonely people go there, the problem is that lonely people go there and engage in destructive discourse. Rather than trying to find solutions to their problems, they sit around and blackpill each other. It's fucking exhausting and if you buy into it long enough it will make you a worse person.
For some people there are no solutions to their lonely problem. They need to spread awareness of eternal loneliness. There isn't someone for everyone, that bitter truth needs to be spread worldwide. The faster incels give up on love the better, there's no hope for them, but they need to get their voices heard and their message across.
See this is Jow Forums-tier blackpill bullshit. You should always be trying to better yourself, especially if your life is so shitty that you need to whine on Jow Forums all day.
she will cancel at last hour. Be ready for it.
I agree, incels should better themselves, and not care about love. Incels are not worthy of receiving a female's love. But their rants on Jow Forums are not all baseless conjecture, they're trying shine light on the hypergamous lifestyle these women live in. The incels have a powerful message to spread, but without the proper platform to speak with no one will take them seriously.
No you don't agree that "incels" should better themselves, you're a whiny toxic faggot who wants people to stay in their lonely comfort zone instead of rising above and becoming who they want to be. People like you are part of the problem, you're what makes Jow Forums such a toxic place and you've completely oblivious and self-unaware.
No my brother, I want to push women of their pedestals. Men are fighting to improve themselves for women, and women just have to sit there and look pretty. This is how incels are born, the top 80% of women are all going for the top 20% of men. Leaving the bottom 80% of men to all fight for the bottom 20% of women. No amount of self improvement is going to fix that, their only option is to give up on love and focus on your career and hope the money is enough to attract a mate.
How to even find a location for a date as a guy who rarely goes outside. It's paralysing me.
>the top 80% of women
>the bottom 20% of women
So 80% of the top women go for 20% of the top men? While 80 % of the bottom men are going for the bottom 20% women?
Aren't you missing a few % there?
lmao you can't even hide your Jow Forums power level. The problem isn't that "the top 80% of women are all going for the top 20% of men", that's only true on Tinder where the competition is entirely looks-based. The problem is that "incels" would rather blame other people for their problems than actually trying to better themselves. And fuck, you're not even actual incels. Houellebecq pretty rightly points out that true inceldom is essentially impossible in the modern West given the pervasiveness of sexual liberation. "Incels" are really just oblivious volcels.
Spill spaghetti
The 80/20 rule is true for approaching women in real life too. Women will almost never date down or in their league, they what to date up the majority of the time. Women are very selective on the men they approach to the point that men think they never approach men at all, expect they do, but only the ones that are out of their league. Women are not shy, they're picky as hell, to the point that if your height is not to their liking they won't even give you a second glance. Something that people have zero control over, is something that can dictate if you're worthy in the eyes of women. Meanwhile when men want to be picky about weight they get shamed for it. These are the issues incels are fighting for, self improvement means nothing to women unless you already meet their standards in looks.
I'm a 5'8 manlet and I have no problem attracting girls. That said, you're thinking about this all wrong and your view of the whole dynamic is really fucked up. You shouldn't be waiting for girls to approach you. If it happens it's pretty cool and most of your work is done considering it's a sure fucking sign that you're in there, but you shouldn't be sitting around waiting for it to happen. If you like a girl you're the one who's supposed to be doing the approaching. If you can dress yourself like an adult, understand basic grooming, and have the right attitude you can get girls from 0-10. But you sure as shit don't have the right attitude.
>but you shouldn't be sitting around waiting for it to happen
Women do that all the time, and they get by just fine why? Men can't afford to wait because chances are no one will approach them, but the average woman can just sit back and go through all of their options and pick the best one. You have no problem with women having the majority of power in the game because you're getting the results, you can't know the pain of incels.
>Women do that all the time, and they get by just fine why?
Wha--what? You're angry that men and women aren't the same? You realize that this is the exact same thing that feminists complain about, right? Men and women are different, women are chased and men chase. Going up to someone to ask them out is the active role, being pursued is the passive role. Men can't afford to wait to be approached because they're not supposed to be approached. Did cavemen wait to be approached? Did medieval knights wait to be approached? Hell, did boomer dads wait to be approached? Fuck no, they saw what they wanted and they went after it, they took the active role. You've got some kind of weird autogynophilic jealousy complex going on here where it's like you're envious of natural feminine passivity.
t. cuck
That wouldn't be a problem if the 80/20 rule didn't exist. Approaching women and getting rejected for petty reasons time after time gets tiresome, and it destroys the confidence of men creating incels. You're basically saying " That's the way it is, women are not the problem you just didn't improve enough". You're assuming that there is something wrong with the guy and they need to "fix themselves". The bitter truth is men are forced to go through heart breaking ordeals just to find someone to love them back, while women can just avoid all of that by simply waiting on their asses, and since that's the way it's always been you see no reason for it to be changed? You don't even understand the incel problem you just see the bad ones and then you label them all bad.
youll be fine. just act like you do it all the time
>asking girls out instead of wishing you were one makes you a cuck
The 80/20 rule does not exist outside of Tinder. And fuck, even on Tinder you can pull girls if you know how to make a successful profile rather than just taking a bunch of bathroom selfies. I'm not telling you to walk up to girls cold on the street, but if the other portions of your life are in order you should be in social situations at some point where you're around women. Do you have a job/go to school? Do you volunteer anywhere? Do you have friends that you do things with on a semi-regular basis? Do you have any social hobbies? Are you a part of any sort of clubs or organizations? You can't just sit on your ass and wonder "why don't women come up to me and ask me out?"
>The bitter truth is men are forced to go through heart breaking ordeals just to find someone to love them back, while women can just avoid all of that by simply waiting on their asses, and since that's the way it's always been you see no reason for it to be changed?
You're afraid of rejection so you don't ask girls out, but you want girls to ask you out? You think they're not afraid of rejection? You might be afraid of spilling your autismo spaghetti from your pockets, but you've got to realize that girls are made of spaghetti. Girls don't know what they're doing anymore than you do, and if you can counter their bullshit with confident wit they'll think there's more to you than there is.
I mean fuck, you want women to act like men but I'm sorry, feminists have been trying to do that for the past century and you're living in the result. It's contradictory, if you don't like living in a world in which girls are encouraged to act like men then why would you support the policy in the first place? Women aren't men and if you think society can run counter to basic nature you're crazy.
Again you're assuming these men don't do all of these things, your average incel doesn't just spend his time playing games and browsing Jow Forums they're normal people except that they can't get laid or find love. Just because you're around women doesn't mean they'll date you. I'm around women all the time because of work and my social circle I approach a woman maybe once or twice a month. I later found out from friends that the reasons why I was rejected was because they didn't find me attractive. Now keep in mind these women are not 10/10s they're like 4-6s. Women want to date up if they feel they can do better they won't settle for a guy in their league or lower. I'm honestly trying my best, but it's literally impossible for me. That's why many incels are calling bullshit on women's hypergamy. And the rest of the world refuse to acknowledge our suffering or just straight up mock us so we're forced to vent on imageboards thus creating a toxic environment.
I knew a guy who had sex with his girlfriend in the theaters while the movie was playing, crazy bastard.
He has no chance we both know that.
Ask another girl.
since this is related
I asked a guy out and he said yes. Now I'm wondering where the fuck we should go. Is a bar good enough? I keep reading that doing activities together is a good idea rather than just sitting and talking, but there is literally nothing to do in my town
It is a beach town but going to the beach for a first date sounds a bit risky.
Maybe go to a park, and see from there?
Nigga I'm banned from getting a driver's license, live with my parents and ask all the girls out.
Some girls drive me.
Am in beach town too.
Walked and talked an hour on the beach, then sat down at a bar and chatted for an hour.
Would recommend.
see an action or thriller movie, Deadpool type of movie. It isn't going to start a conversation on say politics or some shit you know nothing about, and secondly it's going to grab her attention so you aren't expected to make a move or something. be relaxed, oh and 1 bag of popcorn. go eat dinner after, the movie will give you something to talk about. if you run out of stuff to talk about, ask her for some piece of general mundane advice.