Why do YOU want a girlfriend user
Why do YOU want a girlfriend user
I don't anymore but when I did it was because it sounded nice
So that I don't have to pay $400 every time I want to makeout, get a bj, and fuck. I guess having a girl around would be fun I guess. Also that illusion of normality I'd get by having a girlfriend.
Because I want someone to spend time with and to talk to.
Why dont you just hang with a bro friend or a friend in general
It's not the same man, you know that. If it were, their wouldn't be anyone getting married.
I’ve been trying to get rid of mine.
because my ex was mentally ill and try to run me over with her car after threaten me to burn my house.
You deserved it. You prick.
I thought it was cool to have one but all the emotional support and stuff is it really worth it
1. Its a realistic approach towards contentment. I need something in life to geinuinely care about , and my career / hobbies aren't cutting it. Family + kids probably would.
2. I don't want be old and alone
3. Companionship / sex is nice
i dont want a gf
i just want a girl to have sex with me, take her to concerts with me, watch films together and maybe enjoy a coffee/tea with least once a week
i can't stand talking to the same person everyday.
i've been looking for that on tinder but the girls who like me are the types who are clingy and since its tinder i try to be nice in the beginning so they feel comfortable around me. but they expect me to talk to them everyday and when i dont. they move on to the next guy who gives them attention
gross i would never get together with someone who would get together with me for that reason
i need warmth, light and direction. a torch to carry to help me navigate through this darkness.
I don't want a girlfriend, I want a wife. It feels like the next step. I recently got a decent job and have started feeling a lot better about myself and improving myself. Now I want some kids. Despite hating children. I'm weird.
Sounds like you need a babysitter not a gf
My family are starting to get worried that I've never had a relationship.
Good reasons, and bad.
I don't really have a good idea what long-term intimacy and companionship is like; I'm worried that the longer I go without, the more I'll change into something bitter, pathetic, and fundamentally inhuman. But I also want to be a source of that love to another person, I want to be their rock. There's also the fact that I'm expected to build a domestic life as a man, as an (aspiring) productive member of society. From my low perspective, it's mind-blowing how terrified people are of this stage of their lives. Attaining that level of sociability and commitment would be like heaven on earth to me. I'm really at the point that I would rather be dead than be left behind by everyone I know for the rest of my life. I know how selfish this is, but it's the truth.
Same here bro. Girls either just want to fuck and get weirded out if I start being romantic or they get overly attached and try to be my girlfriend. Why can't I have a close sexual partner and also live my own life?
regular sex
Oh you sweet naive child. You'd never know what I really wanted. They being said, wanna go on a date?
I don't
I would like to be in a relationship again but I have no money and I'm really selfish so I don't really have anything to offer and I don't feel like putting myself out there just to be turned down.
Idk i used to not care about getting a gf but after not having a conversation with a girl my age or in my grade for 4 years im starting to feel more and more empty and grave social interaction
I don't, women are garbage, my own imagination is good for now but soon there will be robots too
I want a gf so everyone can stop calling me a fag.
You homo
I actually don't. Last thing I want is someone being worried about me.
I just want companionship and some sex.
That's literally it !
But do to the fact that I'm no Adonis/Chad, I/any who's not handsome need(s) to work at least x10 times harder to get girls.
I've hit on the ugliest girls you'll ever see and still get shot down.
I actually go out of my way to talk to them, I'm not an incel, I like girls.
Not to sound bitter, but it seriously doesn't matter how ugly/pretty a girl is because there's always going to be guys that will get with her no matter what.
i dont.
why would i want a parasite in my life?
I don't. A girl by my side would just mean more drag.
I don't. Fuck that bullshit. Been there, done the family thing and it isn't worth it.
Now if I find a chick who I love to hang around and do stuff and something comes together from it then so be it. I see marriages and relationships around me break up all the time and then they fly into another one to forget the last one and then get wrapped up in it.
Seeing all these young and old idiots who act like they have to have one is a great sense of amusement, even if I do hope they find a good one and end up happy.
I want a wife desu.
If you want a wife without getting a girlfriend first, what you actually want is an arranged marriage
I can date and then fiance and then marry? That's how things actually go among non-degenerates.
>I want a wife desu.
A wife is just a girlfriend with a legally binding piece of paper.
I'd like to pair bond, but I'm not in a good place right now to find a partner that would make it worth it. Maybe in Fall or Winter when I get a nice apartment, but definitely not right now.
The only reason I'd like to pair bond though is that I could use the company. The best part of having a girlfriend isn't sex- it's having somebody that will accompany you. Life would be pretty cozy if I can get a nice place and a nice person to share it with.
-A lonely NEET
I want someone to cuddle with
My friends and family wont stop bugging me about it
I want to have sex a couple times
don't care for marriage, though
Nope. I don't want just a civil wedding, I'm religious.
I hope you don't think that not getting legally married means you can avoid things like divorce laws if things go south
So you'll never have a boyfriend? Cause you know whats all guys actually care about. Everything else is just an act to keep you happy so he can keep fucking you.
I said I don't want JUST a civil marriage, I didn't say I won't get a civil marriage.
>Trash fuckboys generalizing the entire male sex to their worthless existence
No. Not ALL GUYS buddy, just your kind. I want a meaningful relationship.
I want sex. Not a gf. HA!
good luck having those with a woman.
ill be here when you realize their value is nothing beyond the sex they may or may not provide.
Have you considered escorts?
Because I love her personality and want to be with her more.
(Sex sounds nice)
But it isn't something where I want to always be around her, so we can both live our lives without this relationship disrupting it in a negative way.
Because I'm not one of the asexual aspies.
What the fuck else are you worth to me other than warm holes to blow my load in?
I don't even care about feigning normality, so go on. What else could you offer me, or any other man.
You should be able to be best friends with your gf. If you cant then its a waste of time.
Lots of reasons. Sex, companionship, a partner to takle life with. I need to calm down and not be so thirsty, I know, but I need to do that well and not just get sour grapes.
Because I'd like to eventually procreate and lead a household
Because that fucking "hardwired NEED to love and be loved" shit won't go away, even though I'm an apathetic, socially inept idiot with nothing worthwhile to bring to the table in a relationship.
Lol I already know women I value for their personality but ok sure MGTOW faggot.
So i can punch her in the cunt
Because my friends kind of suck sometimes. Also sex would be nice
I guess someone of the opposite sex to talk to and share opinions with would be rather nice. Also cuddling. And occasionally fucking her, getting satisfied sexually, feeling the intimacy of another person. Being loved by someone. Someone that looks after you and cares. Someone to do silly things with. Something along those lines, anyways.
This is tough because having a gf doesn't necessarily mean it'll be the end of all your problems. You have to sort yourself out first and then the right girl will come into your life
You often here this though; 'sort yourself out, user! Work on you!' But what does it really mean? I think what people generally mean is to stop masturbating, stop looking at porn, stop smoking weed and drinking alcohol, stop playing too many video games, get a good job and get out in the world. Basically to rid yourself of your vices. Some people also say to be physically fit, work out a lot. I think that's good too, but not entirely necessary. But what is really important is to be working towards some sort of goal, and to realize progress towards this goal will take time and some level of serious effort. Find out what works and doesn't work for you as a person. For example, I literally cannot have any sort of caffeine, alcohol, basically anything that alters my mental state even a little, because I know myself, and I know what hell it can and will put me through because I have a very addictive personality even to the smallest substances. So I have to abstain from them all. However, I don't think that's true of everyone. So of course I'm not going to shove those views on someone else.
Another important factor in this is having some level of faith. There are only two religions in the world suitable for the adult mind: Orthodox Christianity and Confucianism. No other religions are suitable. Look into and study both of these seriously.
Life's all about balance. You'll probably figure it out. The first step is important, but not always the MOST important, because then you need to take another, and another, and another. Staying on the path is just as important as the first step and never coming off it.
Pizza is too big for myself.
Because I feel a pang of emptiness and guilt every time I go to bed knowing I'm still a lonely khv with no experience whatsoever of love.
The closest I've been was when a girl who's a friend of a friend leaned on my shoulder while trying to watch the memes I had on my laptop. Felt like a drug.
I wish I knew what it felt like. I wish I had just one person I could trust and talk to and joke with honestly, not having to pretend I'm someone else.
I don't.
Nobody is getting married anymore user
The only ones who do are the sorry saps paying alimony
Mine too. But can you blame yourself? Who wants to marry a whore?
My point was that no one would ever have bothered getting married if there wasn't some value in having a partner.
who wants to marry?
because girls are cute
I don't. I enjoy the company of women but girlfriends just make me complacent and lazy. Been single for a few months now and have accomplished more in those few months than I ever did in the year and a half I was with my ex
Fuck off and stop perpetuating this meme. I'm sure guys who care about using their gf/bf as a sex partner the most exist, but they aren't common.
This belief is why people get stuck in dead bedrooms with boyfriends/husbands, because they aren't aware that a good percentage of guys actually have relatively little interest in sex.
Benis in bagina :DDDD
because im cripplingly lonely, and want nothing more than a woman i can cherish and marry and can do the same for me despite the fact i dont have anything to bring to the table i can explain on a tinder profile or whatever the fuck
Not only I want a gf, I want a wife, life partner, and best friend all in one. Someone to share my life with, someone who I can support and someone who can support me.
haha jokes on you i actually don't
just knowing how emotionally inadequate ill be is a permanent deterrent from ever wanting pr needing a gf
When you get older, you switch priorities. I don't care about a gf anymore. I just want to survive. PLEASE let me survive... life is impossibly hard.
>"Upon my epitaph, here's what it must say, here lies a man, who's happy in his grave."
>"But for one love in his lifetime, with who'm who he truly shared, world full of happiness, with someone who cared so I wouldn't change a thing."
>"Upon my epitaph, here's what it must say, here lies a man, who's happy in his grave."
>"But for one love in his lifetime, with who'm he truly shared, world full of happiness, with someone who cared so I wouldn't change a thing."
Because I want children of my own at some point.
Too bad it will never happen because I am too anxious and self conscious to ever approach a girl I am interested in, or even just make a tinder profile.
To feel more complete