Stop drinking alcohol

stop drinking alcohol.

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Other urls found in this thread:örmungandr

It's an european tradition.

Why should I?
When tempered with moderation and responsibility, there's no harm.


no m'lord

No, getting shitfaced tonight as well feelsgoodman.

stop browsing Jow Forums

Been off jew juice 2.5 years. I feel amazing. Drunks make me cringe now at the pathetic fools chasing the buzz. I switched to psilocybin and now only do that 2-3 times a year. Bang on drums and disregard evil spirits

I would just kill myself quickly if I didn't do it slowly with alcohol.

Fuck off Varg

ok good post OP.

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Tits or gtfo you cum sponge.

Active duty soldier here. My whole squad is outraged that alcohol gives us whiskey dick. Better to have a sober erection than a drunk flaccy.

haven't drank in almost two years.
make a cup of coffee instead.

I have

This holiday week leading up to the New Year will be my goodbye from alcohol. Tired of feeling like shit all the time.

Stop Vargposting. No one should look up to the pagan equivalent of hollow and obvious Jordan Peterson advice.

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I'd say this is a slide thread, but alchoholism isn't good

I drink alcohol because I respect the tradition of my european ancestors.
But what a mutt could know about identity they have to larp as "pagan" to feel connected to Europe.

no thanks murderfag. i'll be frocklin in the forests with tom bombadil while you sit in your mud pit

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Learn how to fix things

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If women don't find you handsome, they should at last find you handy

Try to make me faggot.

Drinking neurotoxins to feel better and to have a higher chance of getting pussy doesn't make you manly, being like everyone else, it's nigger tier activity Not to mention the degeneracy that alcohol causes amongst men and women alike. Also keep in mind the cash you'll save that you can use for more useful things other than boozing.

based boomer meme

I've never had a sip of an alcoholic beverage, and I'm pretty proud of that. I quit soda and candy in 2018, 2019 will be my first pure year.

Yeah keep on going, although being a boozer gives you a better perspective of it and I believe you understand it and value abstinence better, but if I could I would definetely follow your route, even though I had amazing fun times with other drunks I can be the same party animal while sober, so keep it up user.

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Getting drunk every night of my annual leave.

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Why would a snake be around tree roots? What is the meaning?

F*ck you, Varg.

How to stop something you didn't even start?


Attached: C2D32891EA9147698BE2A0E425B0D475.jpg (685x685, 52K)örmungandr

my sponsor texts me even though i'm still a drunk

Beer and booze come from middle-east.

Have fun and good luck. Every never-drinker I've ever met had no personality whatsoever so watch out for this

Bullshit. Wine as we know it comes from Georgia. Every corner of the world was fermenting things in hopes of getting shitfaced by it

im already a teetotaler
don't do drugs alcohol or tobacco
stuff is gross and hurts your body, not interested in even trying it.

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