We should be coloniing the stars by now. No capitalist will ever build one and if they do they will own the solar system. The fall of the soviet union was the worst step in human history. We stopped chasing the stars
Why don't we say say fuck capitalism and build a dyson sphere?
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>literally private rockets that can land, opening possibilities for commercial space flight
If we abolish gibs, we can become a Type 1 Civilization. Are you ready to euthanize the frail, weak, and impoverished?
Even commies want to abolish gibs. We want 100% employment. i'm absolutely for abolishing gibs.
We should be re directing resources from just getting by to evolving to the next stage. Instead of fucking politics.
Because no other system works as good. You either have capitalism or you are starving on the street
>You either have capitalism or you are starving on the street
But that is a lie. Plus people are starving on the street under capitalism
>but that's a lie
It's not.
If you are starving on the streets in America you are literally retarded. Even begging for money will give you enough to eat plenty, I would know.
imagine actually being this retarded.
Sure think retarded commie. Capitalism is the only system that doesn't lead to mass starvation and actually increases GDP. You are a fucking retard.
Spacefags are the absolute worst kind of people. After we get rid of spacefags we can focus on Jews.