How do you deal with THAT one tripfag/namefag/avatarfag autist?
How do you deal with THAT one tripfag/namefag/avatarfag autist?
They're not allowed to use avatars here, it's against the rules
By making him beautiful.
champion him
If it's a tripfag I'll call them a faggot.
If it's a namefag I'll pretend to be them and state misleading information and false anecdotes of personal lives
If it's an avatarfag i'll draw dicks on their pictures and repost them until they get sick of seeing cocks on their pictures.
How to be an avatarfag lmao, first time I hear of this. Is it just someone posting the same image with every reply?
In the case of tripfags, you can filter them out in Settings. Avatarfags can be reported. Not sure about namefags.
Generally, they all want attention so the best you can do is ignore them. Don't reply to their posts no matter what they say.
what happened to hitler? i miss him
I think he went overboard and got taken away by whitecoats.
What are you talking about OP?
I don't know, OP. How DO your friends deal with you?
in my head he's met some lovely adorable little chaste blonde qt 3.1488 and they're busy falling in love and lighting up the darkness in each other's worlds and all that gay shit and they're gonna get married and have a slew of stronk hwhite babbies and live happily ever after on a cosy farm where they make each other laugh naming the jew and calling roasties whores on the internets together and then sometimes heretics get burned/adulterers get executed in the town square and that makes for a fun weekend outing and maybe if the weather's nice enough they even have a comfy af picnic with no bullshit faggot fire ants on the way home. in reality he's probably still around and just doesn't put the trip on or got sick of this board or something
It was very fucking hard to not bust out laughing next to my coworkers at that.
I have since stopped paying him any attention at all. Sadly I've also stopped going to the thread I was running into him in though but it's no real loss since I lost interest in the subject. There are other people still dealing with him though and they're working on a project regarding him that I sincerely hope bears fruit, because the guy is a menace on multiple boards and needs to be dealt with.
I'm sure he's proud to have reached lord voldemort status.
Soviets took over Berlin and he ran to Argentina or offed himself
How wholesome
>tfw that isn't your life right now
Is that you vocaroo-adv chan?
>life right now
>"Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for."
Hits too close to home
yep. it could be worse though. no matter how shit, it can always still get even worse. so there's always something to be grateful for. one of life's small mercies, that.