Your daily reminder jews are naturally born wreckers of civilizations and butchers of hundreds of millions of gentiles...

Your daily reminder jews are naturally born wreckers of civilizations and butchers of hundreds of millions of gentiles in many kingdoms and nations throughout history.

They are at perpetual war with all none jews and will not rest till every none jew is enslaved and exterminated.

They are what could be called , a virus taking on an entire human form.

Attached: jewish history month.gif (103x120, 210K)

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Watcha gonna do about it? Oh, I know: jack shit.

t. Jew from Amsterdam

through their religious practices and "rights", jews literally have the duty to kill a none jew who reads these texts.

Attached: jew talmud.jpg (581x1024, 121K)

Jews admit Hitler was nothing, compared to what is coming for them. You rats are sawing the branch you're sitting on.

personally irl, I'd shoot you where you stand, just for the reason you owe me some eyes and teeth, kike boy, but since this is the internet I guess all I can do is call you a fucking kike....and expose a little truth about your tyrants and terrorists

Powerless goyim.

Even the King of the Niggers had to apologize for quoting lyrics indicating that Jews are wealthy.

Attached: Capture.png (744x151, 12K)

tell you what, why dont you give me a contact number and we can arrange a little showdown,no rules, bring who ever you want with you.

how does this proposal sound? I'll give you a chance to slay me like the bag goyim I am.

I mean for fuck sakes, I want a piece of you, my good semitic man

Attached: ak-47.jpg (650x433, 24K)

jews always overplay their hand, every single time.
you dont have much time left ;)

>A stronger dose of Zyklon B should do the trick.

First of all, that's a nice AK. Second: this is why the gentiles are so ineffective at taking control. You are not rational enough to realize that killing 1 Dutch Jew will not accomplish anything to further your case. We are organized and practice nepotism for our own benefit. Most gentiles are pure hedonists that don't grant each other anything at all.

kike, I just said, you owe me some eyes and teeth, now pay up, son of a whore.

Jews are of the devil.

>Most gentiles are pure hedonists that don't grant each other anything at all
gee I wonder who pushed that, but then you'd just say "your fault goyim, should've known better''

Attached: DINDU NUFFIN.png (813x835, 772K)

If 85-90% of the gentiles aren't capable of resisting their emotions/impulses, can you blame us for steering them in a direction that benefits us?

Are you claiming malice aforethought?

You can't even control your emotions, such animalistic behavior. Are you an Arab?

whenever i see kike i see muzzie nuke the fucking lot of the sub-human niggers

Attached: 1545271596782.png (674x672, 619K)

Of course, humans tend to behave in a manner that benefits them. Is this surprising to you?

So you are claiming that malice aforethought is beneficial to yourself?

Decent humans don't promote things that destabilize a society for their own benefit like Jews do.

Attached: 1596732.png (845x646, 1.08M)

Define decency, and why I should be a "decent" person.

no , its in your blood and its in our blood to do oven time

>why I should be a "decent" person
This is the branch you're sawing on as you stand on it.
>Define decency
The problem with Jews in 2 words

Last time I checked Germany is literally occupied by US military bases.

The Germans will need extra help to build the ovens and herd the rats into said ovens.

Attached: 12496585.png (1141x927, 2.12M)

Highly unlikely. The US government would never allow another Holocaust.

>another Holocaust.

The first one never happened.

Attached: 1545100219611.jpg (640x417, 30K)

You daily reminder that if you can make an easily targetable enemy then you can more easily create followers to fight that enemy.
Commanding that force gives you great power, and you don’t even need to fight the enemy yourself.
Fighting people is a great way to occupy you so that the powerful people can use your resources how they see fit without your consent.

Like the Emu's did?

Another deluded Holocaust denier. Didn't your own Airborne troops see it with their own eyes?

Check em gentiles, even KEK cannot deny the Holocuast.

This explains why Amsterdam is a third world shithole.

Attached: portret2job_400x400.png (400x400, 263K)

>not even actual digits

Look at the post above that, useful US taxpayer.

Amsterdam a third world shithole? Gentile I...

but they're not digits
it would have been digits if there was a 7 at the end instead of a 5
stupid j*w

Read the Torah before speaking, fag.

>butchers of hundreds of millions of gentiles

I seriously hope I am, goy. I seriously hope I am.

Ah well, my fault for trying to play these weird Gentile insider games. Anyways, pay your taxes, Israel needs money.

You’re not a real Jew. Just a troll.

fuck off y*d
isr*el is an illegitimate state that will rightfully be destroyed when Jesus the Messiah comes back

>Jesus the Messiah

Attached: 1434180577572.jpg (500x375, 37K)


>coming back
people from kike fairy tales don't exist you cuck

>kike fairy tales

based czech bro
>not the Messiah
you won't be laughing when you're burning in a lake of fire for your sins and the sins of the J*wish "people"

True, that would not be a pleasant situation, but it would be a situation that most probably never is going to happen.

it's gonna happen.
you're going to hell and you're gonna be tortured for all eternity, j*w filth.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

t, rabbi greedstein


Indeed my Swedish friend.

t. j*wish dog who censors GOD's name

Gawd Gawd Gawd. Is that all you can say? Christcuck indoctrination is very effective indeed.

Have you ever read the Torah, supposed “Jew”?

YHWH YHWH YHWH, Is that all you can say? j*w indoctrination is very effective indeed.

20th century was the century of the kike. 21st century isn't.

Disregarding all my negative feelings towards Muslims I realise that they're right to blame a lot of their suffering on the kikes. And if the Muslims will live alone in their lands they'll be the perfect alies against the kike shit.

So dear Dutch troll - celebrate diversity while you can. It won't be for long

If things get to hot here, I'l just move to Israel or the US.

And you assume that you're gonna be safe in Israel? Which is surrounded by Muslims?

Or that burgers will eternally slave to you?
I do understand that the drug mafia = kikes but the US will collapse once it becomes majority non white. Just as the kikish empire of USSR did.

And then what? You emigrate to Mars?

Trouble is, even the most ardent Holocaust confirmers have had to concede that there were no death camps in the western sectors, so "eyewitness" accounts only serve to confirm the power of propaganda narratives. Remember, the deaths from disease at Buchenwald etc continued for weeks after the Allied liberation.

How did you learn of this?? The greater mars israel plan is kosher secret.

The Arabs are defeated and unorganized, they pose no great threat. The US will be fine in my lifetime. I will be in Shamayim before the US falls

The game is over. Nobody truly believes (((their))) anymore.

Yeah it is kind like that but it's not their fault that so many people are so stupid eh? It is RIGHT that morons are exterminated and we're very much overdue for another round.

Sure. But that will be the end of your people at last. It may come later than the end of my people but it will happen.

So enjoy your Amsterdam

So you freely and openly admit to tempting man into sin, how's it going Satan?

All civilizations fall, I have accepted this long ago. But for now God's chosen people have lived in relatively peaceful times. Looks like the world has finally learned from the great tragedy that is the Holocuast.

He should not be afraid anymore of openly admitting kikish crimes. They're the Lords of the Liberal realm in which we all live and we are not allowed to criticise them by the law.

Actually the only thing I admire Corbyn for is that he stood his ground regarding his view on the kikes so there's a light in the end of the tunnel

Well, to be honest we don't really have to treat the Gentiles like "man".

>implying genitles aren't more human than j*ws
>implying j*ws are God's chosen people

The only tragedy is that it didn't actually happen, but it should have.

Wait a bit. It will happen in one way or another. Muslims will devour the kikes once the West falls

Why would you say such a terrible thing? Imagine 9/11 times 3000. Would you deny 9/11 too?

9/11 actually happened
but the holohoax never did
it's a j*wish myth and i really wish it did happen.
your "people" deserve nothing but death for all the degenerative shit you push.
you're literal demons in human skin that know nothing but destruction and evil
fuck you, j*wish dog.

I want to covert to Judaism. Teach me how senpai


You go in the oven last funny kike.

Shalom brother/sister, as far as I am aware there aren't many synagogues in Japan. I recommend calling one.

Cut your foreskin off

>Would you deny 9/11 too?
My position is that Jews did 9/11 and need to be doubly punished for that as well.

Your nose will never be big enough (fake) Satoshi.

Your position is irrelevant. The US/Israeli governments position are.