Your daily reminder jews are naturally born wreckers of civilizations and butchers of hundreds of millions of gentiles...

Your daily reminder jews are naturally born wreckers of civilizations and butchers of hundreds of millions of gentiles in many kingdoms and nations throughout history.

They are at perpetual war with all none jews and will not rest till every none jew is enslaved and exterminated.

They are what could be called , a virus taking on an entire human form.

Attached: jewish history month.gif (103x120, 210K)

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Watcha gonna do about it? Oh, I know: jack shit.

t. Jew from Amsterdam

through their religious practices and "rights", jews literally have the duty to kill a none jew who reads these texts.

Attached: jew talmud.jpg (581x1024, 121K)

Jews admit Hitler was nothing, compared to what is coming for them. You rats are sawing the branch you're sitting on.

personally irl, I'd shoot you where you stand, just for the reason you owe me some eyes and teeth, kike boy, but since this is the internet I guess all I can do is call you a fucking kike....and expose a little truth about your tyrants and terrorists

Powerless goyim.

Even the King of the Niggers had to apologize for quoting lyrics indicating that Jews are wealthy.

Attached: Capture.png (744x151, 12K)

tell you what, why dont you give me a contact number and we can arrange a little showdown,no rules, bring who ever you want with you.

how does this proposal sound? I'll give you a chance to slay me like the bag goyim I am.

I mean for fuck sakes, I want a piece of you, my good semitic man

Attached: ak-47.jpg (650x433, 24K)

jews always overplay their hand, every single time.
you dont have much time left ;)

>A stronger dose of Zyklon B should do the trick.