Albania - the most underappreciated country of Europe

Based country. I respect them

Albanians make other Southern “Europeans” look like bitch niggers
>Albanian is now known to have been the first language of Europe, before Latin
>known for big swords back in the Roman Empire, friendly and attractive people get the job done (30% of British people have Albanian DNA)
>even christcucks have something for their liking - Skenderbeg knighted by Pope, awarded Christianias Ameritus or some shit for single handedly stopping Europe bell getting blacked & creating modern Albania
>the fiercest fighters when it comes to pride
>if you are friends with them they will kill for you
>ask any woman in Europe which men have the most respect for women and they will all say Albanian
>can blend in almost any White country due to ability to learn foreign European languages 2x faster than any other race because Albanian was the first language of Europe (also explains why there are so many Worldwide Albanian professional translators and linguists comparative to the tiny amount of population vs other countries)
>anytime you are this strong all other males will hate
>bigger balls than every other race combined (see Shkreli, honour killings and blood feuds)
>Napoleon came from Albanian clan in Italy
>Albanian enclave run the Ottoman Empire
>Albanians were to enshrine independence in the Balkans
>Kemal Ataturk was Albanian
>Albanians were the main source of elite Prussian cavalry

check history before any newfags try to tell me Albanians didnt single handedly stop Europe from getting mixed from Ottomans

NONE of roaches shitposting ablut Albania will ever come out with a public statement against Albania IRL - they will simply be killed

Albanians took the hardest blow and we owe these people a debt of gratitude. “Greeks” on the other hand deserve death for marrying armenians, turks and gypsies under orthodox blessing

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Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoying vacations in Russia, analbanian faggot?

Cool story Vlad, but can you make a movie out of Albanians?

You are ignoring the glorious history of Albania, Janusz. Who are we to deny it? You are part Shqiptaro-Illyrian too just like most other Europeans

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Very nice, I like!

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If Albania is so great, why do Albanians try their hardest to escape it?

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They are pretty based. They have cucked us Greeks for sure.

More Albanians live outside of Albania then in Albania itself

If Albania is so fucking great, then why in the almighty fuck do they live anywhere but their own damn country then? Fuck them!

well no one want to live in that shithole of country

Attached: 1024px-Albanians_in_Europe.jpg (1024x581, 68K)

And who wants to live in Serbia?

because people tend to flee Eastern and Southeastern Europe due to better economic opportunities abroad. ethnic pride of intra-European immigrants should only be encouraged to prevent the blood mixing. I would be more concerned with med shitskins, turks, chinks and arabs if I were you, Pablo Ouglu Frucci-Bruner
if Levant is so good why did you leave it?

And who wants to live in Greece?

Are you that Albanian atheist guy who works for the mafia in Russia?

Literal gypsies.

Albanians are disgusting subhumans and weak.

fuck off muslim filth.

literal gypsies are literal gypsies. its the Balkans we are talking about after all. Native Albanians are good looking regular European people

no country in history of the world destroyed more mosques and synagouges than Shqipnia
said the brown roach of Graeco-Serbian variety

Attached: SHQIPS.jpg (2560x1596, 409K)

>even christcucks have something for their liking - Skenderbeg knighted by Pope, awarded Christianias Ameritus or some shit for single handedly stopping Europe bell getting blacked & creating modern Albania

and Albanians will still be overwhelmingly Muslim while praising him as an Albanian patriot.

Bulgarians are the underappreciated GOAT of defending against kebab. If they didn't save Europe in the Second Siege of Constantinople in 717 AD, Arabs would have taken Constantinople 700 odd years sooner than the it's eventual fall to the Turks and Europe would have been even more fucked and the average Europoor would look as swarthy as the Maltese do.

>implying defending Constantinople was a good thing
Constantinople was inhabited by levantine and caucasian subhumans for centuries before the turrks showed up. christian faith wont make you European all of a sudden. there was nothing worth preserving in Greece ever
>average Europoor would look as swarthy
if Byzantine emperi subject sandniggers were allowed to enter other European nations*

Does their king still possess the Sceptre of Ottokar?

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Greeks that were forcefully converted to islam. This and communism is why their identity is so fucked up.

Forgot to sage
OP is a roach with proxy btw not Albanian. Really makes you think.

>Greeks that were
How come modern Greeks are subhuman middle eastern roaches but Albanian Identity By Descent remained the same then?

>“Greeks” on the other hand deserve death for marrying armenians, turks and gypsies under orthodox blessing

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Albanians are the niggers and mexicans of europe. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE here and abroad hates them. Now they are trying to be relevant by wewuzing like the niggers they are like faggot OP but at they end of the day they are inbred drug smuggling fuckups.

>EVERYONE hates them
most people don't even know of Albanians. But Greeks being hellishly ugly mixedbreed roaches is a word on the streets of Europe

Everyone in europe that have experienced albanian niggetry know how scum albos really are.

This lol

I swear Greeks are no different than Turks, how much mix-bleeding happend?

Im not following this Albanian thing, but you Greeks really shouldn’t talk about ‘’whiteness’’, you’re not descendants of Alexander the great or Socrates, more of Ahmed and Abdullah.

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Israel doesn't recognize Kosovo... wat?

Just because they would need to accept palestine in other spectrums of life its other story

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Also Uganda Have twice the military budget of Albania the NATO member

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>more of Ahmed and Abdullah
Don't forget all the based christian friendly levantine peoples from the Middle East and Caucasus they descent from

We wuz kangz and shit nigga, first languange in Europe,look at our skin we are white, l-l-l-e-t l-l-et let me tell you about my grandma Skenderberg she had biggest sword in Roman Empire,They call us gypsies but Britts are Albanians, I dont know why history books lying but we practicaly ruled entire world. Ask any european men what ethnicity make most crime in his country, he definitely wont say Albanian

>They call us gypsies
what did he mean by this?


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Defenders of Weshtern Civilizajsion

I wonder what it's like to be the only country that got their asses kicked by Italy in WWII.

Look, a nigger. Seriously though, they are gypsy niggers.

albanians are subhumans

Based and Albanpilled

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Idk they have quite the reputation for stealing bikes/general niggerish behaviour here

fuck off, muzzie apes

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ww2 reparations when lorenzo?


I wonder who is behind this

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Can somebody post that creepy albanian image? It always filled me with a strange sense of dread.

Take your pick

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Roll for tyrone

hey you got it!


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Literally the most subhuman group in Europe. Get lost shiqpnigger

>the Albanian Bavarian LARPer is back

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hellooo nigger

The Kurds of Europe.
>Made pact with USA
>USA collapse

>Albanian is now known to have been the first language of Europe, before Latin

>Artificial language made in the 19th century in Austra-Hungary

i finally added a tripcode to stop you filthy faggots from stealing my username.

did you faggots stole it so you could fuck with me on purpose?

you are the true nigger here.


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Fuck the European Union

>albos are whiter than Serb-

uhh sweetie


Fucking kek'd
Did you get cucked by someone more worthless than a worm?
I am usually 1488 against them... With gypsies too.

we made greater Albania real...

also nice cherrypicking of gypsies and ashkalis serbshits, would return it if i had nothing better to do

>both whiter than albo

the serb looks like a literal turk while the albanian at least looks normal with a work tan

>literally brown skin
>n-normal t-tan
holy damage control

if you want to cherrypick i can do that on a larger scale

compare kosovar soldiers

with servian soldiers

which look brown to you?

Attached: albo couple.png (1146x768, 683K)

>posts a pic of greeks stealing bulgarian gypsy kid

the absolute state of servians

I have no idea why Albanian threads on Jow Forums get so many replies, it's so weird

anyways I'm Albanian. based and albanianpilled

Serbs are literally brown gypsies. I see a lot them here and Hamilton a city south of Toronto is filled with them but if you didn't know that than you'd assume it's another pajeet'd shithole. That's how brown and fucking ugly Serbs are. Pure gypsies.

How would you know they're Serbs?
Unless you're from the Balkans yourself, in which case you're most likely looking in a mirror.

When I see some of them in Toronto, they seem cool. Can't say the same for some other people, though.

>anyway, I'm Albanian
>US flag
Seems about right. Does any Albanian even live in Albania?

>Gypsy kid
You might wanna go back to fucking that goat, kid

They are actually gypsies if I remember correctly


she's an albino gypsy retard