Why everyone hates Romania? It's a nice & white country
Romanian question
(((Gypsies))) using free public internet
Eternal shitposters. I knew one Romanian guy in highschool and he was the biggest troll I've ever met. It's like trolling runs in their blood
only the hungarian parts are white and nice.
Hungarian parts should be Hungarian, of course. But even rest of Romania isnt that bad, people are quite nice
Svejk I...
Looks like a place Varg would enjoy.
Because there are a lot of gypsies
There are of course people who are very white, even whiter than modern northern italians or even swiss people, but many are gypsies
My granddad came from romania/moldavia and our family has blonde hair and blue eyes, and some light brown hair and brown eyes, but very pale
The most beautiful thing about romanians is that they have great eyes
Some of the natives, have hunter eyes, which look slightly asiatic, with a good angle, very attractive imo
we`re like the european version of australia,except with good internet
codreanu is a saint
Did someone order a Romanian?
krip is one of our finest spies
delet this before the CIA find out
My wifes parents are german (dad) and romanian (mom).
Huge tits, small waist little home maker... good gal
>always getting banned on Jow Forums for VPN/proxy exit node
Nice try gypo, we all know it's shit.
Starting a thread and letting the shills raid won't make it better.
>great eyes [..] hunter eyes
Yeah, in forests maybe, I cry very time the sun is slightly bright. I can't drive without glasses after a rain (the wet asphalt reflects the light)
But again I have Ruthenian ancestry so my eyes are grey
and what about your Pavelic?
Aussies are jelly because we shitpost better and longer than them.
at least this Pole gets it.
>My granddad came from romania
The absolute state of new “Austrians”
I went there last summer. Only saw three black people lol.
lol, if you had ruthenian ancestry your hair would be blond, you more likely have some hungarian roots from MARAMURESZ
your opinion matters to nobody
search cabral ibaka on the net, he's an afro-romanian
>My granddad came from romania/moldavia
what part of Romania? Transylvania, which was under Austrian rule, or some other part? since you mentioned Moldavia, that's a hint.
Then your ancestors are probably not Romanian. A lot of German Protestants settled in Romania during the 17th and 18th centuries.
those black "people" stole our flag!
they steal everything, even flags of eastern European countries.
Fucking poverty laptop.
>black people
This, it is literally fucking over. Ukrainian-Bozgor mutt btfo.
My grandmother speaks a form of Ukrainian, as almost the entire village in which my mother grew, in Bucovina btw
this one is clearly mixed with a gypsy
You must be Ashkenazi.
>chad blacked overtake
>gypsy virgin cope
I only see hate for Romania on Jow Forums. Outside of pol, not so much.
Also Romanian girls are hot, and seem pretty based.
Nobody hates us faggot everybody loves us and looks up to us We rule
no retard, ashkenazi from bukovina are all grey-eyed and blond haired, with somewhat aquiline nose but rarely. And they all fled from there due to communist regime in '50
Romanians are ethnically white and culturally german
Google "Fanny Steel" and check it out
i am not a gypsy, stop posting your shitty shoop!
Romanians = gypsy pickpocket cunts.
Enjoying your dual sim phone?
>I-I-I'm not a gypsy
sure you aren't gianni, how's in Sinaia? is the net working well there?
the two on the left look like a-rabs
what nonsense of a shitpost is this?
>Romanian girls are hot, and seem pretty based.
an example is Alexandra Maria Lara.
she played Traudl Junge in Downfall.
>I haploshit
no, goths prolly carried I1 nord type, the one you see in UA is I2b-dinaroshit albo-turk type
Also, the last speakers of Goth language were some turk tatars from crimeea in 1750s
she's german, not 100% romanian, and she looks french
Nah it wasn't me
Or was it...
my name is not gianni. fuck off, and never reply to me again.
Lmao did they had to scoop all of the Romania clean to find 3 dudes who look like russian alcoholics so you can feel white, yet they have 3 more dudes whit huge schnozes and brown bags under their eyes to balance it out.
>people who are called non-white on Jow Forums alliance
all of my keks
>deflecting when being caught samefagging
My oh my the Romanian dual digit IQ is true.
That's nothing, low lvl.
reminder, the first Jet plane was invented by a Romanian, Henri Coanda.
Yeah Romanian girls are so hot
Samefagging who you? Please fuck off back to your trap posting. I don't use gay shitty IPADS like you do, little fart fucker
>my name is not
then what is it?
>gispy sees romania thread
>flock like flies to shit
>thread literally shits itself
stop posting the same cherrypicked Hungarian propaganda used against us, you embarass us.
never reply to that faggot ever again.
You consider that nice you fucking southern retard?
Wrong! Those are the mercenaries of ANAF.
yes because of retards like those: and
I have the same IP at the same time on all of the devices genius. I don't bother with mobile net here.
Kek saw you posting about this in another thread, but no
Those look and dance like Hungarians
have some infographic about how we BTFO'd Bela the Red rat in 1919.
It is over.
and why do you say that to me? stop with your pasta.
Ivan....are you lost?
Why'd you pick on me at the first place, what are you accusing me of exactly? idiot
holy shit! this one looks like a British girl, but tanned
Yes, btw I'm from Bucovina
Btw Dobrogea>> Transylvania
Fă-ți o firmă în Estonia.
Ivan is mad we fought him in WW2.
fuck him, he stole Bessarabia and our treasure, and forced Bolshevism on us. death to all Gopnik scums for ruining Romania.
I believe in democracy I shit on everyone equally.
de ce imi spui asta? ma doare in cur de Estonia ta.
Im not sure, he died when i was born
I only heard that he fought for the germans in world war two and then had to walk to austria by foot from siberia because he was sent to the gulag
We have relatives in moldavia i think
My dads side was austrian, since like forever
Also because of the romanian eyes i talked about, pic related
I have seen many romanian girls that have the sames eyes as me, so i guess it occurs often in native romanian people
you look turanic, you also have asian mandible. Topkek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think u could pass as mexican mestizo
si mie de ma-ta stirba XD
That's hideous
and by Moldavia, it likely means Bukovina, a part of Moldavia that was part of the Austrian Empire.
good for your grandad, my grandma's uncle was a soldier who went MIA.
tigane borat, iesi afara :)))
im mewing way to hard
I like Romania (not roms) but it's a mixed bag that country
Mie mă doare de propaganda infantilă pe un site cretinist. Cum mai merge cu sarmalele la enoriașii din Iași? Primul partid fără șef unde toți membrii votează online și merge pe bază de proiecte. Aii de plm. Chiar se mai mănâncă rahatul de câine și în era post-Ceaușistă.
10/10 twink. Post feet :3
Nah I am just having fun. Tiny irrelevant nations playing pretend nationalism on basket weaving forums is something so hilarious.
Jesus Christ that skin
el e la sinaia acum nu la jassy
If you think that's a twink you are 10/10 fucked up in the head, GL with your shitty hohol life
You're that one shitskin muslim sympathizer shill thats stuck here, afraid to leave the house.
we will always thank you for General Berthelot and the Treaty of Trianon.
picrel, King Ferdinand and General Berthelot, a true moment of good relations between us. wish it would repeat again soon.
You don't look turanic only szekely bozgors look like that, your eyes are Asiatic tho
You could probably larp as Magyar/Turkic or whatever better than any Hungarian
Wrong, I shit on the muslims.
Hai că Borat e sephadic măcar eu îs din europa cât de cât se poate.
Whats wrong with thread about Romanians, who fought very bravely against red plague?
OFC i dont give a shit about mutt opinion but im just curious about this one
>you don't look turanic
>says he could prob larp as turk
check your statements again