Redpill me on this shithole

Redpill me on this shithole.

Never heard of it before they join the degenerate Macron army's.

Attached: estonia.png (520x363, 111K)

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why are you so useless holy shit

Just a smaller, less fortunate Finland.

Vanna Tallin is top tier tho

Pretty cool place. Also got my first kiss from qt Estonian girl on class trip.

Vana Tallinn, Juris

Eesti pois a pretty cool guy, bit slow tho

Latvia stole clay from them recently, eesti will realize in ~15 months

reddit Jow Forumseurope/comments/a8lmjg/a_disgruntled_latvian_excavator_operator_reclaims/

couldnt find a better link in the few minutes

It's actually legit not a shithole, very good infrastructure, internet everywhere, even I forests. Look up Old Town Tallinn, so beautiful.
I dated an eesti girl for a while.
Eesti is a cute, in every way