Redpill me on this shithole.
Never heard of it before they join the degenerate Macron army's.
Redpill me on this shithole.
Never heard of it before they join the degenerate Macron army's.
Other urls found in this thread:
why are you so useless holy shit
Just a smaller, less fortunate Finland.
Vanna Tallin is top tier tho
Pretty cool place. Also got my first kiss from qt Estonian girl on class trip.
Vana Tallinn, Juris
Eesti pois a pretty cool guy, bit slow tho
Latvia stole clay from them recently, eesti will realize in ~15 months
reddit Jow Forumseurope/comments/a8lmjg/a_disgruntled_latvian_excavator_operator_reclaims/
couldnt find a better link in the few minutes
It's actually legit not a shithole, very good infrastructure, internet everywhere, even I forests. Look up Old Town Tallinn, so beautiful.
I dated an eesti girl for a while.
Eesti is a cute, in every way