What is this?

What is this?
I'm obese if that helps.

Attached: 20181224_052404.jpg (2048x1152, 903K)

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a foot

Mmmmm oooo luvly foot bb.... post more

eczema or however you spell it. a lot of obeast people have it

You have foot cancer.


That food cut if off

That horn skin

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I'm no expert in anatomy but I think its a trotter.

Could be cellulitis. Is it itchy or hot? That shit spreads fast

Looks like retard foot syndrome

Why don’t you use your free healthcare to go the doctor?

This but unironically?
I want to have it checked but afraid of results. What do?

>dat crusty skin at the heel

Attached: disgust.jpg (500x600, 71K)


exercise? fast? less sugar?

If your blood vessels aren’t able to pump blood to your extremities due to sedentary lifestyle choices, it can lead to rupture of surface capillaries.


tl;dr congrats on being fat. You’ve unlocked an achievement. I’m also fat so I shouldn’t be talking.

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would you rather get called a fatass that's subjecting himself to unneeded medical risk, or lose your fucking foot altogether? Because those may be your only options right now, leaf.

Do it you retard

pre-amputation diabetes

Its clear whats happening. You havent washed your feet so the sole and the heel are cracking which allowed the bacteria to infest within your skin and attack your flesh, the bloodflow has allowed the bacteria to infect the rest of your foot.

If left untreated it will evolve into cancer. There's no other cure, you have to cut it off or it will spread to other parts of your body.


Can you go through the symptoms a bit more? Medfag here. It isn't really enough just looking at a picture.


if you don't have any other symptoms and it's just the rash, it looks like capillaritis.
however, if you feel sick or the rash is hot or painful, you should definitely see a doc.
it's not beetus

Your fucking heel... Buy a bottle of lotion, or a dozen nigger.

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Internal jews


My mema called them bunyons or corns

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Jesus this took off.

This is also on my calf of the name leg.
Doc said it was staph

Attached: 20181224_054503.jpg (2048x1152, 997K)

/b is all cuck tranny furry stuff. It died years ago

It looks like the start of stasis dermatitis
Buy compression socks

or even better, lose some weight you fat fuck

Sorry I'm so a phone fag. Nail me to the board boys.

Also the pics are coming upside down. Because.... phone fag

Chill Baines if it's been cold, or wait for the Gangrene to set it an have it amputated. You look Diabetic mate, see a Dr ASAP.

overconsumption of carbs causing a deficiency in fat soluble nutrients (by blocking proper absorption). first symptom is skin problems that look exactly like your picture. then diabeetis.

try ketogenic diet (extremely low carb low sugar high fat diet)

the more carbs (and sugar) you eat the more you block the proper absorption of nutrients you actually need.
remember, there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate.

Statis dermatitis
Compression socks
And lose weight.

Actually very helpful user. Thank you.

I did a reverse image search with your leg. Sorry I had to be the one to break the news to you

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you have diabetes faggot

Just go see a doctor.

Talking bout the fungus built into the callous you let sit on your heel, or the inflammation causing hives?

Only the shit on my calf flares up in the cold, but doc said it was staph...?

It is gangrene due to diabetes

Inflammation causing hives I guess?
The callous I just cut off every once in awhile.

just backing up my posts with this video evidence.

eczema buy cortizon 10 and vote justin out of office

if you are getting staph infections and shit you are definitely eating too much carbs and sugar. they feed the bacteria and fungus in your body.

You have Diabetes.
Have fun dying fat Duck. Merry Christmas. Dont eat sugar you fat fuck

You don't even know what he has so how can you say what he needs to eat or not eat?

because i know more than any of you

Also it's not related to diabetes, but you should still get it checked out. Many young people getting beetus these days, better treat it early.

Get a second opinion. If you're getting this shit I imagine at a young age, your future doesn't look too bright. You need to change your lifestyle, it'll kill ya.

For the callous, regularly use a pumice stone, also get some athlete's foot ointment in there.

The hives, we simply don't have enough information and can't given circumstances. Could be a thousand things. Go to a doc.

true but that's where this post belongs

Med fag here, mild case of leg aids, last time I saw a case this Mild was circa 96’ when a man and his wife came in and showed us the same rash on his big toe, I guess he inserted his big toe into her vagina not knowing she had aids. You kids are into some willy nilly things now and days. As long as you wrap your leg before sex you should have no prob
> pic related (top right happens if left untreated)

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Thanks guys, even the shit posters.
Really, you may have saved my life.

I'm gonna see a doc again this week.... ain't no staph.

>Doc said it was staph
yeah? how long has that been there for?
if that isn't something that just came on in the last few days it's probably stasis dermatitis then.
see whether it's staph or venous eczema/stasis dermatitis, you should definitely get your sugars, lipid profile, blood pressure checked by your doc.
all that shit about eating, exercising better that you've been putting off in your mind? well here's the line where it actually starts affecting your health. You keep aging with your current lifestyle and you are cutting off 20+ years of your lifespan.
Most of your shit can be fixed by cutting 80% of your carb intake. It's just willpower between you and cutting off the bottom third of pic related.

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Your skin is just dry, and you might have diabetes

Quality thread

>What is this?
it's disgusting

this isn't /b/

You're going to die leaf. Get everything in order

Purple shit on my calf, 3 years? 4 maybe.

Starting to see signs on my right leg. Very faint tho, not measurable like my picture.

are you some kind of fucking boomer

>socialised Canadian healthcare

Attached: ah smile.gif (720x404, 1.82M)

Wounds also take along time to heal. A month for this one scab already.

yo, this is what happens to your legs if the condition progresses fyi

Attached: ulcer.jpg (480x640, 49K)

You have a 70 year old foot, congratulations.

Wounds not healing are a sign of poor circulation. Get your shit in order. I have 80 year old patients in better health than you.

Your socks are too tight

>get up and move around
>6 times a day
>10 minutes a shot
>your fat ass diseases will go away

bro how much do you weigh? height?

A disgusting obese persons disgusting foot

>Your skin is just dry
do you realize that makes no sense? nothing is "just" anything it all has a cause. the cause can be known and fixed.


Diabetic complications probably. My father died of that this morning.
That’s how it started.
Also this isn’t a LARP.

literally just lose weight. it isn't even that hard. just stop eating carbs & sugar and it falls off on its own no exercise needed.

shitposters on Jow Forums always seem to be more accurate in diagnosing shit and giving good healthcare advice than their boomer GP can. i know there's even specialists lurking around these days. ironically it was a Canadian who called the correct diagnosis first.

>Wounds also take along time to heal.
diabetes 10000%

Go see a doctor and get fit, being fat is a choice.