Japan's population is about to be wiped out but at least women got to focus on their careers instead of having a long...

Japan's population is about to be wiped out but at least women got to focus on their careers instead of having a long term relationship.

Who knew giving women rights would result in the extermination of every affluent nation's population? Live and learn, I suppose.


>Japan suffered its biggest natural population decline ever this year, government statistics show.

>The fast-graying nation also posted a record-low birthrate, as the estimated number of babies born in 2018 dipped to 921,000 -- the lowest since records began in 1899 -- according to a report published Friday by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

>The number of newborns is estimated to have shrunk by 25,000 from 2017, and the figure remains under the 1 million mark for the third year running.

Attached: japanpop.png (580x290, 23K)

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Japan is full.
If you stack people in silos population reduction might be a blessing.
Ideally, they should take kamchatka some day and create more value on earth by blessing it with their presence.
Then they can breed again.

Welp, better hurry up an import some niggers or continental gooks to make it right

Attached: 1545562241935.png (377x259, 39K)

It's no big secret. Those who believe in overpopulation actively push it knowing what it does to the fertility rate of a country.

Attached: Empowering women reduces fertility rates.jpg (960x720, 97K)

>Japan is full.
Their rural areas are getting deserted though.

This is what happens when you’ve got millions of jap incel a playing video games all day long. Advancing Technology is cancer for reproduction rates

That's a good thing and the whole world should follow, specially China, India, Europa and Africa

I hate how simultaneously everything is a problem while the opposite is a problem too
>overpopulation! we can't handle so many people! we're running out of food and water!
>people aren't having babies! we should import people from the 3rd world since they're good at having babies!

>extermination of every affluent nation's population
Well, I guess the only solution is to move in a big block of impoverished people who's answer to a woman demanding rights is a bucket of acid to the face.

Are we catching up to them?

Attached: 1517703006766.jpg (1680x987, 317K)

Their economy never recovered.

Does it matter though if we can import 50 million brown people to replace them? Isn't money the most important thing in life?

Fuck the balance of life, I need more slaves so I can be more wealthier and greedy. Breed fuckers or I import more people

Japanese land isn't particularly fertile

Yeah "herbivore men" memes aside, pretty sure their main problem is the economy. Just like in the west. People can't afford to have families. Too many men are poor and can't even attract a mate to begin with. People are too busy and stressed to deal with a family on top of it too.

Population decline creates wealth.
And it's not your business filthy gaijin.

North America could send them infinite food if they would just behave themselves. They were supposed to become the Sixth Eye but they haven't been considered a reliable enough ally for now it seems.


I hope you're saving a lot for your retirement because at this rate we're all gonna have to be put down when we're too old to work.
An inverted age pyramid puts too much pressure on the young. Supporting the old becomes impossible.

Could this be some sort of behavioral sink due to the population living for the major part in few cities?

I don't believe these meme articles. Everywhere I go I'm seeing Japanese families with 2 kids or more. Heaps of Japanese women with newborn babies.

No, it's called giving women a job and having cities become where people get jobs because all jobs in rural areas are shitty - that is, centrality is the problem. These cities are overpopulated so they won't want to have a kid. But they can't go to a less populated area because that would mean their job is shitty or that they have to travel a billion years. Mice population Utopia - it all ties together.

Oh and they are almost all Japanese kids too, unlike Australia where it's mainly the imports having lots of kids.

Maybe those who don't have kids are at home doing nothing.

See no evil

My grandfather worked till 75 on land and died smiling in his garden. when he was 65 he took 50-100kg tree lumber on his shoulder without any problem. This modern society is pathetic how you need so much support.

>40 million on a tiny island
>Your own graph shows their population was lower a mere 100 years ago

Yeah ok cunt.

You idiot have you been outside of Kanto? Go to Kansai or Kyushu and you’ll see how much the population has deteriorated.

Japan is declining to normal sustainable levels for its mountainous island, but it will still be sad seeing a great people like the Japanese drop to 50 million in our lifetime. We need more people like the Japanese in this world, not less. 100 million+ Japanese gave us the 1980s potential superpower that ignited everyone's imagination, and allowed Westerners to dream a little longer about a hopeful future.


When Abenomics finally implodes their economy things will change

Attached: Let not a single one survive(Save and repost).jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

The generation of our grandfathers is the last one in which real men were formed.
Hard working men, strong af even in their 70s-80s and generally healthy after working their whole entire lifes.

40M for would put japan at about the same density as poland. additionally people who have kids today, their kids are having even more kids. I susspect that if we let evolution do its thing, we will arrive at a stable 2.1 birth rate. Even if we don't, there is no benefit to the current population to keep their rat nests full. The only reason I can came up with is the jewed retirement system, but umm sweatie just save up like I do.

You should lurk more. It all makes sense when you understand population replacement and who is pushing the overpopulation myth.

Japan is overpopulated. With tech advancement you don't need so many people, they just shouldn't be stupid as westerners and import millions of shitskins.