How do I cope with that fact that I will never ever have a girlfriend that will truly love me?
How do I cope with that fact that I will never ever have a girlfriend that will truly love me?
Get friends.
i cant, permaneet with no social interaction
Start playing an mmo.
Why do you need to cope with it?
By making it so that you actually do have a gf who trully loves you.
Realize that it's overrated. It's a lot of responsibility and there are risks you'll have to undertake. The costs including potential emotional and financial damage out weighs the emotional validation you receive from a woman. Companionship can be attained through other means.
How do you make it?
Go out and interact socially, dumbass.
realize that nobody has nor ever will.
What does that even mean? You go out and then what?
I’m sorry you had your heart broken so bad user. Take it from someone who once thought love was a lie, you can find true love but you have to be willing to take a hard look in the mirror and improve yourself and outlook on life
I don't know, strike up a conversation or something. Of course you aren't going to make any friends if you're barricaded in you room 24/7
I get your point user, but I'm socially retarded and don't have any idea what to do outside.
Women are incapable of loving men in the way you are expecting to be loved.
When you see relationships that you think exemplify this sort of love from women, it is merely an illusion people prop up to give themselves hope.
Bullshit. Stop telling lies to OP.
Stop the sadboi shit and talk to girls.
Look for things you like to do that other people also like to do (preferably things a bunch of people can do together) or start learning something new. Then go to a place where such people gather (a local gaming bar, a convention, sport section or any kind of class) and initiate a conversation or join an ongoing one. Your best bet would be to first learn about other people by showing interest in their opinions. Most people there are also looking for friends so don't be afraid of them and don't give up.
Start small.
If you live with family, start talking to them more.
Go to places where people are obligated to talk to you. Like home appliances stores etc. Even if you don't need stuff, just ask a random employee to recommend you a fridge or a tablet or whatever and then say that you'll be back in x days. At least you'll learn to ask questions and respond to people explaining things to you. People there will be outgoing so pay attention to their body language. If you're more comfortable with guys, pick a guy, if with girls - vice versa.
If that's too much for you then go to a hairdresser and make as much small talk as possible. Ask her about how long she's been in the business, make a joke about how it's time to drop the fur for the summer, exlpain in detail when she asks about desired hairstyle etc. There's also small bars, dinner places and such. Practice on stuff like that. Don't make any extra conversations, just ask for the service, maybe ask about what some dish is and thank afterwards.
You can go to a different city if possible so you don't fear about meeting those people ever again.
Start small op. And be aware that it'll take you 2-3 years before you're able to make friends.
You invest some time and effort into it. Search, online, IRL, better yourself in every aspect of your life to have more luck attracting girls, etc.
And just ask girls out.
By loving yourself.
You're never going to improve unless you make an effort to do so, my dude.
That's the most generic non-advice ever.
remember to be confidential
Smile more! Be yourself!
read peter jordanson and clean your broom
You make it sound so easy.
Look if your not chad or a woman most people do not what to talk to you.
>giving up without even making an attempt because THEY MIGHT TELL YOU TO GO AWAY!!!
Go outside and b urself bro xd is easy haha ;)
Do something worthwhile with your time.
Further your career. Learn some skills like languages, programming, wrench on cars etc. Take up a healthy hobby like running long distances, go to a gym and build up your body. There is so much endless crap to do in this life and you have the free choice.
Also this I'm 34 and I'm aware most people on this site are teenagers and manchildren, but this guy is right. This feeling of being 'incomplete' and longing for 'love' will fade away when you get older, regardless of whether you have a partner or not. Trust me on this. You may very well wake up one day in your late 30s and look at this woman you once adored and realize she soaked up all of your life, energy, money etc.
Stay single and build a good life until you're 30, then go from there.
>Stay single and build a good life until you're 30, then go from there.
but that doesn't help how I'll ever feel in the present. Do I really have suffer through this shitty life alone for 30 years just to get a small taste of happiness? Is it even worth it?
What I'm saying is: MAKE your life worthwhile until you're 30. You may not realize this or like it, but I guarantee you, you won't die of being loveless and you will live for a very fucking long time. What do you plan to do with all that time anyway? Sit there and sulk because you have no partner?
Let me tell you, I was once like you. Probably worse. I dreamed of having a gf every single day. I was so happy when a girl was friendly with me and smiled around me, because there were small shimmers of hope within that. Fact is that nobody gives a shit about you. Women are not magical creatures that heal the world by bringing love and children into it. They are the same species as that bum on a park bench or as that bitchy receptionist at your work place. Don't mistake a pretty face for an angel. It's just a mask that'll wear off with age.
>Is it even worth it?
That's for you to decide. There must be something you enjoy, right? Make that a focus of your life. Be productive. Earn money. Save it. Eat and live healthy. Aim for the long run of an adjusted life with realistic expectations and don't make women one of them. Go on vacations in far away places or whatever. Just LIVE and create happiness within yourself. Maybe get a puppy and raise it if you so desperately need physical confirmation.
Read The Game. Then start reading seduction advice, daygame and nightgame infields and start trying it out yourself. Get rejected a lot, get social and dont stop.
this isnt how it works
get a job with people your age
We are limited by our perception of things.
Love is very real, but you will only ever love what you think of someone, and never who they really are.
This goes both ways.
This is exactly how it works. This is how I found 90% of all my friends, most of women I was with and my wife.
Then start small to build confidence. Your having a conversation with people in this thread already so you've already started. Online you could do forums, live chat, then progress to video chat. In person start with short conversations, small talk with people you normally interact with like cashiers/tellers/drivers, they are always nice and friendly so that's super easy mode.