Even the French are making fun of you!
Yankees BTFO hard
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Is there anything cringier than aleaf that thinks he's French?
cool, have fun
It's really sad how badly you want us to care what you think.
wonder when we will see french retards surrending?
The Syrians are staying in France, and they're joking that the rifles they brought with them are good for shooting up theaters and nightclubs and newspaper offices and Christmas markets and...
the french are basically niggers and arabs at this point, lead by a handful of rothschild kikes in paris, so its no surprise at all
the whole "Syrian Civil war" has pretty much been about Yuropoor energy prices from the start, so it only makes sense that France would want to stay.
The US should get out and focus on its many problems at home.
>the french are staying in syria
as france turns into syria