The european vs jewish soul

Thousands of jewish bilionaires but the only ones that are bringing the space dream again are two europeans , i think is pretty revealing
Its the soul of european man what make the world progrees , while jews are looking for more people to slave we are looking at the horizon for more adventures to live
Thats what make the world progrees not a fearfull goblins so fearfull of their own strenght that need to slave and degrade everyone to secure their position , we dont need slaves they would be a burden to fly free in the first place

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Is the aryan soul what you are speking off

Actually OP the fact that we've handed over space programs to these hucksters is why progress has slowed down on this front.

Bezos? HAHAHA. He's a Cuban

Jewish people are ethnically European. They are one of the many ethnic groups in northeast Europe. The Israelis are mixed too.

The Europooan soul IS the jewish soul. Look at literally everything the "whitest" whites care about and it's identical to israel.

- Money
- Power
- Doing evil shit
- Ethnonationalism
- Militarism

Jews are outside of every European population, genetically you braindead idiot. They're genetically between Europe and the Levant.

Of course after the jew take over of the usa administration and their new priorities, now only some europeans at individuals level can make the world progress
Imagine if all the effort were redirected again and the european soul would ocupy his legitimate place in usa....

This guy on JFs show has a good concept with proto Jew cults

Attached: 79 stingray.jpg (1536x800, 247K)

No, he was adopted by cubans. The mans a gringo