It's Christmas

Be nice to each other, bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You should talk. Italy anons are mean as fuck.

Merry Christmas to you too OP.

i can never rest even today, with all the faggots bashing me, hope they die of Krakatoa for bullying me.

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It's Satanmass

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cant do it

I wish everyone a good Kwanzaa

merry christmas broman

Sorry about my brothers. Merry Christmas, user!

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays Jow Forums! May the rest of your year be great and the start of 2019 treat you all well!

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Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year without annyoing and spamming shills who steal usernames.

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tide and joy to all frens !

>observing kikeified Christcuckified holidays

Have a nice christmas, having dinner with my family in a minute

Christmas Song for all good goys

Nah, it's just the same Italian FAGGOT who shitposts here in every thread. Italians are cool overall. It's literally one guy representing them here that makes them look bad.

Eat shit and die potatos nigger

Merry Christmas fellow white man

>implying i’d fuck your mother with you sister’s (he) cock

go suck a big fasz geci

fuck you too ausfag

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fuck off dago

christ was a faggot

and so are you

Merry christmas italy bro. I respect your country and think its still pretty based.

i added a tripcode to stop you niggers from stealing my name ever again.

i should have done this from the beginning.

Attached: Pepe finger.png (396x378, 80K)

If you cannot be nice to your sworn enemies for at least one day then you are a savage subhuman that deserves to be exterminated. See as an example, he deserves to die.

Attached: awkey(1).png (217x190, 55K)

Tot imi sugi pula fraiere,
By the way, nice tripcode at the end: .hu that's literally hungarian net suffix HAHAHAHAHA

bag pola-n mota

Nah, you are just an easily triggered faggot, Italians just love to banter, no one knows it but we are way worse than Australians

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