The people destroying the West are God’s Chosen People

What did God mean by this?

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Kosher milk truk here

God said nothing, a bunch of kikes wrote that to avoid anuddah ancient shoah.

God never specified what they were chosen for.
I've always thought that they were chosen to fulfill the word by crucifing the Son.

People have it in their heads when they here choosen, it's a positive connotation.

Hear* and chosen*
Fuck you I'm phone posting.

(((They))) ceased being 'chosen' in early 1st Century AD.

>God’s Chosen People
The Chosen People of God are Christians, those who believe in Jesus Christ. God turned his back on the Jews when they refused to accept Jesus as the messiah.

>God said nothing
Saged veteran

Were chosen to root up & tear down!

it never actually said what they were chosen for.