Hypothetical scenario: If the pope today called for a crusade against all muslims around the globe as from the loss of...

Hypothetical scenario: If the pope today called for a crusade against all muslims around the globe as from the loss of Jerusalem, which countries that are still Christian would answer the call? More importantly; would YOU?

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The pope would never do such a thing. Even the original crusades were spurred by Templars in opposition to the faggy ecumenical church. The pope was forced to condone it to stay relevant.

Only if that crusade was only done by us europeans. And non whites shouldn´t be allowed.

I would kill mudslimes but I would also fight against christcucks. All religions should be killed. Atheist and gamers rise up!

>antichristian post
>id is Yahweh giver

None will. I would not cause I am coward.

Looks like you won't be joining the crusade then

My guess, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and maybe Ireland.

The Pope now openly calls for millions of muslims to be accepted into Europe and the US.

It's one of the reasons I am no longer Catholic and am edging closer to rejecting Christianity altogether.

The Pope will demand conversion to Islam before he calls for a Crusade.

I am not a christian but would answer the call.