Hinduism is the ultimate red pill

Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life. There are no codes,rules or laws short of the obvious that force Hindus to adhere to a strict code of conduct. It is an actual 'religion' of peace (unlike a certain other religion), which actually explains why Indians spent so much of their history being conquered by invaders.

Hinduism is extremely liberal, one can be an atheist (Nastik) and still count himself a Hindu. There are no rules and restrictions to one's way of life, and followers are encouraged to expand the boundaries of their imagination through the power of literacy and education, as is stressed upon by the Vedas (holy hindu books).

Hinduism stresses excellence in whatever field one chooses to pursue, and is ultimately geared towards dharma, a complex concept that is, in layman's terms, a personal code of conduct or a persons duty that is consistent with the core values of Hinduism (which is very liberal)

Hinduism is an ancient 'religion', and has been practiced for centuries. Unfortunately, towards the medieval ages, it morphed into an orthodox cult in order to profit an elitist section of society and firmly establish their superiority over the commoners, interestingly this is where Buddhism found its root. Buddhism was established in order to defy the corrupt practices of Hindu priests and practice a form of religion that was closer to the original idea of Hinduism.

Women were always considered equals in the original idea of Hinduism, there was no established patriarchy or matriarchy. Women were free to choose their own paths in life, and Hinduism is filled with many prominent goddesses,from the divine goddess of wealth and prosperity Lakshmi, to the feared warrior goddess Kali, vanquisher of evil.

A beautiful way of life that promotes and prioritizes the ultimate pursuit of truth as the core of its basis, what more could one want? Why hasn't Jow Forums accepted this fact and abandoned whatever form of paganism they currently practice?

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Aghori sadhu method ftw.


Aghori's are a fringe orthodox cult that practice an extremely minimalist way of life as proof of their devotion, they are harmless and feast on dead bodies, yet their way of life is in no way a representation to actual Hinduism

Hinduism is a fatalistic religion that has held back India for a millennia. You literally bathe in shit water because of this religion.

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Don’t you have to be Indian to be a Hindu?


A common misconception, the current form of Hinduism is unfortunately morphed to suit a buncha scam artists that masquerade as holy godmen.

Absolutely not, technically anybody that is peaceful,productive and dedicated to his job/education/any other field, is already a Hindu, even if he has not accepted it in his heart

Based and aryanpilled.

All multiracial societies should apply the Indian caste system (created by the aryans to separate themselves from the subhumans). Read the code of Manu for more information.

I have the rig veda which I plan on reading soon. If I read the other Veda, plus the mahabharata, where will I stand? I am not Indian in the slightest, but as a mythology and such, Hinduism seems like a step in the right direction


The caste system was established as means to segregate different people on the basis of their professions, like the academics,warriors and the tradesmen/merchants. The lowest caste was filled with degenerates that were a nuisance to society, unfortunately this system was abolished and one can see for themselves the severe repurcussions of this misinformed decision by examining the current state of India

>Hinduism is a fatalistic
In what sense?

You eat da cow poopoo. That is aghori.

You have already taken your first steps towards the absolute truth, but reading the holy texts is something Hindus do out of interest and devotion. If you subscribe to the ideals, that is the peaceful pursuit of truth and excellence in your chosen field, you are already a Hindu. you may continue to familiarize yourself with this beautiful religion through studying its epics and mythologies if that is your desire.

>the absolute truth
So what's the absolute truth?
Also answer this pls.

Hinduism is not fatalistic, as demonstrated by the concept of Karma which finds its roots in this religion. Every action yields the consequent fruits of its consequences, if everything was already predetermined such a concept would not exist.

The absolute truth refers to the freedom of one's soul from the constant cycle of death and rebirth. It is called 'Moksha' and can be attained through practicing the core ideals of Hinduism to its extent through various cycles

I think you misspelled Buddhism

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Cool. I’m down with the Bhagavad Gita and my dawg Sri Krishna

Ok, so GOD is not the absolute truth then, but the actual moment of moksha?

As I mentioned, Buddhism is a branch of Hinduism that sought to distance itself from the corrupt practices of the Hindu priests in the medieval era. If you research its ideals and that of Hinduism, you will find that they are practically synonymous. Buddhism simply would not exist without Hinduism

op is right better hindu than islam

There is no one GOD in Hinduism, it is a way of life therefore one doesnt require belief in its mythologies to attain Moksha which as you correctly stated, is the absolute truth

Everywhere should have a dog shrine.

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I think I'll go with the buddha teachings then, since it's more or less the same? It's because I find buddhism more reachable, since there are buddhist centers in here and temples and shiet.

Traditional Vedanta is fatalistic it says your life sucks because stuff you've done in past and you must pay off that debt.
Kārma means duty, work, action that cannot be avoided.
You went to astrologers and sages to cope with being born into a shitty cast or were forced into a bad marriage.
It was Buddhism that aimed towards a fluid concept of karma.
Advaīta took the path of "each life is a lesson". If you had karmā around money you were born rich, poor, self-made rich, rich that was born but lost all and lived life in misery, until you got fed up with the desire towards money completely and attained mokhsa on the subject then you moved on to the next topic.
Does anyone who post here know his shit at all?

Why are you Indians so stupid, while simultaneous being fairly intelligent. Hinduism is complete shit, and your country, which is literally swimming in poo is proof of it. You'd be better off with no religion whatsoever than with your garbage Hinduism.

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Buddhism is Jainism. But the Jains hated them so much they walk around naked so they can set themselves appart.
Very based and redpilled. Too bad you don't have winters at all.

Why do you think China turned atheist?

You are confusing dharma(duty) with Karma(consequences), you may find better information on Wikipedia. As far as I know, fatalistic means everything being predetermined, which is not true with respect to Hinduism. Again I am no scholar, just a simple follower trying to bring some enlightenment here

Is it good at generating shekels? Didn't think so.

Everyone says Asians are very down to earth and dismiss any philosophical bullshit, they consider it a stupidity. Not that they can't understand it, they can, but it's for inferior nations.


I'm not even anti-religion, and I've read a bit about the Hindu myths, and it's interesting, but obviously it's a shit, fatalistic religion that turns people into passive simpletons.

If Indians got rid of their disgusting religion, they'd resolve half of the problems in their country.

Dharma is calling, inspiration.
Karma is duty or task.
Kama is desire.

without hinduism, gautama would have no direction

>Women were always considered equals in the original idea of Hinduism, there was no established patriarchy or matriarchy.

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Hinduism degenerated into street shitting doctrine a thousand years ago.

how did europeans shit in 1800s?

Explain why its fatalistic?

In your mom

Again it is not so simple, there are multiple interpretations, but it most definitely is not work or deed(dharma) but instead the consequences of your actions, you can ascertain its meaning by the context of its usage in modern dialect

Pajeet if you want to fool some dumb western women to be molested by Yogis, Jow Forums is not the place.

barbaric niggers

Because you believe the suffering of this world is a condition that cannot be improved on. Nature is what it is, and you have to endure it, in the hope the next life will be better than this one.

This is a very alien concept for the western mind, which is accustomed to the notion of taming nature,and improving the human condition.

This is reflected on something as simple as the way you handle the dead. In the western world, the notion of throwing a body on the water, and just let it flow down the river is unthinkable.

So we constant forget who we are and repeat the cycle of rebirth an infinite amount of times? Is there a greater purpose to the lifetimes?

There is nothing more obnoxious than some manlet stinky indian thinking he is all enlightned for following his literal dogturd of a cult invented from weed and datura smoking. Then you look at india and see it's a literal pile of ugly, diseased and rotting fecal matter with tiny dicked autistic men and women raped for every dinner.

then they bring their psychopath guru in the west the act all high and mighty for fooling vegetarians and spinters

even debating this "religion" should warant you a sldgehammer to the face

These misconceptions what I seek to clear, Hinduism disposes off the dead through cremations, and the ashes can be a keepsake or can be deposited in the Ganges which is a holy river for hindus (I know what it is like now).

Again like I stated, Hinduism practiced today is a shadow of what it is supposed to be which can be summed up in my original post.

Everybody can attain Moksha by proving their worth through their practices of the original form of Hinduism, unfortunately it takes a large number of cycles because no mortal is completely free of sin, which is why some sages choose to completely give up on the material world and live a minimalistic life in the wild in pursuit of freedom

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the ultimate pill is not doing drugs, meditation, yoga, eating a vegetarian diet and raising human consciousness.

Hinduism is outdated but parts of the upanishads are relevant

Like I said, the political disasters of the greedy self serving elitists combined with the long history of enslavement(India has been free for less than a century) are the cause of its current state, No matter how dire the situation is, at this point the only way to go is up

Hinduism preaches moderation, the major Hindu God Shiva was known to 'hit the bong' in his secluded layer up in the Himalayas, there is no outright ban on anything other than the obviously depraved

Being a doctor or teacher is dharmic, it's fulfilling but calls for sacrifices since you rarely get rich.
Should you ever make it as a doctor that's your destiny, karma.
Having trust issues and not learning how people really are then ending up in a gang which gets you into prison is karmic.
But so is paying taxes or not karmic.
Dharma is a 100% choice.
Karma is 50% choice at best.

I would like to point out that India's vegetarian part has the highest amount of diabetes, obesity, heart disease. For the simple fact that they put so much fucking ghee in everything. It's boiled butterfat, as caloricaly dense as bacon.

I have no idea where you are getting your definition of Karma, in my household it has always been the consequences of your actions in life, your current result is the summation of all your actions (is that what you mean?), for example one may be born as something unsavory in his next life, but that is a result of the choices and the summation of his sins and good deeds in his previous life.

>the ultimate pill is not doing drugs, meditation, yoga, eating a vegetarian diet and raising human consciousness.

tell me if you know someone that did this ir how that worked for him
>b-but I read some shitty book about some yogi or some shit!!
indian propaganda does not count

Why do you choose to denounce an entire way of life when your squabble is clearly with the people that practice highly twisted versions of it?

>squabble is clearly with the people that practice highly twisted versions of it?
because that's what seeping around here, and a lot of people made a fetish from this mudskin savage religion, without knowing the harsh and sometimes evil reality that birthed this religion

and none of the above even help you in life, case in point how disgusting india is as a country
Yeah buddy sure go meditate under a tree while packs of feral subhumans organize in rape gangs around your jungle

So you choose to tarnish Hinduism because a pack of mongrels associate themselves with this religion even though they are as far from a proper Hindu as can be? That is like saying Christianity is satanic on account of that one priest who raped that kid, and is a a moronic way of thought?

India is the way it is because of the corrupt bureaucracy combined with centuries of enslavement, you clearly lack any information and yet you speak as if you know what you're talking about, in this day and age when information is at the tip of ones fingers, being ignorant is a choice and I can see you've made yours.

see vagene

Hinduism is:
-hugely organized on the basis of birth and not merit
-tons of fasting days, must give up meat [massive diertary restrictions leading to stunting]
The third point is important. To give you an idea of how bad this is India's stunting is relatively at par with Afghanistan and Pakistan, and lets not forget the latter two have been plagued by actual civil war. Around 35% of Indian children are stunted. And 31% of India is vegetarian.
Vegetarianism emerged in Hinduism as a response to Buddhism and Janism. "If you can preach peace, we can preach even more peace!". Vegetarianism was restricted to upper castes who had plenty of farms and food. But as India became poorer slowly over the course of Islamic plunder and ultimately the Raj, food production declined in comparison to population. This is why so many Indian children cannot attain growth despite there being economic growth.
-The caste system divided society for so long that lower castes joined Muslims and British against upper castes, as a way of revenge.
-Hinduism also prevents sea travel because of this obsession with race. Merchant castes are not Arya so they were permitted to travel. However, merchants were often illiterate. The Arya castes were literate but not allowed to travel because leaving the homeland was considered desertion and loss of racial status. What happened was despite having access to ships our literate people did not travel to gather knowledge from the rest of the world. It wasnt until a secular Muslim, Akbar that things like gunpowder, muskets, canons and printing press were introduced to India by inviting Europeans.

Fuck all religion. The Carvaka school was based.

anything coming from that cursed subcontinent, every idea seeping from it, is tainted with filth and weakness. Europeans and Americans can't let themselves fooled by curry-breathing liars and deceivers that could never take care of themselves properly

imagine being an indian and wanting to clean your side of the street for once. after 15 minutes someone literally takes a shit on it, but it's okay since "Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life" so if his way of life involves taking a shit on your porch nothing you can do about it
>There are no codes,rules or laws short of the obvious that force Hindus to adhere to a strict code of conduct.
exactly how savages act

>It is an actual 'religion' of peace (unlike a certain other religion
what if I want a religion of proper sanitation, roads and a religion of not easting from dead bodies or swimming in dead bodies

>Hinduism is extremely liberal, one can be an atheist (Nastik) and still count himself a Hindu.
so one can still be a retard but is still accepted in the higher retard clan

>There are no rules and restrictions to one's way of life
I wasn someone with no restriction to not rape your mom, she clearly got it wrong from birthing an obvnoxious know it all preacher thinking he is hot shit on Jow Forums because he believes in jungle fairy tales

>Hinduism stresses excellence in whatever field one chooses to pursue
but not proper body hygene, sanitation

>Hinduism is an ancient 'religion', and has been practiced for centuries.
with no good outcomes it seems!!

>Women were always considered equals in the original idea of Hinduism

>A beautiful way of life
brb moving to India RIGHT now

Pooey gooey poo in the looey
Rakesh got a boney
While looking at sruti
Too bad he had to shit
So he flicked around his dick
Coiled out a fit
And shat all over the floor

Rapey wapey
Too bad she got got hepatitis
Because rakesh no go wipey

Hoity toity
Rakesh got paraded
as a hero of the masses
because he taught another lesson
to a moronic perversion
who wronged pooloo culture

And so goes the tale
Of Rakesh the pajeet
Who rapes and plunders
Commits criminal acts of asunder
Helped by his fellow shitstains
So that they may uphold hindoooism

Sad it is my child
Do not fret
Do not cry
Rakesh is only one of many
Who is a filthy shitstain
Animalistic by nature
They truly only do it because
Their dicks spasm at the thought
Of human suffering
Excuse be culture
Excuse be religion
What a pooloo shitstain is,
Is a genetic criminal

So do not be frayed by their lies
Do not get caught up in their brawls,
There's no culture to animals
Who incite, rape and so much more

Fuck you shitskin animal. Poo in the fucking loo. We can all see through your lies here.

The only credit I will give Hinduism is that it was so socially restrictive that even when 90% of India was conquered by Islam, Hindus continued to remain Hindus, most of them. While Zoroastrians in Persia became Muslim, Buddhists in Afghanistan became Muslim, and Christians in Turkey became Muslim. But Hindus, for the most part remained Hindus. It's a stupid religion but at least its not Islam.

Reading Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra has cured my homosexuality.
And the Jaimini sutras made me realise I'm better of drinking my own piss too.
Doing puja at right gnathi has made me grow a second penis too.

based and redpilled

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>American calling anyone an animal
Now this is shitposting.


shiva smoking weed? kek

Thank you, my friend. I dislike the hate you Indians get, but you seem to take it well. I am interested in the vedic literature, at least as mythology. I am also interested in alternative outlooks on life, so I will continue exploring Hinduism, as well as other religions. Thanks

romania is the most irrelevant country.

> A shitstain struggling to come up with an actual response and ending up referencing a meme about himself

You're absolutely right. Since I'm actually talking to a shitstain pooinloo like yourself and I'm replying to a garbled attempt at promoting a literal religion of rape by someone who is typing with feces in their dna and fingers, I'm technically replying to a shitpost, so for all intents and purposes, this would be true, sadly there's one difference, you're lying while I'm dishing out absolute nuggets of truth you mangled poostain waste of space.


>literal religion of rape by someone who is typing with feces in their dna and fingers

However, Hinduism does not condemn sexual acts as sinful except those that are deemed deviant or socially unacceptable such as incest, rape, adultery, and unnatural sex.

In Hinduism, sex is divine. It is an obligatory duty because it is responsible for procreation and the orderly progression of creation. Without sex, there is no possibility of rebirth or liberation or continuation of God's eternal duties.

most irrelevant country in europe. No idea what its known for. Really irrelevant.

I know more about ukraine, bulgaria, etc than romania.

Romania is like armenia, no idea why those countries exist. Romania never gets into my head or intetests me in the slightest. Your women aren't top tier at all.

> In Hinduism, sex is divine

Gee you cracked it! So this is why rapes are so prevalent in India. It's because they use their culture as an excuse and tell themselves that henious acts of violence are just, "keeping with the traditions" and general criminal acts should happen because "that's how the way things should be".

This explains so much, this also explains why couples are murdered by mobs due to marrying just outside of their religion ( but of course not before all the men of the village have their way with the woman, because it would be improper with respect to their belifs if they didn't do so) as that is what shitstain culture truly is, a backward regressive joke.

bro ur so retarded
if sex isnt divine, humans wouldnt have sex u dumb nigger

no sex means no humans
no humans means no whites


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What the fuck are you on about? Are you okay user? It seems you got a few screws loose.

look at the rats all trying to profit from the fall of Christianity, one week it's new age, then gnosticism, then hinduism. Hinduism is complete superstitious pagan shit, look at how worthless and poor most poos are and you will understand how "great" the religion is. I hope they all get raped by muslims.

One sided stats. No mention of sample ( this thing could very easily be made up ) size or how they came to that conclusion, since rapes are more prevelant in Poondia, this figure, if it exists would be far worse for them.

Also what counts as sexual assault according to this survey? Do they also include incidents of sexual harassment? Then incidents like where my gay roommate who constantly tries to force his way into my bathroom when I'm in there or when women sexually harass men also count or is it all just physical acts of violence? Which gender is included or excluded? You cannot make real statements unless you bring actual and complete numbers from both sides.

Otherwise you're just throwing out infographs which make no sense.

>Then incidents like where my gay roommate
