Would you blow up the world Jow Forums?

If given the chance to end all of humanity with the pressing of a single button, would you do it Jow Forums?

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No, but if I had a button that ended only your life I would press it.

no because I'm not some edgy "humans are a cancer!" faggot

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>the eternal swede

Would you do it thoug Guido? I can say that I would.

yeah why not?

2edgy4me senpai

>I can say that I would.
Satan is messing with your soul, repent yourself before it's too late, son.

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Only weak mofos would. It’s the easy way out.
It’s hard to figure out life.
It’s hard to work everyday, raise a family, contribute to your community.
life is hard.
Killing people so your problems go away is easy.

>Would you blow up the world Jow Forums?
why the whole world tho? i only want to blow Israel

I would unironically rather blow up swedistan than pissrael at this point.

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i would blow up the faggots who stole my username earlier today, and the one faggot who kept attacking me recently in other threads now.

why the fuck won't he leave me alone? i fucking hate him, i can no longer post in a thread now without him shitting on me? i wan't to post on my own without him popping up LEAVE ME ALONE!

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Swedes were a mistake.


prolly. dunno for sure though.

give me a button to kill every non white person. I would not even think a second about it and press it. (Jews aren't white)

No one knows who you are, or cares. Imagine being this much of an attention seeking faggot.

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no i am not, was just pissed some faggot kept spamming me and stole my name.

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