Rumors have spread that I sexually assaulted someone and they are false. Now everywhere I go I recieve harassment. Even on social media. How in the fuck do I learn to cope with this?
Shitty situation
Do you have evidence suggesting otherwise? Like text messages?
show them the proofs to set them straight and tell them to either take it up with her or go fuck themselves
Alright.. so the incident happened when I was 14. I had kissed my 7 year old cousin, and this had been brought back as sexual abuse of some sort. I have since seen my cousin a few times and she's fine, she even brought up her interest in sex because it would "feel good" this was at a family gathering, and as soon as I was about to advise her why she shouldn't be worried about that shit at her age, her mother interrupted with "I see what's going on here, let's go" or something along those lines..
Come another family gathering, my Uncle treats me very strangely, and stands over me like a creep hunched over and wide eyed, simulating some fucking creep. Then comes my cousins mother who says hi, but the entire time is staring at me and my girlfriend with huge eyes, trying to intimidate me. Fast forward, in getting harrassed in my own neighborhood, and when I have to go to the store which requires me to pass by an elemtary school, my family at home is acting fucking weird, and I can get the vague gestures and references that they are giving me.. quite simply that kiss has turned into my hell. They must've notified the authorities, my community, etc. As people in there cars and on foot are clearly harassing me, in a way where I guess is like hang stalking. I'm not sure how I can cope with this shit. And it sounds bizarre, but please bare with me, they seriously are fucking stalking and harassing me, EVERY TIME I GO OUT.
Clearly there's a lot to this story but too many things have happen within this year starting from about September and to detail all of it would be too much. Im desperate to have someone believe, relate or have advice in a "gang stalking" like situation. The magnitude of this issue just may be too much to share but Jow Forums seems to be a bastion for people who have crazy shit to get help with.
Get out of town, user.
Even men who are found innocent beyond a reasonable doubt by a court are still fucked with heavily.
You won't even get that.
If you want a normal life, leave and tell NOBODY where you are going, as well as changing your legal name. You have to start fresh.
Is there a story of men only alleged to have done shit that are fucked with? Are there accounts you can detail?
I atleast want to know about others in my situation, as I didn't even go to court, rumors just spread, and I'm absolutely vilified by my community.
you're fucked basically, sorry but this is the best advice
Just kill your self in the living room very nonchalant and casually. Like "hey mom!" Then blow your fucking skull off with s sawed off shotty.
Or move out far away. DELET social media and never speak with your family again. Family sucks any way man.
I'm not even sure if I can believe you guys because my internet is constantly being monitored. The harassment is along the lines of killing myself, and never letting go of making my life hell, until yes, I move out, but I'm not. If you are one of those people, and if this is being read, fuck you. Die bitch. I'm not going anywhere and you can never TOUCH me. Disrespect my girlfriend and watch her fucking Instagram all you want, you are a system of vile degenerates wanting something to inflict pain upon, nothing more than parasites. I can not meet a single individual in my city who will even associate with me, and that's fine, keep spreading your filth.
Matter of fact, I flew to my home island, and even they are treating me no better, if anything, the gang stalking and monitoring my shit is WORSE. Wherever I go, I hope that I will find a space to be free, but as far as I can see, their lies along with harassment tactics has permeated every place I've known.
Over a fucking kiss. When we were BOTH CHILDREN. Come the time of my mothers wedding, I know nothing will change. This is an occasion where tons of family will be, and I know my cousins have given plenty of instruction to discreetly ostracize me like the rest of the communities. I'm not fucking going anywhere, any of these sacks of shit can come and test me.
Seek help. This seems to be schizophrenia-type mentality. I can believe your concerns and that you are being harassed, but it may have caused mental and psychological damage.
Right.. well of course it does. And you aren't the first to tell me, I've seen a therapist already, detailed my accounts, and I haven't been diagnosed with such a disease. If anything, that link detailing accused men's ruined lives explains it. To make me seem schizo is ideal.. who wouldn't want to ban together against an individual who "abused" a 7 y/o at 14? Without prosecution.. its "public prosecution" . I hope you can see where this is going, and as a man of the street, I've met drug dealers condemned by their community, and internet traffic monitored as well.. having it done to me makes me seem crazy, but they are there, in the ghettos of your city, except my "crime" has extended faaar past the ghetto, to almost anywhere I fucking go.
Let me reiterate to you that this isn't about drugs, so the scale of this harassment goes way beyond, even just as an alleged rumor. Why wouldn't I be pissed with these measures against me?
Personally, I believe that you either interpret this harassment or have creatwd a self-fulfilled destiny by acting paranoid such that others treat you differently.
I don't think that your therapist was working against you. I believe that he would only be trying to help. I don't think anyone could reasonably hold your mental statw against you, as it isn't your fault that you have it.
I can't help with your mental illness, but I still auggest that you leave your current environment. If there is real harassment, which I believe to some extent, then it is NOT helping you recover or cope.
Buy a fucking gun and open carry. End of story.
Well fuck it guess I'll just live with this. Thank you, and everyone who gave there 2 cents. I close with saying I certainly do suffer from depression as I have since a very young age, but not from delusions or paranoia. People, the u.s. is as human as it gets, and with the resources we have now.. things are very unpredictable, the rights you claim, are in a grey area. Take it from an individual who gets harassed everywhere he goes, and yes, the authorities are aware. Any internet activity is monitored and is used against me in this harassment I speak of, believe if you want or not. But don't forget. Please, dont. I live in a highly developed city, Philadelphia. Whether these tactics are practiced elsewhere I do not know, but I hope that you investigate more of claims of gangstalking, a term I fucking hate because it's stigma, so if that's still got you thinking this is bullshit, then at least know the capabilities of the community around you. People are a powerful force alone, and even greater when banded together. I hope none of you ever go through something like this, and know that despite being anonymous, I as an individual would never hurt a child, even with an age difference that I had at 14, I knew kissing her wasn't the best idea, but it was nothing more drastic, I'm not some sick fuck, as I'm being made out to be.
Nigga get a gun and chill out
He can't, dumbfuck.
He would have to find a private dealer or a licensed dealer willing to go to jail. He can't pass a background check.
OP, this is a bad idea. You shouldn't have a gun. I'm presented with the option to abuse your paranoia in order to prevent you from doing it, but I'm going to give it to you straight. Your head is not in the right place and you shouldn't have the ability to decide if you're able to defensively kill because you're unable to tell if it is necessary or not. I'm a big 2A guy, I conceal carry and own an assault weapon. I do not co lndone you getting a gun.
Alright so another thing, I'll probably do that, because like I said, my girlfriend is indirectly involved, I'd hate to have to use that shit but Idk how people are.
People in the Graff community got wind of this and shit hit the fan with pejorative shit towards my girlfriend that I started to peep on insta. I wouldn't fuck with anybody of they don't fuck with me so.. if they do I'm fucking shooting that bitch.
>I had kissed my 7 year old cousin, and this had been brought back as sexual abuse of some sort.
>of some sort
Oh yeah no I can see how feminazis would twist this around. It's totally okay to kiss your cousin who is half your age and also a child.
Gotta love all the MRAs coming out of the woodwork to unknowingly defend pedo incest.
Meaning if I'm in an immediate state of danger then I have a right.. sexual abuse of my girlfriend is one of those perjoritive things, not directly happening, but if done when im around, someone is not getting away with that, especially if I armed. Damnit I can't express to you how real this entire situation is, but now Im understanding how unique this situation , and how crazy it sounds. Any law abiding citizen would view my accounts of harassment and monitoring of internet traffic as pure bullshit, but you aren't living my life. I can't stress enough how real this shit is.
The only substance I partake in is marijuana and I've since stopped on my visit, as the dealers were not selling hard drugs, to clarify that as well.. this is just really upsetting knowing that people dont understand the crazy shit certain communities do.
Don't be a fucking fool, and this is what I was afraid of. I was a child as well at the time, kissing isn't a fucking incestuous that even borders and abuse or molestation, you have to get real. The fact that you can even muddy the details to that situation is something that already happen and if you're claiming any extreme shit like that over a kiss then I see why I'm in the situation im in. It was both out first times kissing. Fuck man. What else can I possibly say to clarify this was not abuse, nor anything beyond a damn kiss?
>your cousin
>half your age
What part of that seemed like a good idea. At 14 you're old enough to potentially be trialed as an adult.
Tell us more about the kiss.
Was it tongue? Or was it just a peck on the cheek?
I'm trying to help the man. It's gross, but it's a mistake and should have stayed in the past. This has nothing to do with MRAs.
If all he did was kiss her, nothing illegal was done. Gross, but not illegal.
The age of consent in my state is 16, not only was I still in 7th or 8th grade, but bad I been put to trial I wouldn't be an adult, but still considered a minor. Also.. again... consent over kissing? We both did. She was intelligent enough to understand what we were doing, and walked away completely fine, not forced into this whatsoever.
>She was intelligent enough to understand what we were doing, and walked away completely fine
Lol 7 years old and you groomed her into wanting sex with you because you fucked her up at that young of an age.
I'm honestly not even going to go there as we don't have to discuss what kind it was. It was a kiss that lasted a short duration, and yes, I felt weird during and after. She had showed interest and I accepted it. Fuck it wasn't even about the kiss it's the damn harassment that's bothering me. She's completely fine as I've seen her after the fact, so comfortable, to reiterate the fact that this was not forced, or that she felt victimized, that she brought up the topic of her interest in sex, when I believe she was in 6th fucking grade, during a family gathering, to which her damn mother STOPPED, And LEFT saying she "knee what was going on here" SO WHAT THE FUCK?
Die shithead.
Okay so Fuck the family bullshit.
Can anyone help me with harassment? Gangstalking?
Before I had a chance to make a statement, she must've overheard the subject matter. Honestly had I the chance, I wouldn't told her not to worry about shit like that. She got into some detail, but for real even at that age she should've known. I refuse to accept I groomed this behavior, as she had an incident with kissing before this I believe, with an autistic friend of the family. He was caught in the act, and dealt with, but for me, this was "revealed" after the fact. And I deal with harassment that I know for a fact stems from that incident.
God damnit Justin Trudeau you can't ask that on Jow Forums.
Pardon my autism but I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.
I wouldn't see how kissing your cousin would be a bad thing. A peck is just a family thing in a lot of countries/cultures. But making out would be a different thing.
Why can you not get your cousin to vouch for you that you have done nothing wrong?
Yes I agree. But psychosis can be induced by stress.
Look bro we fucking made out. Neither of us knew how to do it and abruptly put a fucking and to it but it happened okay. it was weird. both of us knew we were cousins, knew it was on some weird type shit okay? Fuck. Is she hurt? Did it hurt our relations? No. We are unscathed expect for a very vengeful parents and community has her back.
No I'm not retarded, but very sheltered. I was surrounded by women, and have knly had 2 cousins who care out autistic, and another who was just as sheltered and younger, so i never got to see him. I guess at this point im trying to prove my 14 y/o innocence on a website. Wow.
Let's not forget the fact that my harrassers will see this. Fuck it guess this is just ama schizo-autist who kissed his cousin.
For real NONE of you have help with harassment besides concealed carry.?
Btw no I'm not autistic.
All of this has been indirect, so if I approached it, I'm not sure what might ensue. This is extremely sensitive subject matter, so honestly, I'm very afraid if what might happen. Maybe I should be the first one to say something, but they seem content with turning people against me. I'm very afraid of this getting worse if i do.
>No I'm not retarded, but very sheltered.
>I guess at this point im trying to prove my 14 y/o innocence on a website
>Let's not forget the fact that my harrassers will see this. Fuck it guess this is just ama schizo-autist who kissed his cousin.
So, you ask for advice, and when you don't like what people have to say, you have an autistic meltdown and throw a pity party. My fucking kek.
Your family is probably against you for reasons unrelated, more due to your faggotry. Fuck off.
Let me type this clear and concisely.
My family (quite a few) is aware that 14 y/o me, kissed 7 y/o cuzzo. This is signified by odd behavior. Look, I always was odd, very quiet, awkward. Yeah I'm not all that popular to begin with in my family. But they gave me cues in to helping me understand that they know, and most likely, will never treat me the same.
Now, my community, which is very difficult to explain, is involved in this shit as well. Why? I get harassed almost everywhere I go. Just please take my word on this. So with that, along with having 0% privacy, I'm left in a situation where my family pretty much hates me, and 90% of the populace organize harassment on a very discreet level.
Over a kiss.
With my cousin.
No matter how unbelievable this shit sounds... please.
Besides leaving all of this shit behind, and getting a weapon to defend myself. What can I possibly do to combat this fucking nightmare that is conjured around my life?
Stop throwing pity parties for yourself. Instead of just bitching and whining that "Waaah I'm odd, awkward, and theyll never treat me the same" and being fucking condescending, fucking leave.
If you really think that you're alone, then skip town. You're on your own, buddy. You fucked up, and that's ok. We all fuck up. But you can't just be a nigger and whine on Jow Forums about it. Be a man and move on, live your life elsewhere.
If you're underage, wait till you can move out. Grow some balls and man the fuck up.
You sound schizophrenic. I know many of them. Get a new therapist, OP.
pic related, its OP in his current autistic state. Hopefully he will better himself in the future.
Alright fuck it.
How did I know you were gonna get all pissy again?
Leaving the town and moving on, or accepting the fact that the only legitimate threat in your life at the moment is you. Sure people may have a ill opinion about the fact that you engaged in a somewhat sexual act with your 7 year old cousin, but all you can do is be acceptant of where there stance on it currently is. All you can do is progress forward and make some attempt at bettering your life to the best degree you can, because dwelling on the subject or trying to change your familys mind are just two non-viable options. Also you should probably consult your therapist about the paranoia you seem to be exhibiting because I seriously fucking doubt your neighbors are 'monitoring' your internet.
Sorry not sorry OP, giess you shouldn't have committed the crime of being male in post-current year society
>the crime of being male
Read the thread next time.
Expose the bitch.
Take it to court if you can so its in public record even if you loose.
I would go further if you have proof and don't want to go to court, show her family what she's done.
They tend not to be able to attract any decent quality guys after false assault accusations.
It's just the world overcorrecting itself for centuries of shit women have had to deal with regards to rape. Men can handle a few casualties, you crybabies.