Guys my gf just had a conversation with a niggress at the store, is she basically a race traitor? I’ve redpilled her on everything except the Jews. Is this something to be mad about? I’m very disappointed in her. What do I do pol?
How fucked am I?
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>shill trolling on Jow Forums
>on christmas
now I feel bad for you
You need to sodomize the trollop. Toll MUST be paid..
lmao imagine being that insecure
>not seeing potential 3sum
What are ya guy? Also my headcannon is that it's a mixed niggress
Hell no, she was black as coal, and fat. I’m can’t understand why anyone would even interact with them. I’m I really that racist?
First you talk to them, then you think they are human, then you fuck them. Prove me wrong
I’ll just send her on a education trip to Africa, if she comes back intact I’ll marry her.
She's damaged goods, user. Practically a coal burner. Time to put her down.