Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Jow Forums

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Merry Christmas!

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Happy Holidays to non-practicing shitskins of Jow Forums

mary crismiss frens !!

Merry Christmas to you to frens.

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Merry Christmas you bastards

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merry Christmas

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It's the 24th still

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Merry christmas!

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gud jul, hyvää joulua, merry ch*istmas

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, Joyeux Noël, Frohe Weinachten, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale,Feliz Natal, Vrolijk kerstfeest, Crăciun fericit, Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia, God Jul, Veselé Vánoce to one and all.

1997 was 20 years ago

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, everybody! And you too, OP.

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The 24th is for celebration and christmas visits, the 25th is for resting with just your closest family

Merry Christmas to all of you faggots. I love you all.

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Funny, my family is the opposite.

Thanks frens

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Merry Christmas one and all!

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Merry Christmas friends!

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Happy Holidays Jow Forums

Happy hannukah you jew haters

Merry christmas frens