All you European-stock racists commenting on people of color need to understand the context of this reality: your...

All you European-stock racists commenting on people of color need to understand the context of this reality: your forefathers stole this land from indigenous native peoples and imported millions of moorish African slaves to build your country for free. Because of this, you have no right to complain or say anything about anything that happens to you from here on out. Sorry not sorry

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All Israeli posters are about to die.

europeans conquer it and built from and built it
you subhummans are not coming for the land but for the land we built
you have zero right to come here or enjoy the fruit of our sacrifice

get shoah'd faggot

And you have no right to complain if we do it again?

I am not Israeli you fucking anti semite whore

this is how usa was when we came ,you did nothing and you deserve nothing

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That santa hat fits perfectly.

They wouldn't if your people did not invite the third world to stay permanently.
>inb4 j00s
Who invited them, pray tell?

The Jewish slave owners and bankers

They didn't steal it, there was no law here nigger

M80, fuck all the way off. If they had the chance they would do the same. I’m so sick and tired of this ‘noble savage’ buyline, they had almost constant intertribal wars since they worked out you could make a pointy stick. Same with the Africans. Hell, the Africans caught slaves and gave land away for SHINY BEADS. More people died in the revolutionary war than ever took part in slavery and the main (((slave owners))) had long noses. Now take your freedom, turn it sideways and stick it up your lazy, riddled, crime-causing, bloodline-polluting, bike-stealing, watermelon addicted ass.

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No. The original US citizens, well aware of the history of the Jews, trusted even the first few not to repeat their shenanigans? Whites have nobody to blame but themselves; there was no invasion or infiltration. White politicians are advocating population replacement to keep Social Security afloat, and who votes for them? Plenty of whites to keep them in office.

you are only leechers that came when everything was already built and after we trasform this land with the sacrifice of our ancestors in the first superpower of the world.

you can call yourself what you want but you will never be a real american only a leecher that came to see the end of this once proud an beatifull country trasform in a literal dystopia

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so you sam that we should abandon all moral arguments and just act selfishly again, try to just conquer and strenghter our race without sonsideration for others, like other races do now and like we used to - because we have no moral right to this land?
interesting idea. i will considerit.

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all the hard work and sacrifice to end like this......

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