Imagine you are walking through the mountains of Morocco, armed with a rifle. You come upon a tent where three men are raping two white girls, and threatening to behead them. What do you do?
> hardmode: you are armed only with a large knife
Imagine you are walking through the mountains of Morocco, armed with a rifle. You come upon a tent where three men are raping two white girls, and threatening to behead them. What do you do?
> hardmode: you are armed only with a large knife
are they armed? what kind of rifle to i have?
Hose them all.
Hose them again.
Go home, smoke weed, watch anime, and shitpost on Jow Forums.
Mission accomplished.
Let God sort them out
Congratulate them for patrolling those thots
If I have a gun and they only have knives the answer is obvious. If I only have a knife, I probably wouldn’t intervene because I’d be outnumbered and don’t want my beheading broadcasted to the world
I would notice from afar, scout them with the scope of my rifle, see what was going on, then turn around and carry on with my life because it’s not my fucking problem what happens to some dumb whores in some African mountains.
Kill the thots and rape the muslims, or was it the other way?
You have to do it regardless otherwise you will live the rest of your life in shame.
Shame is a social construct