Merry christmas jazz

I think we all need to realize that some of us are more fortunate than others this christmas, especially during such heated political climates.

Some of us are circumcised, some of us are not, and some of us have had are weiners completely removed,

Be thankful for what you have /pol.

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Only whites look good in drag, this brown inca tranny is fucking disgusting.

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Has anyone heard from that thing since they cut its dick off? Did she an hero, or is she just busy dilating her open wound and crying?

Degens will be thrown off the roof

I legit dont understand this,imagine having a open wound between your legs knowing you are going to live like that forever. How can you even live with yourself.

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Look at the pain in his eyes. The forced smile.
Deep down he knows all this is wrong. He knows his parents tricked him and now he can't be with men or women.

>Sooner or later he's gonna snap and put his parents in a freezer.

i would destroy his little butthole

he went through with it? that is sad. his parents and the doctors deserve the death penalty.

gutter, kys

cant be with men or women

Marry christmas jazz you beautiful young lady xoxo

I'm thankful i don't have a mental illness that makes me want to cut off my dick

>and now he can't be man or woman.

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I've seen all your repeated hateful messages. Instead of wasting your time hating on transgender people and trolling, why not be a more productive citizen instead?

Everybody has the right to do what they want with their bodies and their lives. You have no business going around telling people how they can live and what they can do with their bodies. Stop obsessing with people doing stuff you don't like to their bodies and move on!

> I've seen
no one cares about you

His parents are Jewish and he is adopted.

sounds like the right thing happened all around

>Everybody has the right to do what they want with their bodies and their lives
Absolutely faggot commie shill, this is America you can do damn near any dumb thing you wish. If you want to chop off your dick that's fine, go right ahead. I'm also free to laugh at and ridicule your stupid ass for being a deranged cock chopping mentally ill turbo faggot.

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